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Tuesday, March 29, 2016


Mayor Edwin M. Lee - the Joker!

At no time in recent years - does the stench of " sulphur " fill the air - so much that it adversely impact so many -  at San Francisco City Hall - suffocating the just and impacting thousands of decent human beings - constituents of San Francisco   - for sure  in recent years.

More - since Mayor Edwin M. Lee - took his oath to represent - and has failed in all the time - he has been in room 200 at City Hall. Fostering ploys, machinations and shenanigans.

The many instances of " pay to play " are well known and recorded - but the man who is a chronic liar - denies he ever took money illegally - when he does it - all the time - and smiles with - glee.

For sure he has taken money from Lennar Urban, he has from AECOM, he has from Local Union 261, he has from AirB&B - but as much as you tell him to his face - he will deny this fact.

We have seen - trucks belonging to the City and County of San Francisco - taking part in campaigns - orchestrated by Local Union 261 - money that have gone to fill the campaign coffers of Mayor Edwin M. Lee.

The world knows the breaks given by Mayor Edwin M. Lee to Twitter, Zynga, AirB&B,  many corrupt  developers - who offer perks to all those who benefit from deals cut linked to the many sky scrapers built - all over San Francisco.

The San Francisco Planning Department and the San Francisco Planning Commission - should be ashamed of itself - pandering to the Mayor Edwin M. Lee.

The last three Housing Elements - that guide the City and County of San Francisco - linked to Affordable Housing, Child care, other Quality of Life issues - have fake information - and each of these Housing Elements - are in our Courts - pending adjudication.

While the Courts play " ping pong " on the adjuration of these cases - linked to the Housing Element and related issues - Mayor Edwin M. Lee and his lackeys are making hay while the sun shines.

We do not need these macho symbols
   in the air - that have no esthetics -
and speak more to greed.

The many deals with Salesforce, Webcor, Nibbi, Cahill, Obayashi, others - are well known. No one get the permits - unless they  fork out millions of dollars to " pay to play ".

We have said this again and again to no avail - so when the media announces - the misdeeds of those participants the likes of Zulu Jones - who has a track record of being corrupt.

The many consultants and for sure Platinum Consultants that has been fined in New York - but has folks like Dwayne Jones still - messing with things in and around in San Francisco.

The San Francisco Ethics Commission was slow to order an audit - on the campaign finances of Edwin M. Lee - linked to the last Mayoral elections.

 Mayor Edwin M. Lee - had no competition - and all the more - we the people want to know - why did he spend over one and half millions dollars - in that one sordid election -  to carry on the many nefarious activities - that some of us know took place.

Mayor Edwin M. Lee has " corruption " written all over his face - and again he sends orders - to those that he wants to surround him - at his many fake Press Conferences.

 Always trying to make " his point " - the corruption reeks with sulphur - fill the air with contamination of the worst order -  City Hall and more Room 200.

Suffocates those that are decent, want to do right , pay their taxes - work hard - contribute to the best interests of our City and County of San Francisco.

We the people are fed up and disgusted with the many nefarious activities. This nonsense must STOP  - now.

The many protests - will grow - and has been alluded  - in the Media and among some circles - more in some drab discussion of sorts - the Over Time - given to the San Francisco Police Department -  has reached - this years in February, 2016 - to over $7.9 millions dollars - it as less than $2 million last year and the year before that.

Well, most think we have a Police Department that looks good - generally speaking  - if you take a closer look - our San Francisco Police Department -  looks more like a well oiled - para-military force - in many areas.

We have seen armored truck - with San Francisco Police Officers - - hanging from the sides of these armored trucks - armed with weapons as if they are going to battle in Iraq or Afghanistan.

Seeing is believing - sending chills to the people - who are already traumatized. All the preparation and an exercise in futility to capture and take down  - some single individual - in Public Housing.

Incidents like this are part of gentrification - and those that have no idea of para-military tactics- have no clue - what is happening in our neighborhoods.

Developers put money to rid of people they do want to see and deal with. It is called " gentrification ". The pay to play - helps manifest these sordid actions - so we must audit the crooks who facilitate these actions - that adversely impact those that pay their taxes- contribute to San Francisco - only to get - SHAFTED.

The corruption has reached saturation point - and yet our San Francisco Ethics Commission with its new Director - are slow to adjudicate and audit those that must be audited.

 Shooting arrows in the air - talking about " process " - there has been no focused and meaningful process - linked to the San Francisco Ethics Commission - in the last - ten years - as far as I know - and it was stated by other too - those that care for our great City and County of San Francisco.

San Francisco City Hall -
the stairs leading to the den of crooks -
corruption has reach saturation point.

We have had clear cases - with the Fair Political Action Committee - the San Francisco Sunshine Task Force - send cases to the San Francisco Ethics Commission - clear cut  for adjudication.

The Fair Political Action Committee - already adjudicating the case - the case of Juliet Ellis - sending it for further adjudication - only for the San Francisco Ethics Commission - to cow down to nefarious entities - and listen to the pleas of Room 200.

Juliet Ellis a very corrupt individual who still works for the San Francisco Public Utilities Commission - she is the Assistant General Manager for External Affairs.

Juliet Ellis -  has no clue about her duties - except participate in the many nefarious activities - wheeling and dealing.

Juliet Ellis with intent - sent over $200, 000 to Green For All - an organization in the East Bay - a non-profit that she worked for before joining the SF Public Utilities Commission - an Enterprise Department - know for its corruption. 

The Fair Political Action Committee fined Juliet Ellis and ordered her to return the money. - that she illegally send to Green For All - a non-profit that Juliet Ellis once headed - and from which she should have divested herself from. Juliet Ellis choose with intent - to do wrong - and shamed all of San Francisco and more San Franciscans.

While the case was sent to the San Francisco Ethics Commission before it was sent to the Fair Political Action Committee - the Fair Political Action Committee - adjudicated the case - first.

When the case came before the San Francisco Ethics Commission - under pressure from Mayor Edwin M. Lee and "rowdy friends of Juliet Ellis " - who came in large numbers from the East Bay - the SF Ethics Commission cowed down - and failed to adjudicate the case in a fair and just manner.

At a minimum Juliet Ellis who still works for the San Francisco Public Commission - should have been fired.

Juliet Ellis recently - using her staff - contributed over 2000 slots for the Mayor's Summer Job Program - each slot costing thousands of dollars - to boost the prestige of Mayor Edwin M. Lee - who lacks leadership and less morals, ethics, and standards.

The money comes from the Community Benefits - costing millions - linked to the Sewer System Improvement Project - linked more to the Southeast Sector - an area that has been treated with disdain. The foul smell from the Sewage Treatment Plant fills the air - each and every day - and has been growing worse - from the early 1970s.

I have been fighting for Quality of Life issues - the Mayor has visited my office - but has not lifted a finger - to help the community that is suffering. 

The Hunters Point Naval Shipyard a Superfund Site - that has NOT been abated, mitigated - and the Mayor brags he will build 10, 000 homes.

20, 000 homes at Candlestick Point that is contaminated too and in closer proximity to Hunters Point Naval Shipyard.

All the development linked to the future development in the Candlestick Point area - the Hunters Point Naval Shipyard - land prone to liquefaction and flooding - more a Superfund Site - needs attention. From the San Francisco Ethics Commission - the Department of Building Inspection, the District Attorney, the City Attorney, the State Attorney General, the Fair Action Political Committee and of course the lack luster - San Francisco Ethics Commission of sorts.

The Grand Jury has reports and adjudicated the nefarious activities - that are taking place on Hunters Point Naval Shipyard - over 1000 acres - including parcel F which is the Bay and contaminated. Hot spots with high levels of reading - Radioactive elements - plutonium, radium, cesium - a site where Depleted Uranium was tested in the 1950s.

The San Francisco Ethics Commission - has not reviewed - less comprehends - and less cares to adjudicate. Again and again the pleas of the constituents of San Fransisco - are thrown to the wind. 

A recent NBC Investigative report - revealed how contaminated dirt was buried - instead of leaving the Hunters Point Naval Shipyard - Class One very contaminated dirt - the manifest manipulated and and the dirty deed done.

The District 10 Supervisors Malia Cohen pretend she knows nothing - about the contamination - while receiving bribes all the time. Time will tell.

San Francisco were open to the appointment of the new Director to the SF Ethics Commission.

San Franciscans believed this new much need change - would bring some meaningful change.

We hope  - the cobwebs that fill the room - would be aired - the room cleaned and sanitized.

The constituents of San Francisco - given HOPE - we are not seeing the need change - and if there is change - it is moving at a snail pace.

Millions of dollars from the Sewer System Improvement Project (SSIP) the Community Benefits Fund  - are being diverted to corrupt  individuals - the likes of Young Community Developers - other dubious entities pretending they know about Work Force when they know - nothing at all - these entities  are given money - to carry shady programs - these nefarious entities - should be audited. All of them linked to Dwayne Jones.

Some of us are fed up with the San Francisco Ethics Commission - yesterday - March 28, 2016 at City Hall - we listened to the advocates speak up and make their case. 

Only for the SF Ethics Commission - to take cover - under the guise - that " process " - is high on the SF Ethics Commission priority list. The SF Ethics Commission felt - they need more time - with more time - the corrupt get bold and more devious.

Power to the people -
the People united will never, ever be Defeated.

I have not noticed that in the many years - I use to attend the San Francisco Ethics Commission meetings - the San Francisco Ethics Commission has failed San Franciscans.

The hard working tax payers - and more our infants, children, youth, young adult, Elders and those with compromised health.

The corruption at San Francisco City Hall - more in Room 200 - adversely impacting us all - and the time to audit and adjudicate Mayor Edwin M. Lee and others - in NOW.

Mayor Edwin M. Lee has failed us all - and the least we can expect taking place immediately -  is this audit - it is nothing much -  but,  we must begin - somewhere. 

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