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Sunday, January 17, 2016


The " freedom "train used to be a symbol of people coming together again - on a day set aside to honor Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. - January 14.

Decent folks singing - holding hands - more people of color - reminding us all  - " of that singular turning point " - freedom and the right to vote - for all Blacks and others too.

Many group including millions of women - saw the Civil Rights Movement - as a stepping stool - to go to the better - place.

Today, other groups - many with a hidden agenda - far from the - " true spirit " -  use the Civil Right Movement as a tool - for hidden purposes. Even, trying to convince the the Supreme Court - about stuff that is mundane. Time will tell.

Today, the many who speak at the events honoring Dr. Martin Luther King Jr fail to bring the people together.

Many a time - those who gather - join in the smaller parades - do not really feel " that turning point " - when President Johnson - somehow decided - to removed the shackles, remove the hurdles, and treat Blacks as human beings.

Allow Blacks to vote - to attend schools and colleges, get better jobs - create opportunities that in today's environment - today's world are fading away in oblivion.

Many Blacks who are in the their teens, twenties, thirties - even forties - have no clue - about the many signs - "coloreds not allowed ", other signs with "foul " language - and all this and more - because Blacks were considered - less than human.

It was even more insulting when the Bible was used as a tool and pretext - that Blacks - were  - " less than human ".

Today, we take it for granted - our freedom - but in reality - if we are not educated on issues - have no standards, no morals, less ethics, less spirituality - we are practicing - license.

There is FREEDOM and there is LICENSE.

Abuse of freedom is license.

 Here today - our City and County of San Francisco - and many of the Department Heads - practice - license.

Friday, January 15, 2016 - I saw the Mayor having breakfast with a Asian Police Commissioner.

 I had to go the Cleaners and on my way back - on San Bruno Avenue - by Tiffany's - now gathering popularity for breakfast - I waited for the Mayor to exist - Mayor, Edwin M. Lee.

I waited outside - and stood in attention - " Mr. Mayor - my name is Francisco Da Costa". " I know you " said the Mayor.

" Mr. Mayor I would like to meet you to talk about one issue - just give me five minutes. The issue is de-esclation - when it come to cases like Mario Woods ".

The Mayor - told me: " I will have you meet Anderson " - who is Black and his point person - on issues linked to Safety, Crime - and others issues - much like the former Mayor's Office of Criminal Justice - that has been abolished.

Today, we have so called experts like Anderson and Diane Aroche - who purport to know what is truly happening at ground zero.

In reality they have no clue - what is really happening - and do NOT have a sound system - that captures - the incident reports - other pertinent - empirical data.

There is a great divide -  some organizations purporting to deal with Violence Prevention and Intervention -  millions of dollars are expanded - toward hoodwinking the public at large.

The San Francisco Police Department has the PERF report - some of us - constituents - have a Community Policing Plan - containing detail plans.

These plans are siting on the shelves - gathering - dust.

 Sound programs and  curricula - that can be implemented - I guarantee you - Anderson and Diane Aroche - have NO clue about these documents. If they did - the way they conduct themselves - would reflect - better services, better programs, better outreach at ground zero.

Fundamentally - our City and County of San Francisco has chosen - to outsource programs. Put the burden on others - with the City and County taking less liability - and supervising - remote control. In the real world - such tactics are paramount to utter and abject - failure.

Programs - such as the Street Violence Intervention Program - the IPO - and other programs - controlled remotely by the Mayor's Office and people like Diane Aroche.

Diane Aroche - who once worked for Maria Su - the Mayor's Office of Children, Youth and Families. Who is hand in glove with Barara Garcia and others - talking the talk but not walking the walk.

Anderson who is a lawyer - but has no experience with what is happening at - " ground zero ". Has not even visited the Street Violence and Intervention Program - and therefore - nonchalant about matter that are viable and sustainable.

We have pretentious person the likes of Amos Brown trying to represent the people - this will not happen in San Francisco. He loves to jump on any bandwagon - to have his two minutes of fame. Pathetic!

We have other entities who have had it - and are now organizing - and will NOT include Amos Brown - in their true - deliberations.

Wait of the many parades - better than the ones planned for the 50th Anniversary - of the upcoming NFL anniversary and the Super Bowl - where the tax payers from San Francisco - will have to shell out - over $5 million.

Therefore - having some town hall meetings - announcing that the YMCA, the NAACP, and Third Baptist Church - will sponsor and facilitate these meetings - is totally uncalled for.

The YMCA situated at Lane Street in the Bayview - should stay out of politics.

We know this sordid YMCA in the past and even now  - we know they take moneys from Lennar Urban, from the City and County of San Francisco.

The YMCA - should stick - to offering programs to better our children, youth, and young adults.

The YMCA should stay out of politics - and this means -NOT hosting and sponsoring - political meetings.

The NAACP and Third Baptist are one and the same thing - controlled by Amos Brown - no one who is decent - respects Amos Brown - take it from me - and from he Blacks leaders that matter.

There is FREEDOM and there is LICENSE.

Do not carry out - in broad daylight - the practices of the " slave plantation " .

None of us who are astute, educated on issues, know what is right and what is wrong - have the BALLS - will cow down - and follow the dictates - of those that are carrying on - " division " and " divisiveness" in this City and County of San Francisco - the land of the Muwekma Ohlone.

I said I spoke to the Mayor - I met him on San Bruno Avenue - and after meeting him - went to my office at Executive Park - where I have one of my offices - and was busy working - when I received a call - and a message was left - to attend a meeting at City Hall.

I heard the message on my cell phone - tried to reach the numbers - could not - and was sending the Mayor and Anderson the Mayor'e point person - an email - when I got - yet another call - and this time - was talking to Anderson - himself.

Anderson asked me to come to City Hall - and be there in twenty minutes.

 I first was hesitant - because I had a scheduled meeting - re-scheduled the meeting - and left for City Hall with Arturo Carrillo who is my friend - and offered to give me a ride.

I arrived at City Hall - and after the formalities with the Receptionist - at the front desk at Room 200 the Mayor Office - some back and forth - was called in to meet the Mayor.

I requested the Receptionist as and when Arturo Carrillo arrived - he should be permitted to join me.

The Mayor beaconed me to sit down - and I told him about Arturo  Carrillo and he had no objection - to him - joining the meeting.

I am trained by the United States the military - and I am accustomed to giving briefs - at short notice.

 I need little if no preparation - as many who know me - I do my homework. I was prepared to discuss any issue with the Mayor - Edwin M. Lee.

I was here - as per my previous talk - with the Mayor, Edwin M. Lee - to discuss - de-escalation.

The Mayor, Edwin M. Lee was not relaxed - he had his arms clenched around his chest - not a friendly gesture - for dialog.

I had two options - leave the meeting - or stay and continue the deliberations. I chose to stay and face the debacle of sorts.

The Mayor - turned to me and asked me to say what I wanted - mentioning to me - that I had asked the Mayor about an hour ago - on San Bruno Avenue to meet him - and that he had afford me the meeting.

The meeting was truly at short notice - but as I said - I was prepared for the ordeal. 

I turned to Anderson who was present and to the Mayor and gave a short history of my relationship and the various positions the Mayor has held all these years - and what I really thought about the Mayor.

Some poignant meetings where the Mayor and have met - including playing Ping Pong - on Market Street - where the Mayor's commented on - my ability to play - we did not play a full game - but the short time I played Ping Pong - was a memorable one.

I gave him a short history of what was happening at ground zero - the divisions - and how I am involved in outreach.

That there are tools we can use - to de-escalate situations - certain members of the community - playing a stellar role - and of course we could use Street Violence Intervention Program - and so on and so forth. 

Arturo Carrillo who worked for HealthRight360 is the fiscal sponsor - that funds Street Violence Intervention Program (SVIP) - and was present to hear - all my deliberations with the Mayor, Edwin M. Lee. I thank him for bearing with me - and this ordeal of sorts. Guess he will never attend another meeting of this sort with me. Apologize - if I put you - in a awkward position.

The Mayor at some point told me that on that day - Friday, January 15, 2016 - the Mayor was supposed to meet Gwendolyn Woods - the mother of Mario Woods - who was shot and killed.

The Mayor told me that that meeting was cancelled at the last moment.

This was news to me - and I know that the mother of Mario Woods - is surrounded - by many entities - and some of them - have a hidden agenda. Whom am I to say - it is for this very reason - that I have kept my distance.

I did not with Oscar Grant - but I also learned a lot from that episode - who really led the charge - and what a debacle that whole situation - turned to be. God have mercy on us all.

I did mention to the Mayor - how he has failed to apologize to the Mothers of the four Black young men who were killed and died 10 months plus ago - also, the the mother of Mario Woods.

I am the Director of Environmental Justice Advocacy - and gave the Mayor - my take on contamination and pollution.

My take on the proposed housing and a number of issue - that I not discuss here - as it would not do justice - many paragraphs and make this article - boring.

So suffice it to say - I will mention one fact - a fact covering contamination and pollution.

I pointed to the Mayor, Edwin M. Lee - the thousands of tons - of Methane Gas spewing into the air - some 300, 000 plus tons - from 4th Street to Geneva Avenue - in the Southeast Sector of San Francisco.

One ton of Methane gas - equals 22.2 tons on Carbon Dioxide.
So much for those that brag about the Carbon Footprint and what they are doing to curtail it. Add to it - the thousands of tons of concrete, aggregate, particulates of the worst kind - and you have a mess - that the Mayor - has NO clue and glossy over - with diatribe and hyperbole. 

Mention to the Mayor our current population some 850, 000 the population per square foot - some 18, 200 person per square foot - and of course that I represented - the First People of San Francisco - the Muwekma Ohlone.

Throughout the meeting the Mayor,  Edwin M. Lee was very tense - and I fully understand this - he is under pressure - and thinks as much good as he does - he is not appreciated.

The Mayor brought to my attention - my comments and writings - and thought they brought about division. I told him my writings - and my writings - are my feeling and aspirations - I am responsible for them - and apologized if I had hurt his feelings.

The Mayor said something - as if he did not take it personal - but it was contrary to what all I was saying to him.

The Mayor, Edwin M. Lee has the right to his own opinions and feelings. I could see he cannot stand criticism - and would like most everything to be - as he sees it. Sorry!

I have the right to my opinions - as a citizen of the United States - having served my Nation to the best of by ability - Sixth U.S. Arm and Presidio of San Francisco - won many awards - the only awards I treasure.

I worked for the Nation Park Service - created the Maintenance Technical Support Group at the Presidio of San Francisco - a Federal entity.

Finally, the United States Park Police - a Federal Law Enforcement entity - before I retired.

If you Mayor of anyone of your caliber do not agree with me - I am fine with that. No one pushes things - that I have checked - had some folks that I trust give me their opinion - and then spoken on written about them. I am not into gossip and taking on issues - for the sake of taking on issues.

Right now - more as we honor Dr. Martin Luther King - many Blacks - are fed up - treated as second class citizens - for those that do not know - I was born in Nairobi, Kenya.

I am not conditioned by American ways  and I not a coward.

  I served three United States Generals - so I am not afraid of Mayor Edwin M. Lee - or the many so called City Department heads - who are corrupt. I have the empirical data.

I am an advocate - most people who are corrupt and especially those that are sell outs - do not like stellar advocates.

What makes the situation perilous  - Mayor Edwin M. Lee was an advocate once - but, has forgotten about his advocacy - days.

Mayor Edwin M. Lee as a young man - who had a better sense -
of justice fair play - a housing advocate - he says he cares but right now he does - NOT.

Anyone can talk the talk - but what really matters - is to walk the walk.

I stick to what I write and say - and I am not afraid of anyone - especially some lackeys - who have no morals, no ethics, are found wanting in standards. Have been charged with corruption and know they are threading a fine line.

I once told Mayor Edwin M. Lee - looking at him in the eye - I serve the community of San Francisco - and if he helps me - that would be fine and the right things to do - and I would work with him.

If the Mayor did not - and I thought - he heard my words loud and clear - if he did not that would not bore well - for him or anyone.

The Mayor, Edwin M. Lee has failed to keep contact - and now wants to bring to my attention - what all he is doing - many of this decisions have fallen by the way side.

He can reflect on this own actions. Look at the mirror and see for himself - how he has fared.

Española Jackson - who is now living her last days - has been requesting Mayor Edwin M. Lee to meet her for over a year. 

Now, it is too late.

He should reflect on Espanola Jackson - her many years of advocacy - and compare those years - with his own service to the City and County of San Francisco - the many law suits pending in Court - linked to Mayor - Edwin M. Lee.

Much as the City and County of San Francisco has the last 3 Housing Elements - in Court - each one failing to reveal the facts - and using - " shady factors and figures".

With intent the poor and those needing housing - have been kept in the dark. We could have built affordable housing at the Presidio of San Francisco - ask Mayor Frank Jordon about that.

We could have done more - past Mayors and Mayor Edwin M. Lee has done less. 

San Francisco has favored the rich - and left the poor -  those living in San Francisco with very high rents - $3500 per months for a one bedroom unit.

San Franciscans  -  working hard - paycheck to paycheck - suffering - over 30, 000 families from San Francisco - have left - never, ever to return.

Today, Black make up 2% of the San Francisco - population. I bet you the Mayor, Edwin M. Lee has not read the Unfinished Agenda - and less the fake document - " Out Migration ".

Of the .25% of Blacks - 50% are incarcerated - many linger in our jails - waiting to be bailed - as they cannot afford it. Let us ponder about is one fact - as we pretend to honor Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. - the many House Negroes who are selling out the community.

You would think - a Chinese Mayor - Edwin M. Lee - whose family was helped - when the Mayor's father  suffered discrimination, was adversely impacted - all of which the Mayor comprehends.

The Mayor also acknowledges of a Black - giving money to his mother - to keep the family restaurant running - after his father passed away.

The Mayor has mentioned this fact many times. The Mayor talks about Public Housing - he - himself has lived in Public Housing.

The so called " affordable housing " does not cater for those that make under $80, 000 and less for those -  and the many  mostly Blacks - who make under $40, 000.

The Mayor's Office of Housing - mandates good credit - taking classes - going through all sorts of hurdles - just to join some lottery - where you can wait for years - being a victim - to this very sordid and evil process - and the Mayor thinks we are fools.

This is the land of the Muwekma Ohlone - all the land was stolen - and I represent the Muwekma Ohlone.

I am not afraid of the crooks and the corrupt - they better look in the mirror - before - they accuse those that work hard for our City and its constituents. More speak to the Truth. Bring it on.

Dare to thrown stones at glass houses - when they are - wheeling and dealing - and have BLOOD on their hands. Aho.

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