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Tuesday, August 30, 2011

MUNI is on the wrong track, homeless folks all over the City, and Crime on the increase.

MUNI is on the wrong track, homeless folks all over the City of San Francisco, and Crime on the increase.

Tourists and the homeless problem DO NOT go hand in hand. Little is being done to represent our City - in  a fair manner.

Very little of the money from the Hotel Tax and tourism is put back into presenting our City as clean, with good signs and directions, and of course excellent - hospitality. Why? Poor leadership.

The Bayview Police Station regularly send its incident report to those that want it. 

Sort of gives one the impulse of what is happening in District 10.

Every week the incidents linked to drugs, guns, assaults, robberies - get worse.

The District 10 Supervisor keeps on grinning and has not stopped since she promised to step up and do something - on being elected.

Hundreds of people have been evicted from Public Housing in District 10 - and now find some succor on the streets in the Tenderloin, most on Sixth Street.

A Recreational Center on Leland that has been there for ages - is being closed. The same Recreational Center serves the Seniors, the children, others - all the District 10 Supervisor can do is watch the train go by. Easy to talk the talk - very difficult to walk the walk.

The Mayoral candidates - kind of know this - but, NOT one of them comprehends - how to address the situation at hand. More the District 4 Supervisor - who from time to time chirps in - on affair linked to District 10 and the Chinese community - but, on this issue there has been - not a whimper!

There is a link between what happens today in the Bayview, the on going GENTRIFICATION and the homeless found all over the City - down town - and more in the Tenderloin.

The Supervisors cannot connect the dots. Gentrification was planned but thank God the present ECONOMY has brought it to a stand still.

LENNAR is dead and now trying to use dubious ploys and other gimmicks to survive. Remember Proposition F and Proposition G . 

Time - the Mayoral candidates discuss whatever happened to these Propositions.

What really is happening on Parcel A at Hunters Point? Has Lennar defaulted on Parcel A? 

If so where is our Interim Mayor on this one? You can tweak that moustache all your want - but what are you doing about Lennar and the bombardment of a large area - with asbestos structures - even today - we get high readings!

MUNI is getting worse. Just ask anyone that takes - Public Transportation. In recent years the MUNI buses are NOT cleaned. So, why is this City and those in charge encouraging filthy, stinking buses?

Kind of disrespecting those that make an attempt to reduce the Carbon foot print and take Public Transportation?

Time for the SF Health Department to step in and issue MUNI - Notices of Violation.

Imagine a MUNI driver plying his bus on a run without getting any permission from MUNI DISPATCH. Wow!

As MUNI was operated in the past - it kind of ran behind the back of Nathaniel Ford - who has long, gone.

Those that created a niche for themselves - ran their own - operation. Created their own fiefdom - that practice must halt - and some drastic viable changes - brought about.

Of course you would not expect the candidates running for Mayor of San Francisco to comprehend logistics, schedules, maintenance, anything that moves on wheels - carries passengers - and should but never - arrives on time.

You would not expect them to know anything much about MUNI! Talk about MUNI - they will.

Which of course bring one to the question - why are our roads in bad shape?

Over $400 million plus in back log - linked to repairs.

Even though not too long ago - millions were spent - using Stimulus Money. A lot of it wasted in red tape - meaning - some one lined there pockets - again it is all about - connections - and less about asphalt.

What is common denominator linked to the 311 system, the Department of Public Works, and Municipal Transportation Agency in the last six years?

Ed Reisken.

Now find out why a simple email cannot get to him?

Notice how this man moved on his track - slowly and steadily - to becoming the head of 311, to DPW, to MUNI! 3DM!

What makes this unassuming man so capable of running the above entities? Why not - just anoint him - Mayor!

Quality of Life issues linked to Safety - go hand in hand - and make life easy, better, and progressive - to most constituents of San Francisco.

Ask anyone in any of the Districts - how safe do they feel in San Francisco?

I ask people that question where ever I go - on Third Street, on Leland Street, on Potrero Street, on King Street, on Market Street, on California Street, on Taraval Street, on San Bruno Ave, Fisherman's Wharf, Church Street, Geary Avenue, Ferry Building, Sansome Street, 16th and Mission, Geneva Avenue, by the Cliff House - by the way how do you gauge  safety in your area?

Then I ask them if they mind if I record what they have to say - "sure they say" - then, when I really get the time - I listen the to comments carefully. Very, very - interesting?

The areas where there is forty to fifty percent unemployment - prey on the better neighborhoods. Now, crime that stayed in some hot spots - is spreading all over the place.

Senior attacked, blatant intrusion into stores and things stolen. Other crime committed with guns pulled out - and innocent people - threatened. Why?

Why it is we have so many inept San Francisco Supervisors running for Mayor?

What is it that this Supervisors think make them capable of running for Mayor - when as Supervisors they cannot achieve much?

Ever attend the Budget Session and witness how these folks treat the people of San Francisco?

During Public Comment these inept, spineless, shallow jokers - will NOT permit - decent constituents to speak for three minutes. That used to be the standard - yet, when these shallow jokers speak - they can go on and on and on. Why?

Recently it was revealed the ten foot ramp in Room 250 the Chambers of the SF Board of Supervisors - will cost us tax payers - over $700,000.

One SF Supervisor said at least: "it is cheaper than the $1.4 million proposed - before"?

Yeh! Give me a break! And our City is broke?

On another note - even though the City is in the hole - some $500,000 was set aside to fix one wall at the Bayview Opera House - found to have rot - better known as Ruth William Opera House - but why?

Not too long ago over $1 million was spent - fixing the entire place Ruth William's Opera House.

Right now the SF Art Commission - is running the Opera House  - full of shenanigans. 

The Mayoral Candidates are funny - they talk about everything under the SUN - expect how to run our City and put the best foot forward.

A good way to vote for your candidate - have her or him attend a focus meeting in your neighborhood.

Make a list of things you would want them to fix or repair. You pay taxes after all.  Have them sign the agreement - make sure you take a photograph. Hold them accountable.

If she or he cannot accommodate you - then screw them.

Do not give your vote to the skunks - they talk a lot - but rarely have the guts to walk the walk.

Back to MUNI - where safety of the MUNI buses is going from worse to worst.

The MUNI buses are NOT cleaned - create a Health Problem - and all that and more goes unnoticed - each and every day.

Of course the Mayoral candidates will brag - that we are a Transit First City - but what type - one that stinks?

Why should our citizens - be they poor or indigent sleep on the streets of San Francisco?

Why do so many children sleep on the streets? Why does this City have over 10,000 chronic truants? Why   or Why?

Why do we find people sleeping under bridges - and hundreds in cars and Recreation Vehicles - on the many streets of San Francisco.

In buildings that are infested with rats - and the list goes on and on.

Today we have 30 thousand homes vacant in San Francisco - not counting over 800 Public Housing units - boarded up!

The SF Board of Supervisors - will resume working some after a long break - which started around August 2.

Let us see what enthusiasm they bring to the table and on to the streets of San Francisco - when they return?

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