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Wednesday, December 18, 2013


This is NO time to be a politician - especially those politicians who speak from both sides of their mouth. They talk the talk but cannot walk the walk. We have them is San Francisco - galore.

This land all of it belongs to the Ohlone - this land we call San Francisco and more the entire Bay Area. Only the Ohlone are natives the rest - strangers. You may not want to believe it - but that is the TRUTH.

The land was stolen from the First People the Ohlone. Our shameless politicians, our City Planners, others who purport to know something - know nothing. Simply because spiritually they are bankrupt. So, when they see something, have no regard for the Sacred - they destroy - almost, everything.

At one time hundreds of Shellmounds kept our land holistic - these Shellmound acted as points - sacred points - that kept our land SACRED and still does. Shellmounds contain the Sacred Remains of the Ohlone - the First People of our Bay Area and more.

People who have no sense about such things are ignorant and remain ignorant - and what is true today - the politicians steeped in GREED - are mainly responsible for lack of ethics, morals, and standards.

All that was once good is now a concrete jungle, all that was  pristine has been contaminated. 

Lacking plain good manners and etiquette - they roam the Earth - saturated with greed on their minds and hearts. 

We are Americans and our Founding Fathers with great thought, deliberation, prayer, debate, endless hours of thought and gathering facts - in consensus - brought about a document that is respected - all over the world.

Today's politicians be it the Congress, be it the Senate, be it even our local political - charlatans - are making a fool of themselves - speaking from both sides of their mouth. They do NOT serve the people - the lie to the people - fabricate stories and constantly erode the standards that should be in place to uplift - everyone.

Today in order to survive one has to hold two or three jobs in San Francisco.

Most of the temporary jobs offer no benefits.

The rents have key rocketed and our local San Francisco Board of Supervisors (BOS) - being not educated on issues - have FAILED to represent.

The SF BOS love to hold hearings - and at these hearing - they allow the people who gather to vent - that is all - no action, no solutions - nothing what so ever - and they think they can fool all the people all the time. Time to boot them out - all of them.

There are NO career jobs  for most hardworking people in San Francisco - meaning where one can work for some years and get good benefits.

Even the City and County of San Francisco that has over 28,000 City workers on its payroll - has failed San Franciscans who number about 820,000. Most of the jobs going to people who live  our side our City of San Francisco.

These workers really do not care about San Francisco - they do care about the pay check that they spend - our the borders of our City of San Francisco.

For every one San Franciscan we have one City worker - a very high proportion - and many of them making over $100,000 and Management positions - upwards of $175,000 with benefits.

Our homeless population is increasing - with families now living in places that they ought not to live.

Our tourists are asking questions - and the truth be told - they are wondering who is in charge.

This increase in the homeless population is a SAD reflection on the policy makers.

Mostly ignorant, transplants who think that technology can address all problems but these idiots cannot find solutions to human beings - lacking humanity and humility - themselves.

Most of them know little about compassion, still little about love - they themselves soak themselves with lust - and love things - including drugs that give them an instant high.

They are fake - and fluff, chaff - and diatribe and such things - are closer to their hears than humility, sacrifice, and genuine love.

Droves of such "techies" and others have invaded our City and County of San Francisco - and the politicians flock to them - to understand what they have to offer - but these newbies have nothing to offer - but hot air.

San Francisco named after Saint Francis of Assisi - San Franciscans are looking around them and find that the standards we adhered to for years are waning away - quickly.

The customs and traditions we adhered to cannot be learned instantly - it takes years to develop and endure, more years to practice - and in the end we have something too difficult to describe in words.

We now have the filthy rich and the very poor. More of the filthy rich with nothing viable to offer - except hot air.

The very poor come to me and we try to help them.

We have some who listen to us and they know who they are - but there is only so much they can do. The do help but their hands are tied.

While Ellis Evictions make headlines.

Thousands others are evicted and many paid under the table - and there is no whimper about such actions.

The Representatives - more our San Francisco Board of Supervisors - leading the charge Jane Kim, Malia Cohen, Scott Weiner, London Breed - good for nothing - spewing diatribe - they all must be BOOTED out of office.

We are disgusted - so do not think we are machines - we can endure only so much of the rampant dissatisfaction.

We can endure only so much of the suffering - we can only do so much - and believe me I am surrounded by angels who work hard for our City and County of San Francisco as volunteers.

Recently I met Mayor Edwin Lee and told him to his face that in my writings I have to speak to the TRUTH - be they "tirades" or whatever.

I have to rock the boat and I do it - and this is not easy - not for a person that works hard to get things done. My only saving grace the Internet the the attorneys who protect me.

The politicians will steal your idea, your concepts, your work and give idiots credit.

They do it all the time - because they think if they spend the money - tax payers money - they have the right to take credit.

It was amazing to see this happen at the opening of the Contractors Assistance Center at Executive Park, 5 Thomas Mellon Circle, Suit 108 in San Francisco, California 94134.

We are watching these good for nothing folks who cannot attain anything; be it a program or project and bring it to a completion on time.

Endless meeting, endless convoluted ploys and machinations. Purchase Orders that take forever to be processed and more time to pay vendors who do their work on time - the worst culprit the San Francisco Public Utilities Commission.

They breed in the organization some folks who take pride vying for other peoples' position.

Divert thousands to organization like Green For All - and are still in office.

Gang up and force people to get  nervous break down.

And of course take credit - big credit for work that others have done and shameless forget that they did little but use the tax payers money.

These are the same people who think little about the poor - because tax payers pay them in excess of $250,000 and some get over $300,000 with benefits - all in our City and County of San Francisco. Aho.

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