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Saturday, November 9, 2013


Here in San Francisco we embrace all people - and we are fortunate - to have a sizable population of stellar, hard working, loving and caring people from the Philippines.

Daly City is where most Philippinos congregate - have their fancy restaurants - and where in numbers - they celebrate Church and other significant - events - dear to them.

Not too long ago there was a quake in the Philippines - thousands of small islands and then the big ones - too many to record. And now this monster Hurricane - named Haiyan - in the Philippines named YOLANDA.

Whenever tragedy has struck San Francisco - it was always amazing to find out how people from all over - sent us support. 

We know this and we must not forget the love and support of good and decent human beings - all over the world - when tragedy has struck us in San Francisco.

It is all recorded in the annals of our San Francisco history - and available from the Clerk of Board at San Francisco City Hall.

This was all the more in 1906 - when the Big one not only played havoc with the large quake - but, more the fire that caused more harm. People - women, men, and children of good faith - came to our rescue.

There has been NOT a whisper from Super Jane Kim - who purports to work with the Philippino community.

Now - is the time for her - to come to the rescue of the people of the Philippines - with a contribution  - however small and show her true colors.

Rally her nonchalant SF Supervisors who spew a lot of diatribe - to walk the walk - and fork out to make a difference. After all - most of the time - these Supervisors - are always on the receiving side.

TWITTER will surely listen to JANE KIM - after helping TWITTER get a $59 million break from the SF City and County of San Francisco.

Other perks like FREE transportation from 4th and King to Mid-Market - and God alone knows - what.

TWITTER just made headlines - created two Billionaires - when their IPO went public on the Stock Exchange.

One TWITTER officer already has ready cash from another significant operation and business - SQUARE - over $10 Billion.

For TWITTER on behalf of San Francisco it is not too much to send a check in the amount of $200,000 - nothing much - but a SIGNIFICANT - gesture that will put them on the world map - of some significant compassion of sorts.

TWITTER show-cased the nine year old year -  on the opening day of their IPO.

This nine year old girl -who now manages to earn millions - to help those children - whose plight in many countries has been to work as slaves.

We the people - admire the courage of this nine year old girl. Kudos to her and those that support - her.

Can TWITTER on behalf of San Francisco make a contribution of a measly $200,000 right now - in kind or in cash - to a trustworthy organization - to bring succor to the people of the Philippines.

Reports just coming out say in some places the wind force was in access of 360 miles per hour linked to Hurricane Yolanda in the Philippines. 

Now, that is horrendous - the damage reports will come out in the days to come.

Right now the reports say a 100 people have died - but, other reports say - hundreds of bodies are laying - all over the place - and the huge waves may have swept many more - out to sea.

SalesForce and the many other huge Primes that rake in millions in San Francisco - can step up and help the Philippines.

Nancy Pelosi, Diane Feinstein, Richard Blum, the Shorestein the many other that fleece us all - can now step up - and share their loot. This is your moment to shine - even if the tainted money stored in the dark - has to face some light - to make a difference

May be even sponsor some rescue teams from San Jose, San Francisco, other Cities that are ready to go - but need a little help - from decent women, children and men - that care and share.

Come on people - let us TWIT - and make that happen.
God Bless You All.

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