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Saturday, June 28, 2014


It is that time again - when the magic wand and the tricksters create a scenario that looks and sounds good - but the under lying factor of the policy makers needs - scrutiny. More how can the present results be evaluated on the long, run.

Our youth and young adults in this digital world can gather information - all sorts of information. In keeping with the present technology - we need to provide training - in keeping with innovation - and more so that our young, our youth - have good jobs - career jobs.

What is important to note is the ability to "discern" - an ability - a virtue that our policy makers do not have.

Less those in authority - cannot imbibe and act on any level - helping and giving what our youth and young adults - need in term of offering opportunity first, skills that ultimately lead to career opportunities.

Having two and three temporary jobs is not good for anyone.
Stressing people to work until they cannot enjoy anything much - is much like slavery - today there are NO plantations - but many use people much the same - and slave them.

Giving temporary jobs with benefits - is a crime in today's world.

Even though much in made about Obama care - of  the Affordable Care Act - when it comes to the indigent - there is a lot of tweaking to do. When it comes to women and children - more - and when it comes to chronic diseases - God help you.

More and more our youth and young adults are becoming suicidal - and those in power - do not care - and must be removed from office for being so nonchalant.

We have young people that have the ability in them to succeed - but at every corner - there they sit and stand and wait - for opportunities. More Blacks in the Southeast Sector of San Francisco.

In some hot spots 30% in other 40% unemployment.The Mayor switches his moustache and brags that our unemployment is a mere 4.5%. Who is on to believe?

Our City does not have a centralized system to address jobs in a thorough and holistic manner.

Organizations like City Build and others - are tied into our Local Hire Ordinance - in a loose manner. It is true City Build has allowed channels to give it money for so called vague training. There is no statistics no empirical data - that proves in clear terms that City Build - delivers CAREER jobs.

There is no vetted blue print linked to sound Workforce - no thorough evaluation of the many programs - and less empirical data that can be analyzed, tweaked - that leads us and those that we train - attain sound skills - to a better, place.

Rhonda Simmons is still there - earning a fat salary - and no one really knows - what she has achieved in all the years she moved from Oregon to San Francisco - to head Workforce.

She is playing with fire all these years - shuns the limelight - because every time she says something - it makes no sense. Why do we tolerate such "pathetic" folks - good for nothing.

The entire make up of the Mayor's Office of Economic Development and Workforce has changed. 

New folks with no proven leadership - pushing the envelop and always favoring the "developers".

The Mayor's Office of Economic Development and Work Force - is now sending direct signals that are dubious in nature - sent to them from Room 200 - to rubber stamp projects and fast track them.

Rubber stamping - a disease that must be addressed and attacked on a "war footing".

Rubber stamping and denying the citizens their Constitutional Rights - is prevalent at San Francisco City Hall  too.

Once you were right given 3 minutes for Public Comment - no more - that has been reduced to 2 minutes. And when the devils see me - one minute.

It is the same with transparency and accountability - public records shredded - and convoluted methods uses - to keep the public at bay.

No one wants sunshine - sunshine that shed light where there is abject darkness.

No one wants to enforce rules and regulations - when standards are abused - and morals, ethics, and plain decency is devoid.

We must shed light where there is abject darkness. The Brown Act - sunshine - transparency and accountability - help aids any decent process. The crooks do not believe in process - they believe in doing what they desire - always taking short cuts - and always breaking the law.

Our young people need to be exposed to the running of good and sound "government".

More - so that they know how it is run in the best possible way.

Our youth and young adults must learn how - to stop - the bleeding, the utter corruption, and the constant interference by those that do not want the public to know and participate in the work of the people at large that takes all to a better place.

Our young people - our youth - must learn to defend those that cannot defend themselves. Among them children - who are defenseless - have no one to take a stand - are left to wither in circumstances that are not becoming.

We need our young people - more those that are savvy to work with foundations like the "CORO Foundation" .

Other Foundations - to learn - the role of the corrupt, the MACHINE, study the role of corrupt folks like Willie L. Brown Jr. the former Mayor of San Francisco and his side kick Rose Park.

Other corrupt SF Board of Supervisors like Jane Kim, Malia Cohen, Scott Wiener, and David Chiu.

The SF Democratic County Committee - that must represent - has now been tainted with abject corruption.

We do have some who want to do right on the Committee - but there are those behind the scenes - in the majority who prefer ploys and machinations.

Again Real Estate entities with their very corrupt ways - are influencing a body that must represent and stand for the truth - but. with intent has chosen - the opposite.

Youth and young adults are influenced easily and once influenced and hurt - it is difficult to turn them around.

We must be careful not to hurt the youth and our young adults in ways that they are hurt and scared for life. Sufficient to say today - life is hard - on most levels - and many families find it difficult to makes end meet.

The 2008 spiraling of the economy took a heavy toll - more on those who were just making ends meet. Now, we still have people who lost their homes, lost their savings - living on the streets of San Francisco - facing element weather.

The situation is all the more serious - when children are part of the equation - as many as 10,000 people have no roof over their head - "crash" in places that are not suitable for decent human beings to live.

We have to have a viable and sustainable Blue Print that works - take our children, our youth, and our young adults to a better - place.

It must be done - and it can be done - our youth have to play a role that matters - and only by those who have a clear blue print - have sound character - can lead by example.

We are fortunate to have folks like Mitchell Salazar and John Nauer - others like minded folks - who work hard to make good things happen. Folks like Simi Iulio and his sister Nana who have stepped up - and work hard - to put a smile of the faces of many in the Southeast Sector.

There are others - all working as a team - but finding it difficult - as some who have no clue - keep putting hurdles in our way.

The world over young people are doing well.

One way to gauge how well we are doing in California and San Francisco is to evaluate our educational scores - middle school, high school and so on.

Nationwide we are right down there at the bottom - and world wide - 38th of so among all the Nations.

You just have to watch the long winded discussion at our San Francisco Unified School District - round and round in circles they speak - spewing diatribe - while our youth and young adults suffer.

It does not make it easy when corrupt folks the likes of Richard Blum who is the husband of Senator Diane Feinstien - is behind the take over of City College.

Our local politicians were fast asleep - and when we wrote and spoke up - it took many more years for the corrupt politicians at our SF City Hall - to wake up. 

This recovery at City College will be long.

The student admission has been slow - while some core support - from the public at large and other City College supporters - have done well to keep City College a float.

It has taken a very heavy toll  - on those who are representing and want City College to prosper. One of them Shannel Williams a student who is a Trustee - who has toiled for months now - to keep City College open, working, and enrolling new students.

Soon our City and County that has a budget of over $8.6 Billion will implement and seek ways to increase the City's Full Time Employment (FTEs) positions from 27,000 to 29,000. 

We need an infusion of young adults - who are trained well - and we have to get rid of the chaff - the many useless employees who do not perform and have not been evaluated - for years.

In the San Francisco Health Department there is a cancer - where mostly minorities who work hard are targeted.

The Unions who must step up - and are not doing so - and those managers who target those that work hard - must be taken to task.

At the SF General Hospital and other agencies that report to Barbara Garcia - these managers are White - and of an ilk that love to target Blacks in particular.

More those that deal with the mentally challenged, foster children, parents that are stressed out and need - attention in the Bayview.

The Mayor keeps talking about the private sector and the tech sector when it comes to investments.

 However, the City right now - and mostly upper management - is ripe with corruption. 60% of the City employees would not be there - if they worked for any sound - Private entity or corporation.

Many so called top managers - are stuck with their old habits - they have not moved to the digital age.

They lack the ability to be innovative. Most of them paper pushers - in this digital world of timely, progress and holistic - solutions.

San Francisco has a population of about 805,000 that increases in the day time - to 1,500,000 million.

Right now there are about 27,000 City employees - but as I said that is a proposal to increase that to 29,000. 

The SF City Unions have not stepped up to create Career Jobs - what the UNIONS have done - is participate in corruption.

These UNIONS - contribute to those political candidates who promise the world to the UNIONS - but once in the position - the politicians look the other way - the politicians continue to shaft the UNIONS - in San Francisco.

We know that the Laborers' Union 261 has a cozy relationship with the Mayor and his operations.

We know of other Unions like those that represent MUNI workers first listened to the MTA Management and now are at logger heads.

Many decent MUNI drivers are at a loss  - how to deal with those that pay their UNION dues and get nothing much in return.

When Eric Williams speaks to the SF Municipal Transportation Agency Board - those who resort and spew diatribe otherwise - have nothing to say.

The recent strike sent a salvo that was heard - loud and clear - but there is more to be done in this area.

City Hall is recent years has nothing much to offer but corruption of the highest order.

The ribbon cutting fake shows that SFGOV takes pains to portray with the Mayor and his side-kicks - are nothing but fluff. 

No thorough analysis has been done linked to the "tax breaks" our City has given to some to these "Tech Companies" - the likes of TWITTER. 

It is simply wrong for our City to cater to those that can generate millions and have generated millions - and starve the common person who pays taxes.

Over 8,000 businesses in the Southeast Sector pay taxes, the San Bruno Avenue businesses pay taxes, there are other corridors -  that do the same - but they get little in return.

This game playing the rich against those who are not organized cannot go on for long.

We see the Pacific Heights Mafia and their ilk placed - here, there, everywhere - to influence and give their kind the clout that is needed to make changes - to favor the very - few.

City Hall is not respected anymore - it is a den of thieves.

This Summer and all the Summers to come - we want to know how many CAREER JOBS were created.

How many youth and young adults - were prepared to lead our City and our Nation to a better - place?

All the other stuff is - FLUFF.

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