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Friday, May 12, 2017


Homelessness - becoming a pandemic -
Seniors dying - bodies in the morgue -
awaiting the next of kin to come and do the needful 
all the while the Mayor Edwin M. Lee - pussyfooting.

If any Mayor cannot take care of her or his Seniors aka Elder - and more with " intent " allow them to face hurdles, trials, and tribulations.  Allowing the Elders to sleep on the streets - and slowly die - whoever this Mayor is - needs to be dealt with - seriously.

Here is San Francisco - Mayor Edwin M. Lee has been doing just that - with " intent ".

The Mayor Edwin M. Lee  and his lackeys - have defied logic, defied common sense, defied etiquette - and chosen with " intent " to adverse impact our Senior - our Elders.

This nonsense must STOP - now.

This is Muwekma Ohlone land - and I say as one who monitors Quality of Life issues in San Francisco - Mayor Edwin M. Lee - you are warned - step down, now - and fade into oblivion.

You have been warned - too many times - and you do not seem to understand plain English - I cannot speak to you in Chinese - and even if I could - that words - would not be pleasing to your ears and being.

Mayor Edwin M. Lee -
not to be trusted - a scumbag.

It is not as if I do not know this man - it is not as if I have not met this man in person - Edwin M. Lee is a pariah - such individuals should not be living in Society - much less interacting with decent people.

Even less with San Franciscans who treasure having compassion and embracing most segments of the population.

The man in charge of the HOMELESS in San Francisco - is making over $250, 000 with benefits.

The Mayor is making over $400, 000 and must be ashamed of himself.

Millions in off shore accounts - and the man - thinks he can fool all the people all the time.

This man must be investigated and charged under the RICO ACT - why is the Federal Bureau of Investigation - waiting - Waiting for Godot!

To add fuel to fire - with of the " hot teams " - that are suppose to help the poor and the indigent - these teams are paid by the SF Health Department.

 The teams are given colors - gold, blue, whatever - nothing much - is done to reduce the suffering of the Seniors our Elders - and their cries have reached heaven - and the wrath of God - will visit San Francisco - soon.

The Muwekma Ohlone -
here is a Majestic Warrior -
the Muwekma Ohlone have lived here 
for over 13, 000 years.

This is Muwekma Ohlone land - every square inch was stolen.

As I keep saying - I am monitoring the situation on many fronts.

I have the empirical data - that millions of dollars are wasted - on mundane things.

Mayor Edwin M. Lee - thinks that we the people will tolerate - all the nonsense going on - forever - enough is enough.

No one should be living on the streets of San Francisco. Much less our Elders.

No one should be suffering - our City and County has a budget of over $9 Billion - plus.

Over 20% of the City employees are making over $200, 000 with benefits - it is time - that we address - this one singular issue - salaries and pension - have gone amuck.

While the Mayor has issued mandates not to hire new employees.

He has personally working with Human Resources and the crooks that  work in that City Department - hired thousands of temporary employees - the permanent positions are called Full Time Employment (FTE).

Every day the Mayor is out there - talking about  "bicycle lanes " - when San Francisco is a hilly City - and those riding bicycles - are not paying a license to ride a bike.

Those that ride bicycles - are a nuisance on our roads.

Only fools will try to overtake a MUNI bus - or overtake a large vehicle - and the Political Action Committee - linked to those that ride bicycles - are out of their mind.

Not all the bicyclists are crazy - but, by large measure most are.

Time they learn etiquette - how to truly ride a bike - much like they do in Europe.

Again and again - tempers fly on the streets - and those who are pushing for riding bicycles - with all the present congestion - are asking for trouble.

We have had a number of serious deaths - bicyclists, crash and die - mostly making wrong turns - in many cases - in blind zones.

In most cases the bicyclist is at fault.

I had to call an Ambulance once - and had to go to court - all to defend a bicyclist - who rode in a blind zone - and became a victim. So, I know about such incidents - and what a mess that can become.

More and more decent San Franciscans  created our unique neighborhoods.

Thousands - have left San Francisco. In the last 5 years - we now know over 20, 000 families.

The ones that have recently migrated to San Francisco - the techies and like minded persons - are a boon to San Francisco.

All these newbies - who have come here recently - want service on a platter.

They love our cuisine, the music that we offer, our hospitality, the great climate God has blessed us with - they take compassion as something that they can tolerate - and return the favor by being rude.

Compassion and Love  is inherent in most San Franciscans.

They newbies - the rude ones - the gremlins - they love to bite the hand that feeds - them.  Go Figure.

Tweeter received a huge " tax break " - for what - we hear that ever since TWITTER moved to San Francisco - it has been in the RED.

It is the same with other huge companies that our Mayor - Edwin M. Lee pussyfoots with. The shameless man - simply does not understand - that pandering - does not help - more with crooked and very corrupt - entities. This is NOT Beijing.

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