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Wednesday, December 28, 2011

San Francisco Representatives who use power to fill their own campaign coffers.

It is a shame that we have some who join politics for all the wrong reasons. Others prompted by corrupt politicians the likes of Willie L. Brown Jr.

London Breed took a peek about what I wrote about her.

You, London Breed are not fit to represent.

You did not represent when you were at Treasure Island, less when you were at the SF Redevelopment Agency, even less at the SF Fire Department Commission.

So, it is a disgrace when folks just prop up some spineless, drab, inept, candidate to be anointed as the District 5 Supervisor.

Ain't going to happen - people are smart today - to know those who are sell outs, who pussy foot about - and those that are plain - stupid.

There are others who took a peek at what I wrote about Malia Cohen - another shallow representative.

Bet she is out of town - doing what she does best - behind close doors. No one would appreciate if I painted that picture - suffice to say - it is not what straight folks aim or practice, regularly.

It has been a long time since we have had Representatives in San Francisco, at City Hall - who are strong in legislating.

Ross Mirkarimi was one - however, if you fast forward to London Breed - all she does is grin, sits on the fence and jumps of that side that is - green.

As a Black person she had an opportunity to defend our children from Bayview Hunters Point.

This when Lennar a Rogue Developer poisoned our children. London Breed did what most sell outs do - she tow the line - and for this she has blood on her hands.

More because she knew those at Muhammad University - but she did not care.

She had one of nephews and other relatives learning at that school - that was adversely impacted.

When it came to defend our children from Muhammad University - the shallow Black woman turned her back on the community - more the Black community at large - and we all remember that episode - as if it was yesterday.

There are Blacks those that are doing well that do not want to help their unfortunate brothers and sisters.

Among this group are Malia Cohen and London Breed. There are others - do not be confused that there are just these two - hundreds of others - who we call - sell outs. House Negroes who for some stale, bread crumbs - will sell the community at large.

The Fillmore also known as the Western Addition has suffered and continues to suffer the after affects - from the adverse impacts imposed by the San Francisco Redevelopment Agency. 

As I said Fred Blackwell who ones kept company with London Breed is no more to back her.

The SF Redevelopment Agency is history - London Breed and others - like Ms Covington, the aged Leroy King could have done better - but, they chose to tow the line and sing the blues - as most sell outs - do.

These are the same people that went for a new fake study - called the Out Migration.

As if Black are birds that migrate from place to place.

None of those on the task force linked to the Out Migration - read the Unfinished Agenda. It is time they read it - even at this late hour - they may be enlightened.

In the Black community we once had astute leaders - not any more.

Now, we have a bunch of folks who think because they have gone to some drab college or university they can represent.

Well, to represent one must be able to discern, you cannot discern if you do not have fortitude, you cannot have fortitude unless you have standards.

Now if you do not have morals - and lack spirituality - then most anything such folks touch borders on adversity and brings about less - progress.

It was nice to see the traffic after I wrote the last article.

All the sell outs came to visit my FaceBook page - and I was monitoring them and their activities.

Watch out for more reports - time to call a spade a spade.

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