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Tuesday, June 30, 2020


San Francisco heads of departments, the Mayor - find great solace in receiving huge salaries - all those making over $200,000 a year - should have their salaries - cut by fifty percent.

For sure those that make $400,000 a year - do nothing - they should be ashamed of themselves. Special contract - and pay to play at that - these fools are crossing the line.

Everyone must know that thousands are suffering in San Francisco. What is it - not to know? One can feel the suffering in the air. How cold can those in power get?

Time to rock the boat.

The SF heads of departments - are busy at Moscone Center East - creating Blue Prints - that have not been planned well with sound " needs assessment " - linked to pertinent and critical issues. 

These Blue Prints keep the huge salaries coming -  to so called essential workers - not all but those who do not have the best interests on San  Franciscans.

All the while hoodwinking the tax payers - more those who have been laid off - and others who are victims of the NOVEL COVID-19 pandemic.

It is amazing - even as the pandemic surrounds us - peaking here and there in San Francisco - segments of the SF population - most needing help - are left to fend for themselves. 

Four long months have passed - and for all the talk - the process on vital issues is moving as a snail's pace. Testing, help for our 
Elders, childcare for infants and children, youth and young adults.

The virtual conferences with Maria Su from the Mayor's Office of Children, Youth and Families and Director of Recreation and Park -  Phil Gingsburg - with London Breed. 

The Mayor talking nonsense and the two lackeys - agreeing to all the Mayor says.

During the coming summer - we need to serve the most vulnerable among the infants, the children, youth, young adults, our Seniors, those with compromised health - more our physically and mentally challenged.

The SF City Heads must serve the most vulnerable - more with wrap around services - anything less - is hog wash.

The Bay Area too has seen many peaks - and in dealing with this pandemic - we must have a Regional Plan.  So far there is only talk about a Regional Plan - the plan in not posted for all to see. A recent plan not one that was posted months - ago. 

San Francisco keeps hoodwinking us - the Mayor London Breed barking up the wrong tree - do this and do that.

While London Breed is busy cutting ribbons in North Beach - visiting the SF Z00 - she could have stayed there for weeks and learned something from the surroundings.

In San Francisco - we are in dire straits.

For sure we now have a raging pandemic - and the politicians are busy having virtual conferences.

This virtual conferences are a JOKE - more the SF Board of Supervisors (BOS) meetings held on Tuesdays.

At these SF BOS meeting - after the first few minutes of deliberation - we should have Public Comment - more for those who speak English. We advocates are fed up waiting four, five, six hours - listening to nonsense.

Then after Roll Call you can accommodate those who want translators - and want to speak in some other language be in Russian, Italian, German, whatever - who ever has plans to divert our minds.

During this pandemic it is imperative that issues linked to the Pandemic be addressed and resolved. Small businesses hurting, most families have NO money - because they lost their jobs.

Infants, children, youth, and young adult, Elders hurting - No wrap around services.

This is NOT the time to change the Charter and make amendments - we cannot see those determined to introduce Charter Amendments - face to face - and using Virtual Meetings - is not the way to go. In fact it goes against the Brown Act and plain fairness. 

All these virtual meetings - on issues that make interest a few - do not interests the majority who are dealing with this current pandemic that will last for at least 3 years.

Corrupt and selfish SF Heads of Departments -  others lackeys who have hidden agendas.

Figuring out - how to open businesses - out doors - with plans linked to entertainment - that only the deranged would be engaged with.

Entertainment does not go well with a raging pandemic - especially when you have morons who do not wear a mask -
and thousands are not tested with Covid-19  - thousands more admitted in hospitals all over California.

San Francisco having its share of the problems - linked to Novel Covid-19 pandemic.

Added to that people are dying and soon our hospitals will have hundreds and may be thousands -  may be for the first time - the political buffoons - will realize what really is happening.

We the people - stayed at home - we the people used our own resources - we the people did what we do well - because we love San Francisco. 

The Mayor London Breed and her lackeys are just tools - we do not take orders from them - because frankly speaking - they have no standards the likes of Dr Grant Colfax and others - no morals, and absolutely NO - ethics. Most of them amoral.

In all the press conference - there is NO word about being humble, being spiritual - praying - this pandemic has brought us - more this City and County of San Francisco - to our keens.

SF political leaders still thumb their noses - and think in their arrogance can hoodwinking us all. This will not happen. You will fall FLAT on your faces - keep your arrogance to yourselves - more you politicians who are corrupt - and evil. 

Thousands of San Franciscans are asymptomatic.

Over 300,000 asymptomatic and spread the virus/

As much as there is talk about " contact tracing " - the work done so far - after all these month - has covered less than 3% of the general population.

We have a population of 850,000  in San Francisco. It increase during the day - to thousands more.

OurElder population - has NOT received the needed help - testing, nutrition, and wrap around services. Many are becoming suicidal and many having very serious issues - depondency.

These virtual conferences - may provide some drab information - as with the many meetings - held by the SF Planning Department - creating many more appeals - appeals sent to the SF Board of Supervisors.

The same holds good when it comes to  the SF Budget Committee,  The SF Rules Committee, the SF County Transportation Authority Commission - other such committee meetings - giving little input from the tax payer and constituents of  San Francisco. 

The many committee meetings - many leading to changes and amendments - to the SF Charter - a subject that we cannot take lightly. 

We have elements - making the changes - so that they can introduce nefarious elements - one person in particular - who is know to take money from a Rogue Developer - and position himself to make all  sorts of changes - to position himself - to earn money and favors - linked to housing, project development, police reform, changes with the Sheriff Department - and all this from a jail bird - who has not reformed himself.

In short most of the " virtual meetings" - most meeting held in the virtual format - does not meet the Brown Act mandates.

Do not fulfill the true, just, fair  and practical elements - required linked to accountability and transparency. 

The Brown Act is not followed and soon this one factor and decisions taken - hoodwinking the public - will come to light.

Virtual conferences do not fulfill the mandates laid in the Brown Act - as I mentioned, above. 

A  few astute have said this - but the crooks pretend they are not listening - corruption has reached - saturation point.

The  politicians know this - and have been making hay while the sun in shinning. Hoodwinking the public in broad daylight.

Talking too much - and giving the tax payers at public comment - a measly two minutes. 

Millions of dollars rubber stamped - millions wasted - and all this and more - while thousands go to bed hungry, have NO jobs, daily facing trials and tribulation.

Thousands on the street - many living in tents.

There was a court case and the City and County of San Francisco - initiated by Hasting Law College, some small businesses, some advocates - forcing the City and County of San Francisco -  to find housing - there are thousands of empty hotel rooms.

The City and County of San Francisco - was mandated to find housing - the process has been slow - nothing much has changed - there are other hot spots - hundreds of folks - sleeping in tents, the surrounding filthy - selling drugs - and the entire area - filthy and stinking to high heaven.

Needles, feces, urine stench - all sorts of garbage - no one cleaning the areas - you have this in the Mission, South of Market area, by the CalTran Station - other areas too many to name - one of them right in front of  SF City Hall. 

There are thousands of hotel rooms - empty - that can be occupied. Some leased by the City and County of San Francisco and others by the State of California.

Rooms leased at $80 a day -  by the City and County of San Francisco - many rooms left empty - because those lackeys in charge - have NO blue print in place - and less expert - personnel in the know to deal with the situation at hand.

Right now the Federal Bureau of Investigation has been very busy - making their rounds - visiting heads of SF City Departments -  gathering information - trying to stem the saturation of abject corruption in San Francisco. 

Many have been being interviewed.

Many of the crooks to save their skin - are spilling the beans - to a save there assess..

At last the crooks who had a field day the likes of Juliet Ellis and Dwayne Jones - are sweating - they will be singing the blues.

The cockroaches are in hiding - not for long.

The roaches can run but they cannot hide for long. 

There are huge flood lights - ready to get them - as soon as the come out - from under the dirty, stinky - rug.

There is a long list of crooks - heads of SF City Departments - who are sweating.

These heads of SF City departments   -  cannot get sound sleep - for sure not a wink.

They  walk around angry and constipated.

When  you talk to them - they know that they have too much to hide - and that the FBI - knows too much too.

These crooks do not know what to do. 

They were warned - walk to the FBI and speak the truth - but they chose not to - and so now - their time is up. 

Many are spilling beans - when 5 corrupt spill beans - 25 or more crooks fall into the trap.

When  25 sordid crooks spill beans - 250 crooks are exposed - fall into the trap.

The San Francisco unit - Federal Bureau of Investigation is having a field day.

The SF City Attorney had chosen not to go after the Bigger Crooks - the SF City Administrator, the SF Mayor, and some other heads of SF Departments - but right now it is too late.

You jerks with intent chose to play with fire - and now that you caught.

Caught with your nicks and pants down and your hand in the cookie jar.

You all - will join others - and have a nice long vacation - in jail.

Your day is coming - again and again the clarion call was sounded - and you did not pay heed. Today you have only yourself to blame. 

For too long - have we the tax payers - tolerated the utter nonsense.

San Francisco is known for its racism, utter and abject corruption,  disregard to serve those that most need help - our poor and indigent.

The increase in homelessness in San Francisco must be addressed on a War Footing. Daily it is getting from bad to worse.

We now have information about the G4 Swine Flu - detected and analyzed -  known to the Center of Diseases Control and Prevention - which if combined with the current pandemic - will play havoc. 

This winter there will be fireworks - more, we are NOT prepared.

Do not count on Mayor London Breed,  the Director of Emergency Services Mary Ellen Carroll, the City Administrator Naomi Kelly, and the Director of Health - Dr Grant Colfax.

Everyone who is educated on issues know they are inept and all they do is kick the can - down the street. Pathetic souls.

San Francisco leaders more politicians have been pussyfooting for a long, long time - some of you will witness - drastic changes - come November 2020 - the General Elections.

San Francisco will face drastic cuts - the impending City and County  budget.

No City Employee - should be making over $360,000 a year - and some make as much as $400,000 a year.

We tax payers - pay these salaries.

These vermin - SF City managers and others - must have their salaries cut by 50%.

If they object - those favoring such sordid salaries - must be dealt with. This is one are - huge salaries - double dipping - that must be dealt with on a War Footing. Salary Reform - is needed - now.

More, in this pandemic - these politicians - are so callous - so nefarious, so pathetic - they defy the tax payers.

Even the opportunity to say something - always talking in circles, kicking the can down the street, hoodwinking us tax payers - in broad daylight.

We need urgent " political reform " - starting with salaries - much as we need the other reforms - we talk about.

23,000 City Employees in San Francisco - most living outside San Francisco - and SF citizens - unemployed - singing the blues. 

The politicians are guarding the " chicken coop " - and most of us think nothing of the brash attitude of the politicians.

The SF politicians failing - to represent us citizens.

Decent constituents - if we all - tax paying citizens care to do our home work - most of us will detect the nonsense - and put an end to the on going nonsense.

These  politicians have the audacity to try to shove down our throats their lies, fake promises, and utter stupid polices - Charter Reforms - more from one jail bird - a Supervisor - who has no clue what he is talking about. Time will tell.

Monday, June 29, 2020


The Novel Covid-19 virus -
has brought us to our knees -
even though most us - more those arrogant -
those hell bent to defy norms and logic
those authorities in charge more the spiritually bankrupt 
have failed to realize that humility and wisdom is key 
to comprehend the situation of the day -
we cannot resolve deep human issues -
in a virtual world - the many virtual conferences -
 shallow connections - failing to address deep human issues 
these virtual inter-actions - are drab in nature.

This Novel COVID-19 pandemic has brought us humans to our knees - our senses - awakened, to a new, real and impressive - reality - that has taken a long time - to realize - until now.

An important part of human beings is spirituality - and in times tested - such as pandemics and plagues - for thousands of years - the ancient vedas,  other books of wisdom - have led human beings to learn to be humble and treat our Earth as any Mother -  treats her child.

There are too many levels that once in sync - bringing about harmony - now pandemonium reigns - and with it utter - confusion of the highest order. 

There is a deep connection when one studies the empirical data -  linked to climate change, pollution, contamination, the depletion of the ozone - dangerous particulates, the contamination of our watershed - our lakes, rivers, the oceans. The careless behavior of those who are greedy - take all they can get - to foster greed - married to materialism of the worst order.

The clear cutting of old growth " redwood forest " - millions of buffalo killed for their skin.

Heaps of Buffalo flesh piled to rot - disrespecting the indigenous people of this Nation better known as Turtle Island.

Again and again the unwritten law mandates respect the Elders, respect the indigenous people, respect Mother Earth - again and again the atrocities committed against the indigenous people - the tribes on which we live and do not acknowledge is sacrilegious.

Those not educated on issues are confused with the arrival of these pandemic that will remain with us for years on end. 

Those who have no way of being patient - are reckless. 

Those used to having things done as fast as possible - tied to the fast-food life mentality - fading lack luster materialism - other mundane issues - that being about - confusion. 

The recent habits embraced tele-commuting - working from home - sharing large servers - having access to mega-data.

Using - mathematical models and algorithms - that serve our purpose some - bring about artificial conclusions.

More and more we are - earning for the human touch - hearing  voices that matter so much to our senses - more looking at a person - and observing human reactions - in all its beauty, complexity, and challenges. The virtual is an experiment that serves some temporary purposes - and cannot continue for long periods of time.

Human beings are very complicated - the more we delve into human behavior - those steeped in analyzing human behavior - fully understand why we as social animals - are so convoluted and complicated.

The virtual world - can testify some - much as we watch movies - more movies like " Star Wars " - there is only so much of the fantasy - and make belief - that we can allow ourselves to ponder and linger  -" in make believe - that is not lasting ".

The indigenous people of this land - once know better - as Turtle Island - for thousands of years - were blessed by plenty - flora, fauna, clean rivers and lakes, pristine air , forests in plenty -  animals of every kind, and so too insects, birds, and more - everywhere.

The water untouched by pollution and contamination kept all living beings healthy. There were millions of species - now each year thousands disappear - and as they disappear the species are put on the endangered list.

Blue skies - wind devoid of contamination - the breath of fresh air was every where.

The ozone  layer was intact - allowing the sun to be functional - not causing harm as it does today.

The seasons could be predicted and food was in abundance for human beings.

An abundance to food that the animals of every kind, the birds - frogs, insects, and the millions of species of every kind - lived well as they had all the nutrition - in abundance.

As I said all this has changed - and in recent decades - millions of species have been adversely - impacted.

A pandemic is not something we have NOT seen before.

Today with all the technology and know how - we could have done better - we, in the United States failed - more because of very poor leadership.

We should NOT have been that Nation leading in deaths - from this Novel Covid-19 pandemic - sadly we are.

The paradox the man in the White House - refuses to wear a mask - and is the laughing stock of the entire world. His days are numbered - and justly so.

The current pandemic is taking a heavy toll of our youth and young adults.

Children too are prone to death and life long after affects  - first showing symptoms resembling Kawasaki diseases.

Our Elders are more vulnerable - and when those who do not take precautions - such as NOT wear a mask at all times - when going outside the home - if they get the virus - the most vulnerable such as our Elders - are put in harms way.

The mountain slopes and peaks had an abundance of snow - here in the Untied States.

When the snow melted - the rivers were full - " water is life ".

The indigenous have always respected Mother Earth - you do not see this in those segments of the population - who are materialistic - you never, ever hear them say spontaneously - say the words " Mother Earth " with emotion and sincerity.

We cannot take the bounty of the Earth for granted - cutting old growth forest not only here in the Americas - but all over the world. Places like Brazil show case the destruction and adverse impacts brought about - by burning and cutting millions of acres of old growth forests.

The same holds true when we contaminate the oceans, the lakes, the rivers - in my life time I have seen it all - more here in California - and even here in - San Francisco.

The San Francisco Public Utilities Commission - defying decent, hard working, advocates, scientists, environmentalists - failing to release water into the near by rivers - adjoining the damned Hetch Hetchy reservoir - stolen from the near by indigenous tribes.

San Francisco used its power to convince Congress to dam the near by rivers such as the Tuolume River and more. 

Yet, today when there is water needed to save the salmon - it will not release - the needed water - even as the Hetch Hetchy dam has an abundance of water.

Water - stolen from the indigenous people. Such are the deeds of the greedy Whites - they want it all.

There is NO one single document - that the land and the rights to the river - were handed over to the thieves - today - all sorts of legalese are created - to say something about nothing at all. 

Unending diatribe - kicking the can down the street - spewing hot air - all the while - adversely impacting - the salmon and other life forms - that thrived for thousands of years.

Often times I have said to the corrupt SF Public Utilities Commission - now investigated by the Federal Bureau of Investigation - who will speak for the Salmon?

I have looked the SF Public Utilities Commission - in the eye -  and told them they have BLOOD on their hands.

Again and again - reminders in various forms  - to NO avail. Their time has come - and those who have committed crimes - will go to jail.

Chief Joseph

The Buffalo once in plenty -
now making a come back -
if only the Buffalo could speak and reveal.

An indigenous woman -
from early on all respected Mother Earth -
from early on all respected the Great Spirit.
During my life time - I have seen it all.

Now - for the first time in decades - we are witnessing a numbness that we cannot express - more, when we are forced to connect virtually.

Forced to connect - to our doctors, some lawyers for legal issues - those that want us to know more about our insurance - cheating us and  increasing our premiums - we know their kind. 

The banks who want to trap us - with virtual conference - offering us offers - too good to believe. 

Other charlatans -  using ZOOM and other methods - to trap into into signing contracts - that we all must be very careful - not to fall into that deep dark hole.

A group of like minded people - use virtual operations  to come to some consensus  - there are so many social platforms - each vying to deliver simpler methods of communications - and getting no where - on all fronts.

Human beings over thousands of years - have formalized patterns of socializing that are part of our DNA.

Now  " some drab virtual operations wants to substitute - all that is wholesome - with images on a screen - and time lapse sounds - that confuse the mind -  "who is fooling whom  ?".

As hard as these buffoons try  - they fail.

Here in San Francisco for decades we have as San Franciscans embraced all.

In doing us - we have embraced a unique mannerism - San Franciscans unique expression of openness that visitors admire and love.

Once the visitors meet us - San Franciscans - they are at ease - we begin to interact as decent human beings - and the entire world unfolds before us - all.

Muwekma Ohlone Warrior 

The First People of San Francisco 

This land we call San Francisco - once had a one of kind micro-climate - the fog - the moderate climate - and the indigenous people known to us today as the Ohlone - took little and kept more - there was an abundance of herring and Abolone .

Wild life of every kind bear, deer, birds one of kind, and more - berries and other medicine plants - the indigenous did not go hungry - they were content.

Then the strangers came - and all that was good - as we see today - turned contaminated - greed and avarice - every where - no one speaks Truth to Power.

In the middle of the pandemic - we do not have a well trained, experienced, professional  - Incident Management Commander - we have a lackey in Mary Ellen Carroll who is the San Francisco - Director of Emergency Services.

We have another lackey - the Director of SF Health Department - Dr Grant Colfax.

Where do  they find such - inept and incompetent - individuals -  i do not know.

Inept individuals - who  do not share values that San Franciscans value - ethics, standards, morals - most of them amoral and good for nothing - all making over $275,000 a year plus benefits.

In all of our deliberation for the last 150 years for sure - with intent - the Whites - who muscled their way into the land of the Ohlone - killed the men, raped the women - tore the children - and committed atrocities - some depicted - stories written - that churns the stomach - makes anyone decent - puke.

Some time in January 2020 the Novel Covid-19 virus made its way to San Francisco - they say the first victim was detected in Santa Clara in California and another one in Oregon - Washington State.

By early February 2020 most every one knew about the pandemic - and all sorts of clarion calls were sounded.

The  very concept of "Stay at Home" - became our vocabulary - community distancing - " wear your mask " - wash your hands - and more.

By March 2020 - this pandemic - revealed it could kill our Elders.

It could affect children - mimicking the Kawasaki disease.

The  youth and young adults - could try to fight the pandemic - and most ended up getting a stroke.

Others - who fought the pandemic  had to deal with slots - and today we think we know more - even as the virus evolves into something else.

In April 2020 we heard all sorts of claims - that some medicines that were used to fight malaria could help.

That  was soon - put on the back burner - it could help those that suffered from Malaria - but not this Novel Coved-19 pandemic.

In May 2020 there was talk of a vaccine - it raised our hopes.

Some said we could have a vaccine in six month - but those wise - so called experts - said more like a year and a half.

Here is San Francisco - " contact tracing" is going no where - and those tested are now being told - get yourself testing again.

Bottom line we have millions of " fake testing kits " - and so even today - we are not certain - about any test - we play it by ear - and hope for the best.

We know our CDC was issuing testing kits that failed  - miserably.

Then the CDC and other related agencies - authorized - private companies - to sell kits - and many of those - turned out to be defective.

We are a Super Power - even today we have NOT made up our mind how to provide our hospitals and certified clinics - the right tools to test.

At one point we had NO swabs, we had no masks, we had no Personnel Protective Equipment (PPE).

Today we have thousands dying - more our Elders - and our City Administrator Naomi Kelly, our Director of Economic Development and others - are busy trying to delve into open virtual entertainment centers.

It is sickening to watch - how these buffoons - who get paid well - and who should all take a 50% pay cut -  are not putting themselves in the shoes of the poor, the indigent, the many dying - and are getting no help. 

The small businesses are waiting for help and nothing is happening.

We fill applications for help - in the better times - we helped the City and County of San Francisco - and were NOT compensated.

Our City has lost its SOUL.

Even in the midst of this pandemic the Federal Bureau of Investigation is finding some crooks - doing as they please - Community Benefits linked to the Sewer System Improvement Project (SSIP) that I fought for - put in the hands of seasoned crooks the likes of Juliet Ellis and Dwayne Jones.

Check this out: