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Sunday, May 14, 2017


The Muwekma Ohlone -
this is their land - they are the only " Natives " -
the others are strangers - that created this mess in San Francisco.

Climate Change is here - and as much as San Francisco talks the talk - it cannot walk the walk - because the talk - takes years to implement.

It does not help that we have a Mayor Edwin M. Lee who has NO vision, lacks leadership - and what is most important to note - cannot be trusted. His wheeling and dealing - his pay to play ploys - are well documented and known. 

Time is on the side of the people - because some of us have the 
" empirical data " - we have warned the City and County of San Francisco - as best we can.

NOW, - it is for those that must do their duty - to walk the walk - in this case the Judicial System that has failed - decent, hard working, honest - San Franciscans.

One tool that can be used is the RICO ACT - there is a lot of evidence - and those that can be caught in this dragnet net include Congressperson Nancy Pelosi, Senator Dianne Feinstein, Mayor Edwin M. Lee,  Willie L. Brown Jr.  - the many corrupt - the Pacific Height Mafia.

From 4th and King to Geneva Avenue - a large area - most of it landfill - poor landfill - once the Bay - the land is prone to liquefaction and severe flooding.

Over 900, 000 tons of Methane Gas spews from this area - including Hunters Point Naval Shipyard, Mission Bay, the area around the Schlage Lock Company by Bayshore and Arleta - Candlestick Point - and we have over 3000 " hot spots" all over the City and County of San Francisco - that adversely impact millions.

Mayor Edwin M. Lee -
the most corrupt Mayor to step in Room 200 -
he must step down - and fade into oblivion.

The many skyscrapers that San Francisco is building for the rich - at the expense of the poor and those that work hard - is a crime.

The millions of tons of concrete poured at the Transbay Project - the many skyscrapers all generate Carbon Dioxide - while our City and County of San Francisco - keep lying, and bragging that its Carbon Footprint - is much less than before. Who is fooling whom?

This City and County of San Francisco - must remember this is Muwekma Ohlone Land - and no one invited polluters and those who with intent - increase the Carbon Footprint, contribute to Sea Level Rise - and dare tell us to our face - that they are doing the opposite.

You all are put on notice - San Francisco is not for you that harm Mother Earth - and we know that you are " evil " - investing millions in " fossil fuel ". Taking position that are not holistic - and you " in power " - have been told and told politely - but now you all are put on notice.

The above statement goes for every single SF Board of Supervisor  - who are more interested in every mundane issue.

 While every single day congestion is getting worse, the SF Board of Supervisors have not studied " liquefaction and flooding ".

The SF Supervisors allow every square inch to be built on - while the Earth is being bombarded by ' pollutants and contamination of the worst order ".

The SF Supervisors and the Mayor Edwin M. Lee have NOT studied the Precautionary Principle - that is law in San Francisco:

The EB-5 Visas issued to mostly Mainland Chinese are dangerous to our Nation.

 One of the key cities where Democrats and facilitated 11, 000 Visas bring in over $10 billion dollars - if not more.

Willie L. Brown Jr -
has raked up millions - he is one to those -
behind the EB-5 Visas - and Land Banking schemes -
a former Mayor of SF - known for corruption of the worst order.

We know about Platinum Consultants and Willie L. Brown Jr.

Right now the EB-5 are raking in billions in the Hunters Point Area.

Brand new homes built on very contaminated ground - and the Mainland Chinese do not mind forking out $500, 000 for a Visa - because they will not live on contaminated ground. 

They prefer to rent a house in other areas Santa Barbara, Napa, Black Hawk - then when in 3 year or 5 years - the Mainland Chinese, and others get their citizenship - they can live anywhere they wish to live - surely - not on contaminated - for sure not at Hunters Point and near by contaminated and polluted - areas.

Tall skyscrapers with thousands of condominiums -
cater to filthy rich Mainland Chinese -
they are invading San Francisco - and trying to change
our values - and more bring in rampant - corruption -
for them MONEY  is God - and illegal activities inherent in 
their sordid - DNA.  Let us call a spade a spade.

 The Chinese invest in many of the " Market Rate Condominiums "  they have acquired for their children and family - and this racket - has been going on for years - and must STOP.

Some of these individuals are involved in importing illegal drugs to the United States - " synthetic drugs ".

 " OPIOIDS " - killing those vulnerable. Mayor Edwin M. Lee has no clue about these ploys and machinations.

All Edwin M. Lee -  wants - is the money - the many off shore accounts that he has access to. 

The United States Geological Survey - has given us " real time " - empirical data on liquefaction and related issues. The SF Board of Supervisors - stupid as some of them are - I said some.

The Mayor, Edwin M. Lee a " puppet " - no leadership and for sure no vision - is immoral, unethical, and for sure very, very, corrupt. He must step down, now.

There is some information out there - for all the world to see.

 Check it out - you do need the " flash software " - to comprehend better the real adverse impacts - of liquefaction and related issues:

We have the Mather Act that became law - Supervisor Mather was a Supervisor - who had some vision.

 He knew sooner nor later - tall buildings would be built on land prone to liquefaction and severe flooding - we see amendments made to build tall buildings at Candlestick Point - where once 40 feet was the cap.

By Candlestick Park the land is contaminated -
thousands of brand new homes are planned 
on very contaminated and polluted ground -
where are the so called " environmentalists " -
on this very important issue - life or death.

By Candlestick Point - we have a State Park that once was a 
" dump site " - the State Park is a mess.

 Methane Gas  spewing - and yet people go there to recreate - the City thinks that because the State of California has jurisdiction - it has nothing much to say.

What about the health and welfare of the people? Do the lives of poor people matter? Does the life of anyone matter to this City and County of San Francisco?

Methane Gas travels for miles around - one ton of Methane Gas equals 22 tons of Carbon Dioxide.

So much - for those clueless - like most of our SF Board of Supervisors - leading the pack two political whores Supervisor Malia Cohen and Supervisor London Breed.

San Francisco better wake up - time is running out - enough is enough.

We have skyscrapers like the Millennium Tower sinking - a 58 story skyscraper sinking some 18 inches and the Mayor, Edwin M. Lee has nothing to say about it.

The Carbon Foot Print in San Francisco has increased and keep increased more with congestion - an increase in dangerous particulates - PM 2.5 - the increase in Methane Gas - on ton equals 22 tons of Carbon Dioxide.

For all the talk - this City and County under Mayor Edwin M. Lee has adversely impacted millions.

Not to mention our homeless dying on the streets of San Francisco.

The Mayor Edwin M. Lee makes over $400, 000 a year - plus benefits and perks.

The Homeless Czar makes over $ 250, 000 plus benefits - what is wrong with this picture.

This clown has set our once great -
City and County of San Francisco - on FIRE.

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