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Monday, June 29, 2015


Web of financial institutions

Mayor Edwin M. Lee has been running his mouth - reading his speeches written by folks - who are NOT educated on issues less care about the ordinary San Franciscan.

Still less oblivious of the International happenings - going on right now - in the world - that will hit us hard in the pocket book.

Hot air and the mundane - are things for those that have their own petty interest - folks who talk the talk but can never - walk the walk.

Steve Kawa will read these paragraphs and think he is rolling the dice - and hitting the jackpot - every tenth roll - but all that and more will come to the end - very soon.

We are in at the midst of an artificial - boom, here in San Francisco. First there is a loud boom - and then - just like that - a bust.

The Mayor Edwin M. Lee - spews diatribe - one cliche he uses - "shared equity" - easy to say for one - that has stashed millions - in all sorts of wheeling and dealings - most of it linked to - nefarious, activities.

On one hand these "evil" people talk about "shared equity" - on the other hand they create - the "great divide".

There is no one man that understands it all - for sure in San Francisco and more in Room 200 at City Hall - we do have a Caligula and his minions - playing with fire.

Mayor Edwin M. Lee and his minions - look the other way - watch the increasing numbers of homeless withhout any compassion.

Our infants, children, youth, young adults - suffering from all sorts of adverse issues.

Seniors, facing starvation and other lack of much needed support and aid - in their golden years - and there is none to be found.

The congestion on our roads - falling on deaf ears. The Carbon Footprint increasing - more with the pouring of millions of tons of concrete and other contaminants.

If you are wheeling and dealing - using the tax payers money to make deals - you are riding high.

Throwing out slogans - linked to Bond Measures - tax payers will pay for them - but have you and your minions - at City Hall - have no real goals and time-lines - you are taking the constituents of San Francisco for a wild, wild ride - over the precipice and into the "cesspool" - of your own - creation.

On the International scene there is the looming Greek financial crisis.

Germany, France, other Euro partners - have done their best - the Greeks have reached saturation point.

The Greeks have suffered for too long - and they do not see any HOPE - on their horizon.

Greece the land of Philosophy and other sources of sound culture - now, falling prey to mundane policies - and GREED - made in the United States of America.

Our American Banks and dubious interests own Greek Museums, all kinds of facilities, and enticed the Greeks into all sorts of sordid deals - linked to our 2008 financial, spiraling of our economy.

The Greeks went for the easy money - excess spending - never thinking about the huge interests - and when the time came to pay the Balloon Payments - the Greeks had nothing - but their treasures, their Land Mark buildings, their assets worth little today - to surrender and suffer - starvation on most levels.

Stock and Shares are tumbling:

For the last 7 years - for those who are interested and follow - cycles of a kind - the world's shallow financial - roller coaster.

We have seen Greece go under - float for time - and now waiting - for the great - drowning, moment.

Here is the Bay Area what favors us - are the Billions of dollars - coming in from China and other dubious places - for quick investment - mostly in Real Estate.

Much like the Japanese did in the 1980s.

There is plenty of blood money, available - all you need are the connections.

Willie L. Brown the former thug Mayor of San Francisco and Mayor Edwin M. Lee - are having a "festive time".

Wheeling and dealing - if only there were cameras in Room 200 - billion dollar deals made - lock, stock, and barrel.


This is Ohlone land and all that we see in San Francisco and the entire Bay Area belongs to the Ohlone.

EACH square inch that we see - and which "evil folks like Willie L. Brown and others " - think they can possess and wheel and deal - land that is not theirs - but, they speak and think and purport to be theirs.

Right now a one bed room is fetching $4000 a month in rent.

A one bed room condominium going for $1 to $3 million in the downtown area. Some high end suites two and three bed room condominiums - for $5 to $10 million.

Recently, there has been a slowing down of high end properties - land, homes, condominiums, and the City and County of San Francisco - is beginning to see - this slow down - and wondering - what is happening.

Well, all things come to an end - the good, bad, and ugly.

In San Francisco we have reached - saturation point - when it comes to the - "fake real estate".

All kind of speculations - that trigger - all sorts of machinations, ploys, and shenanigans.

We all remember the years before and after 2008 - all the tricks that the banks used to entice and trap those that - fell for the traps.

As Malia Cohen she will tell you - how her once $580,000 condominium went under.

After that bout - Malia Cohen - got into the "whoring mode" - she had to make up for all that she lost - by hook or by crook. Trap or clap - the "greener" the pour - the better for this one of kind  - Lemur.

Malia Cohen could wheel and deal - lie and cheat - and take part in despicable deeds, acquire fancy cars and more - and do what she does best - become a known - "political whore".

Malia Cohen could be charged today under the Rico Act - and go to jail for a long, long time.

The wealth she has acquired in a short time - is disproportionate to what she makes - she is not paying attention - but her mug and her dressing - says it all.

It is the same with Mayor Edwin M. Lee - how playing with Pension Fund that belongs to the City works - using this money - to fund homes for City Workers - so called "essential workers".

What about the tax payers - San Franciscans - who have contributed so much - to the progress of our unique - City and County of San Francisco? 

Over a year ago I predicted what will happen - to this artificial boom.

Today, we see the real happenings - the Stock Market today - will reveal - how strong it is - really.

In the months to come - we will watch the spiraling of the economy - more after the 7 year cycle - that some of us monitor and can predict - with some - certainty.

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