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Monday, December 17, 2012


Since 1996; we in San Francisco have seen some despicable decisions at City Hall - and throughout all these years - one former Black Mayor of San Francisco - has, behind the scenes - taken our fair City and County of San Francisco for a ride - in broad daylight - stealing, bluffing, hoodwinking - but; now we must say - enough is enough.

I have reviewed each of the resumes of the Commission on Community Investment and Infrastructure - a Commission - hurriedly put together - to carry on some nefarious actions - linked to the Successor Agency to the former SF Redevelopment Agency. Mostly to help Lennar Urban - that so far has a sordid and despicable - track record.

None of the persons on these newly appointed Commission on Community Investment and Infrastructure - have the expertise to deal with any Superfund Site.

None of these Commissioners - understand the nature of the contamination and pollution. More radiological contaminants and Depleted Uranium that was first tested on Hunters Point Naval Shipyard in the early 1950s.

None of these newly appointed Commissioners - have any clue about Infrastructure per se - and none of them have lived or studied in detail - the community where the constituents are adversely - affected. Be it at Treasure Island and Hunters Point Naval Shipyard.

Being appointed on the Southeast Facility Commission, the Citizens Advisory Committee to the Hunters Point Naval Shipyard, on the Commission on the Status of Women, working in some capacity at the SF Airport and tolerating all the nonsense that went on there when Tutor Saliba - raked in million through corruption. Serving on the former SF Redevelopment Agency and being investigated by the Federal Bureau of Investigation - does not do our fair City and County of San Francisco any - good and justice. Such Representation is anathema to decency and Quality of Life issues.

The least the Mayor, Ed Lee could have done is introduce the candidates at a forum to the community at large. Hand picked to do the - "dirty deed" - this action is a disgrace - and a slap to decency. Time will tell.

Treasure Island has issues of its own right now - with power black outs, the worst type of contamination, inferior housing and constant problems with the John Stewart Company.

Those living at Treasure Island have contaminated, tainted drinking water in the faucets - and when anyone brings up this topic - no one pays attention to them.

None of the Commissioner appointed to the Commission on Community Investment and Infrastructure - participated in any important meetings all these many years. None of them attended one single meeting when the Restoration Advisory Board was active and attained community goals.

None of these tainted and sordid Commissioners - have walked the affected areas be it Treasure Island, Hunters Point Naval Shipyard, the other areas and developments grandfathered - and brought under the jurisdiction of the Successor Agency Board and now the Commission on Community Investment and Infrastructure - to understand the issues at hand - who do they think they are representing?

The composition of the Commission is based on life style and does not give fair representation to members who can represent - families with children.

Again and again we see - life style used to position people on Commissions and other bodies - to foster principles, policies, and act as puppets taking orders from some very corrupt, immoral, and evil - politicians.

The China Development Bank is not offering this $1.7 billion loan to help us San Franciscans - no way.

The Chinese through the China Development Bank are positioning themselves - because they have been led to think - San Francisco embraces such an entity. Rosie, Eddie, and Willie do not speak for the people of San Francisco.

If we are looking for job opportunities - we will be screwed royally - the China Development Bank - has insisted that their lead Project Managers - are in the cockpit at all times.

We have not seen the agreement - and if it in place and does not permit those in charge - to buy American Sheet Rock for example, American made pipes for our Infrastructure, American engineers in charge of the development, American Superintendents, most things Americans must be agreed to - to put the Chinese on notice - from the inception.

Having some entity that builds and operates the Chinese Railway - in the cockpit at Hunters Point Naval Shipyard - is uncalled for.

The Chinese are positioning themselves to build the High Speed Rail - from San Francisco to San Diego. A junket was taken to China recently - by Malia Cohen and Fiona Ma - other sell outs that do not have the better interests of San Franciscans and Californians at large.

City Hall must be leery and full aware - that we San Franciscans will not tolerate - bringing in inept, shallow, sordid, untrustworthy, not educated on issues - Commissioners who will  sell out and tarnish the fair name of our City of San Francisco.

Everything is not about money - it is for those that do not practice family values - who mostly practice sodomy of the worst order - and thus anything goes that tickles those areas and functions that give them pleasure and more when they get an opportunity to make money - with ulterior motives of the worst - order.

Both Treasure Island and Hunters Point are contaminated - and those in charge of cleaning these two area - are dragging their feet. We must remember the United States Navy contaminated these two areas - and the U.S.Navy is mandated to clean these areas up - to Residential Standards.

I bet you the newly appointed Commissioners have not read the Precautionary Principle Ordinance.

I bet you the newly appointed Commissioners have not read Proposition P that passed by 87%  of San Franciscans voting in the year 2000 - mandating that the entire - Hunters Point Naval Shipyard be abated to Residential Standards. 

International Technologies in the past stole over $300 million on Hunters Point. Followed by Tectra Tech who wasted and made a lot of money. Now we have Shaw Engineering - but first let us see and study the empirical data - not the nonsense the sell out - say to the Commissioners who are uneducated on issues and naive - more nonchalant and unethical. 

The Citizens Advisory Committee to Hunters Point Naval Shipyard - for the last three years - have been stagnant - because all the promises Lennar, a Rogue Development made before - were not kept.

Now, Lennar is back at it again - this time with tainted, blood money from the China Development Bank and ulterior motives.

Lennar promised to build 10,000 homes at Mare Island and did not keep its promises. Lennar declared bankruptcy and left Vallejo the City that made the contract with Lennar Urban - holding the empty bank.

From 2004 to 2012 - Lennar left Hunters Point Naval Shipyard in a despicable condition.

Weeds growing, the fences in bad condition and falling apart, garbage here, there, and everywhere. If you go today - you can see for yourselves - what I am stating.

How will the China Development Bank deal with Parcel E2. I want each of the Commissioners on the Commission on Community Investment and Infrastructure to answer - that question in writing.

I will pose that question and others - as and when I meet them - face to face.

The over 700 acres at Hunters Point Naval Shipyard and Candlestick Point  - is contaminated. It is a Superfund Site.

Who in their right mind - wants to build homes - 20,000 homes over 10 years on contaminated land -prone to liquefaction and flooding.

Who wants to live in the middle of Chernobyl - the recently appointed, inept, shallow, and spineless Commissioners - Commission on Community Investment and Infrastructure - must answer; decent - family oriented San Franciscans. Aho

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