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Thursday, March 1, 2012

All sorts of NEFARIOUS activities going at Hunters' Point Shipyard, the near by PIERS, and Dog Patch..

First and foremost let us get something straight about jurisdiction at Hunters Point Naval Shipyard.

Accept for Parcel A the rest of the Shipyard comes under the jurisdiction of the United States Navy. 

I repeat the United States Navy - no other entity has jurisdiction.

The SF Police Department rented a large warehouse next to the worst possible Parcel - Parcel E2 at Hunters Point Naval Shipyard from the now defunct SF Redevelopment Agency.

Parcel E2 was so toxic that it together with the other parcels close by on Hunters Point Naval Shipyard were put on the Superfund List.

Only the worse of the worst parcels or contaminated sites are put on the Superfund List.

For years, to save money and rent - the SF Police Department had their laboratory at Hunters Point Naval Shipyard and many of the SWAT activities.

The SF Police Department personnel working in this area - all these years - were put in harms away.

Some one must bear responsibility for this - and many in the Command Group that are now today - know that I brought this issue up again and again.

After the SF Police Department debacle linked to the lab - the SF Police Department (SFPD) moved away.

In the mean time hundreds of innocent SFPD policemen and women were exposed to radiological elements and the contaminants.

I spoke about this at many SFPD Commission meetings to NO avail - and know of SFPD personnel coming down with cancer of all types.

For years all sorts of nefarious activities have been going on at the Hunters Point Naval Shipyard.

Most famous the dubious and illegal activities of AAA Shipyard  - who rented a large area - and dumped all sorts of contaminated material - all over the Shipyard - that was already contaminated.

AAA Shipyard was taken to court and fined.

For years many City agencies have been going into the buildings - and stealing stuff - worth thousands of dollars.

Lathe machines - one of a kind that the U.S. Navy left.

Other material like wood, metal, furniture - hundreds of people know that - but, this City tries to make some headlines - when three small "thugs" were caught - on some jurisdiction that those that caught them - did not really have true jurisdiction.

At Pier 80 - I reported that Larry Ellison from Oracle has rented the entire pier and established his operation - and that operation should come - complete with security - which technically is on SF Port Property.

The operation is involved with the America's Cup. His catamarans worth millions are fine tune there - as he practices with his two catamarans - on our Bay.

While the entire world knows about the bad state of affairs of the many Piers like Piers 30/32 on the waterfront.

In past years Pier 98 has now fallen into the Bay, land filled mostly with contaminants; tires, rubbish, asbestos laden construction material, other more recent house rubbish, left over paint, furniture - to become Heron Head Park.

That is was the SF Port Authority has declared a contaminated site as a Park - and named it Heron's Head - because that is the configuration of the land at Pier 98.

Pier 96 has parts of it falling into the Bay. One site on Pier 96   that belongs to Henson - sand has been stored in the thousands of tons - stolen sand from illegal mining.

The SF Port Authority knows about it, the State of California has fined the entity Henson's Sand and Aggregate. So, truly speaking big "thugs" have been operating on Pier 96 for years and elsewhere for a long, long time.

Let us not forget when the Freeway came tumbling down and Willie L. Brown Jr. gave Thomas Chasm the sole right to tear down the freeway and with it some sort of half-legal right to store the rubble - on Pier 94.

The SF Port Authority was taken for a mean ride by Thomas and did not recover its rent - linked to this dubious deal.

The SF Port Authority lost thousands of dollars - more when it went to court. The SF Port Authority has more that I will reveal.

At Pier 92 there was toxic soil - over 24,000 tons - of lead, mercury, PCB, and the worst contaminants were brought and piled at Pier 92.

Some of us including myself brought this to the attention of Norman Riley from the Department of Toxic and Substances Controls (DTSC) - who ordered the SF Port Authority to clean the mess up. The SF Port Authority had the mess cleaned up for under a million dollars.

The paradox some SF City Department joined in the deal and made money.

And even though I was offered some reward - I did not accept any money from the Department of Toxic and Substances Control. The reason was simple - homeless people slept in and around Pier 92 and died. I  did not want any blood money.

Dogs that roamed the area - died.

People know about this - but many have forgotten.

Today, there is new cement and concrete operation run by CEMEX. But, that was one of the worst contaminated site of all the SF Port Authority sites.

Here is a quote from Carol Bach from the SF Port Authority - the woman still works for the SF Port Authority " I would allow my children to play in that area" - referring to Pier 92 - I do not know what this woman was thinking when she made that statement.

Pier 98 also known as Heron Head Park is very contaminated. The Hunter's Point Power Plant was there for over 60 years - daily spewing lead, mercury, and very dangerous particulates that landed in the Bay close by and washed on the shores of Heron Head Park and of course naturally because of its proximity - on Heron Head Park - itself.

Closer to Pier 94 and on the border of Pier 96 - a worker was using some heavy equipment in the early 2000 - and struck methane gas and the area got of fire. Lucky no one got hurt - but the area is a landfill, prone to liquefaction and severe flooding.

It also used to be an area where folks dumped all sorts of rubbish, tires, used paint, old furniture, chrome residue, contaminated building material, PCBs, you name it.

The entire Pier 92, 94, and 96 was contaminated - that is before some large entities came and rented the area from the SF Port Authortity and started operating their businesses.

All the rent goes to the SF Port Authority - but very little is put back to maintain the Piers and the land closer to the Bayview.

On Islais Creek right where a narrow bridge has been built there was the Muwekma Park and Sanctuary. Right, stark middle of this Park and Sanctuary - the SFPUC Main Force gave in - filling the area with secondary effluents - also known as treated sewage. What a mess.

This Force Main goes under Pier 80 and some hundreds of feet into the Bay - spewing millions of secondary effluents in the Bay - and Compromising the health of the Bay and all life.

The City must follow the Precautionary Principle.

There is a lot of nonsense going on in this area - adversely affecting all life. Few know about this - only those that are educated on issues keep tabs.

How did the Main Force get compromised? The SF County Transportation Authority, SFPUC, Catelus Corporation, the SF Port Authority - other idiots - all agreed to dig three tunnels, three conduits under the Force Main.

There was NO soil testing done of the site.

The low bid was given to some company from the East Coast.

I reported this to the Controller Office and about how the Main Force Pipe carrying millions of gallons of secondary effluents was compromised.

To this day - I have not heard from the Controller's Office. Some woman sat down with me and took a lengthy report.That is how our SF City works - covers the truth.

There are still reports that I wrote about the compromised Main Force that can be  found on the Internet. To repair this Force Main cost millions - and it still can be be compromised.

On Third Street close 18th Street is a large MUNI facility where MUNI buses go for maintenance and to store their buses. Some years ago over 100,000 gallons of diesel leaked and spilled and compromised the watershed.

A few months later the same thing happened but this time the spill was not so large.  Why?

The spill was so bad that slicks of diesel could be seen at near by Islais Creek.

MUNI was fined a little - but this area by Dog Patch is very contaminated.

The Mirant Plant that now is no longer in operation has contaminated the area around Dog Patch. Two huge ammonia spills that the U.S. Navy was responsible for more contamination of the existing watershed. The folks like Joe Boss, Dennis Herrera our City Attorney and others really who live in Dog Patch  - do not know about these pertinent issues.

Millions of tons of coal tar once brought in as coal to fuel the Power Plants lies in concrete bunkers -  that should be abated by Pacific Gas and Electric. Our City is silent and goes with the flow. What is the Mayor doing about this - now that Mirant is closed and Developers are being told - this site is ready for development. Is it?

Daily dangerous contaminants are seeping into the Bay and the watershed. And these folks want to build a Hotel and other money making ventures to put Dog Patch on the map. Good Luck with your dirty, dubious - plan.

The entire Southeast Sector is the last frontier. While attempts could have been made to first mitigate and abate this area  - little is being done.

The focus is down town and the rich neighborhoods. The Southeast Sector is where the sewer is sent, the rubbish is sent, the toxic and contaminating industries are operating. The fats cats like this - but, not for long.

Our focus should be on those that steal thousands and millions. The thugs that operate big business and steal from those that they prey upon. We have them in the thousands in the Southeast Sector - but our City does not have the ability to discern, less to enforce - because the idiots are not educated on issues.

The laws and ordinances enacted are not enforced. All some want are headlines - headlines that mean nothing - they real issue as I have stated when in come of Education, Housing and Safety this City is in a mess. Lots of hot air and no walk.

Lennar should not have been in this area contaminating - but it was. City Tow should not have been in this area but is was too. AAA Ship Repair should not have been in this area - we  know for sure it was and fined for polluting. Henson should not have been in this area - Sacramento has a rap sheet on Henson. MUNI polluting the watershed should not be tolerated but it still does on.

A brand new bridge was built costing over $30 million. Only to be built so narrow that two vehicles going in different directions have to slow down, and barely make it - go figure!

The SF Port Authority was in charge. Charged near by business over $100,000 each to build this bridge that is a joke and cost over $30 million. Go figure.

The Piers by Pier 92, 96 have long been falling into the Bay - this was an area that brought millions of dollars of revenue to the City in its hay day - but, today is left in disrepair.

Here millions of tons of grain were stored to be distributed and exported world wide - the tall grain silos still stare at you and people wonder what are those tall concrete silos for. Now you know.

It was here that the famous Butcher's Town once made its abode - where live cattle abounded.

It as here where the waters of Islais Creek was often seen blooded - from the blood of the cattle slain.

Where herring abounded and near by fish canaries were found. All that has gone but not forgotten.

I spent some time on Islais Creek by the Muwekma Park and Sanctuary and have been monitoring the area diligently - there is more to reported - this is just the tip of the iceberg.

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