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Thursday, December 5, 2013


The United States Navy continues to defy the constituents in the Bayview Hunters Point area. Again and again adversely impacting the constituents - who pay taxes - while the United States Navy - continue to defy the constituents - this type of attitude will NOT fly for long.

The United States Navy has with intent exposed thousands to hazardous materials during the War Efforts.

Thousands more were exposed to potential hazardous materials -  in many of the trips made by the trucks leaving the Hunters Point Naval Shipyard - with toxic dirt containing - high levels of radioactive elements - the U. S Navy defying the community - and not abiding by Safety and Health standards.

Some crooks from Colorado think they can come into our community - and ferry off thousands of tons of very toxic dirt - right through our community - using the U.S. Navy as a conduit.

These same crooks and very corrupt people think they can hoodwink the community. The have no clue that we have the information and are monitoring them - very closely.

The crooks think - we the advocates and others will sit and watch the crooks -  as they do - as they please.

Some of us have had patience with these nasty crooks - who will do anything to make money. More money on the back of the community; foster the worse type of greed - forgetting that the community bordering the Hunters Point Naval Shipyard and beyond has already suffered a lot. No more.

The United States Navy polluted the Hunters Point Naval Shipyard - of which it has full control - and that includes the most toxic and contaminated site or parcel - E2.

Much of the contamination from the many experiments the U.S. Navy conducted during the War Effort - World War II. 

Many experiments linked to the Atomic Bomb - and for sure - experiments using Depleted Uranium that was first tested on the Hunters Point Naval Shipyard.

For the naysayers we have the empirical data.

We have a rail facility that can contain the worst type of contamination in containers - doubly re- enforced and rail the containers to the sites outside California. This proposal and much more has been made available to the United States Navy. I have address this issue to the folks from Colorado. To date they have NOT contact me.

What stops us from blocking the gate - and stopping all work?

We do not want truck carry very toxic and contaminated materials - through our community. How many times should we say that - and why should we be pleading - when we are in charge of our backyards. The U.S. Navy simply does not get it. 

Perhaps initiating a Congressional Hearing will fix the problem.
The Republicans are ready to initiate such a hearing - since the present Democratic Representatives - the like of Nancy Pelosi, Barbara Boxer, and Diane Feinstien have let us down.

We have a company that can rail the containers to the sites that store the contaminated - contents.

These sites that store the contaminated contents - can also do the necessary remediation and long lasting safe storage.

The train hub - within two mile from the Hunters Point Naval Shipyard gate - has all the necessary operations as I said; and  is within two miles from the Hunters Point Naval Shipyard - gate.

The contents can be railed safely - away from the heavily populated areas the truck tend to ply - in close proximity to the co community - putting children, Seniors, others in harms way.

We find it difficult why Keith Forman who represents the U.S. Navy; who has been dealing with us in our community cannot comprehend - such a simple plan; a route - which should satisfy the U.S. Navy and the tax payers.

The U.S. Navy always loves to circumvent the right way of doing things and favors giving contracts in the millions to crooks - circumventing the process, not following protocol - as it has done many times before - and it now wants to do the same - this time around too.

The tax payers should be the entity that should be appeased after all these years - adversely impacting thousands of innocent people.

 The U.S. Navy simply does not get it - it should satisfy the tax payers - which should be the sole purpose of any of the remediation - abatement, mitigation - in the on going clean-up which is full of pit falls.

The U.S. Navy has not cared to read - less follow the Precautionary Principle. Again and again its in your face - blatant discrimination - will not fly.

The community does not trust the U.S. Navy - the City and County of San Francisco - has given the U.S. Navy too many chances - looking the other way - while innocent people have been exposed to dangerous elements.

The U.S. Navy has compromised Quality of Life issues - not only on Treasure Island but her at Hunters Point Naval Shipyard in a big - big way.

These folks from Colorado better not intimidate the community - we already have explained our position - the community has suffered a lot - and they cannot take it anymore. You are put on notice - and make no bones about it. This is not Colorado - we can and will sue you.

Our local truckers can do the work - as much as the U.S. Navy and the folks from Colorado want to use outsiders. That is not an option - the U.S. Navy knows that but does not want to abide by the rules and regulations.

Those most impacted by the Superfund Site - must be helped first - our local truck drivers - other heavy duty operators - and of course the many technical experts and Local Business Enterprises - that the U.S. Navy fails to give opportunities.

Outside truckers - who have nothing to do with the community - and do not care about the manifest they carry, are ready to do the bidding of those that are NOT from the community -  we are watching - and the time to act is - now.

I am watching these ploys and machinations like a HAWK!

I am asking Keith Forman to stop playing games - having meetings at the Lane Street YMCA to pull wool over our eyes.

The folks that gather to listen to the U.S. Navy at the meetings held at the YMCA on Lane Street - are all sellouts.

The decent folks who use to attend the meetings - are fed up with the lies of the U.S. Navy. I have said this to the face of the U.S.Navy trying to prolong the clean up and mitigation of the Hunters Point Naval Shipyard.

For years we have tried to work with the U.S. Navy - who with intent have curtailed; brought to a halt - any meaningful discussion - including abolishing the Restoration Advisory Board that genuinely represented the community and all San Franciscans at large.

When the RAB did so much - and I know so much about the RAB and the many deliberations - because I use to attend the RAB - meetings. Now the RAB is no more - and the U.S. Navy is having a great time - making hay while the sun shines.

The U.S. Navy cannot and will not be able to fool - all the people - all the time.

The mostly Blacks on the Citizens Advisory Committee who are anointed to monitor things on the Hunters Point Naval Shipyard - are inept, shallow, and do not know anything much.

Less about remediation, abatement, mitigation and less about radioactive elements in high levels.

The CAC is so dumb that right now they are being bombarded by 
Asbestos Structures - high levels - right in the area where the have their meetings and have been having their meetings - at the TRAILERS - by the Shipyard Gate. Right on Parcel A.

Readings as high as 45,000 structures per cubic meter have been recorded - and the fools keep visiting the area, breathing the air - and think nothing of the hazardous - situation at hand.

That is how dumb the CAC members are.

They are killing themselves - while pretending to help and represent the community. Not knowing what they are dealing with - imagine being surrounded by Asbestos friable in such large quantities - and not knowing what they are dealing with?

They idiots just have to get the reports from the Bay Area Air Quality Management District. Request it from Amy Brownell who is in bed with them -  and works for the SF Health Department - and has chosen with intent to work against the community.

Barbara Gracia the SF Health Department Director knows about this but has not done a thing.

Our City and County of San Francisco does not have a Toxicologist. One reason they do not have one - is that any sane Toxicologist could call the shot and reign in the many - crooks.

Amy Brownell has failed again and again to disclose to the  CAC and to others who should be informed about the high readings lined to the Asbestos friables. This information about the fribales - the empirical data - that reveals the TRUTH and the prevailing situation at hand.

Lennar bombarded the entire Parcel A - the only Parcel that has been transferred to the City and County of San Francisco - part of the Hunters Point Shipyard.

The San Francisco City and County; which in turn through the esrtwhile SF Redevelopment Agency and the now Successor Agency to the SF Redevelopment Agency - transferred it to the Rogue Developer - LENNAR.

The Commission on Investment and Infrastructure - the policy making body working with the Successor Agency to the SF Redevelopment Agency - has been asleep at the wheel - more ignorant and arrogant -  truly speaking they have no clout - beside being inept, shallow, and spineless.

All over the area surrounding Parcel A - are found high readings of Asbesos Friables - the workers who are working in the area are not told about this issue linked to high readings that adversely impact the workers.

The have been NO - Notice of Violations - for the many times the high readings linked to Asbestos Friables have been - recorded.

The workers who are not educated on issues - are putting themselves and their loved ones - in harms way.

Such nonsense can only happen - because of the mostly BLACK sellout on the Citizens Advisory Committee - has learned little from those that have tried to educate them.

Soon each one of them will pass away - much like Willie B. Kennedy - who did not pay heed to my warnings. Much like those at Treasure Island who are being told today - what I wrote about 15 years ago - about the contamination on the man made island that is sinking. When will sane people ever learn?

Most of these sellouts think they will make money. They make make some - but die before they get to enjoy it.


The land has been desecrated by those that spread the remains of the OHLONE -  after demolishing to nearby hills - and spreading the remain with the dirt - DESECRATION.

There has been no APOLOGY and less restitution.

Those wanting to develop the Hunters Point Naval Shipyard - the most contaminated land - a Superfund Site - may clean it - but nothing good will ever take place at Hunters Point Naval Shipyard.

 I have said it 30 years ago - I say it now - and you all mark my words. Aho.

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