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Wednesday, June 26, 2013


Nothing much has changed at City Hall in San Francisco and more in Room 250. Visible for all to see - the number of active Buffoons have increased.

The San Francisco Board of Supervisors - are busy behind closed doors making deals - most of them nefarious in nature.

All the while Senior, students, children, those poor and indigent in need of help - suffering, daily. Who is representing those that need help most?

I took one look at the aura of those sitting in the once August Chamber - Room 250 - and it was not good. 

Evil folks who try hard to look at you in the eye - and lie - through their teeth. Very bad vibrations.

Each of these Supervisors have earned themselves a title - many time over - Buffoons of the Highest Order.

The Legislative Branch is where the SF Board of Supervisors - have a place to deliberate and act righteously and according to the law. Do they do this? NO.

 Room 250 - the Legislative Chamber, the August Room where in the past - stellar legislators have passed astute and stellar legislation.

Now all these shallow and spineless SF Supervisors do is a very poor job of representing and what is more adversely impacting San Franciscans.

As opposed to the Mayor Edwin Lee - who heads the Executive Branch - with the City Administrator Naomi Kelly who comes under the Mayor since the City Charter was changed in 1996.

Once the City Administration in this City and County of San Francisco was independent - no more.

The SF Board of Supervisors have been acting like Buffoons - more political whores the likes of Malia Cohen, Jane Kim, London Breed - the more prominent pimp - Scott Wiener - adversely impacting the constituents of San Francisco.

In recent years - none of the SF Board of Supervisors - have improved Quality of Life issues.

When they run for elections - they promise you the world - but once in - the devil reigns - supreme.

If you look at Safety - we can easily give them all - a F - ; that is a F minus.

If you look at the services meted out in our hospitals - more Public Hospitals - again a F minus.

If you look at our Transportation System - you cannot rated it - it has gone hay wire - the most despicable Public Transportation in the Nation.

If you study the state of our Education - thousands of parents - that is father, mother, and children - normal families - have left San Francisco.

These decent parents who lived in San Francisco for many years - simply cannot tolerate - the inferior education - and the many life style educational curricula - imposed  and forced on their children.

Of all the Districts - and we have 11 Districts - District 10 is the worst.

Malia Cohen purports to represent District 10 and does a poor job.

Thousands of people without jobs in District 10. Thousands of youth - who have dropped out of school - and most of them are Black and truants. Many of them crash anywhere they can - and it is not easy to see this on going - tragedy. 

Young girls plying their trade - prostitution.

Thousands others making their living - selling drugs - not weed which among them is considered - recreational - but the most hazardous and more dangerous - meth and crack cocaine.

People are wired up; on Third Stree - it looks like the devils have been released from hell.

Malia Cohen is pussyfooting around - talking in circles - pretending that she is doing something - when the whore - is doing nothing - but pandering.

Malia Cohen must step down - and step down - now.

I choose the meetings I attend at City Hall.

 I do not want to throw pearls - before the swine.

And so when I was participating in the deliberation - at the San Francisco County Transportation Authority (SFCTA) - I witnessed the shenanigans - right from the start. Tuesday, June 25, 2013 around 11 am in Room 250 at SF City Hall.

Millions of dollars are set aside for programs and projects by the San Francisco County Transportation Authority (SFCTA).

More, to improve traffic flow, traffic lights, pedestrian safety, Americans with Disability Act (ADA), repairing our roads, study traffic congestion, traffic management, pollution, other critical elements needed to improve Quality of Life issues.

When the  SF Board of Supervisors - sitting as Commissioners at this SFCTA meeting - are given a opportunity to comment - they are silent. Their foolishness reigns - supreme. Hence the Buffoonery they are noted for.

These SF Board of Supervisor (SF BOS) have failed to represent - each and everyone  of the constituents, their Districts - most of the time.

Shallow, spineless, inept - more those that are not spiritual - have no morals and less ethics.

This is San Francisco and so anyway you look at it -  our City  embraces spirituality and compassion and if you read some about the Saint Francis of Assisi - you learn more.

None of the morasses that are linked with what most of the SF BOS - purport to be; normal - which is abnormal - their life style - morasses tarnish the good name of our fair City - the City and County of San Francisco.

Leading the pack Malia Cohen, Scott Weiner, Jane Kim - and it would do no good to mention the others - as I have before.

Once the SF BOS earned $38,000 - now they make over $120,000 plus benefits. 

Daily - behind close doors - they take bribes - make deals - seek perks - and again leading that pack of hyenas - Malia Cohen. A good for nothing - piece of crap.

Single mothers mostly Black are suffering in District 10 - and Malia Cohen looks down with disdain on them. When is the last time she has visited Mother Brown's facility?

When is the last time Malia Cohen has taken interest or spoken on truancy with authority?

She pretends to flutter her wings - when she see and knows some Polynesian - more Samoans.

What is the real plight of the Samoans? Why all the homelessness?

Why have the Polynesian to suffer - why did you beg for their votes? What truly have you done Malia Cohen?

Malia Cohen now wants to back LENNAR openly.

The current protests in front of the Hunters Point Naval Shipyard - is but the tip of the iceberg.

Many other organizations will join the current ones - and when they do - all hell will break loose. Of course Malia Cohen - who pussyfoots around a lot - will have nothing to say - but will face the brunt of the heat - and this one act - will bring her down - and she will fall flat on her face.

The current SF BOS are famous for giving Big Corporation tax break and other perks - leading that charge - Jane Kim.

Often - rolling her eyes - and talking the talk but failing each and every time to walk the walk.

Pandering to folks like Willie L. Brown Jr. the "thug Mayor" of San Francisco - who has more clout to do harm, and rake in millions - that any other nefarious person - who has set foot in City Hall.

Scott Weiner is looking forward to being the next Mayor of San Francisco.

This Queer a transplant from New York - just like Jane Kim - one worse than the other. They both talk a good talk but as I said many times - fail to walk the walk.

None of them care for our youth - and our youth are watching - the youth ask me all the time - what do I think of these scoundrels?

 I keep quiet - but now they will know - and I do not give a rat ass - how they treat these scum bags.

We have families sleeping on the streets of San Francisco.

You now have months to get a slot to sleep in a shelter!

 If that is not shocking I do not know what is. It is time we all wake up - and take a reality check.

I saw it all yesterday - when constituent after constituent - did not approve the changes envisioned by Trader's Joe near Geary Blvd and Masonic in Room 250 at the SFCTA meeting held at 11 am - June 25, 2013 at San Francisco - City Hall.

 The SF BOS - and more London Breed said it was all go - the SF Planning, others had made up their mind.

People were NOT noticed.

We have a Precautionary Principle which is law - but none of the Buffoons - have read it - less comprehend it - they call themselves - SF Supervisors.

ADA and other laws - have not been taken into consideration linked to the Masonic Project - adversely impacting thousands in the neighborhood. Depriving the constituents of over 150 Parking Spaces - who is making these sordid decisions?

The project is serious enough, impacts thousands, and no one has studied the Cumulative Impacts.

More it warrants an Environmental Impact Report (EIR). Time will tell.

The SF Bikers have a Political Action Committee - place their members on task force and committees - and shove stuff down the throats of innocent constituents. The Bikers back this project and have a hidden agenda.

Time to charge the Bikers - let them pay and get a license to ride a bike. There must be a liability put of the Bikers - some insurance - the cost to the City and County of San Francisco - millions in liability - when bike collide and kill innocent pedestrians.

No funding should be approved on the Masonic Project.

This serious matter; where the constituents living in the neighborhood - must be taken to court. There are too many - violations and not sufficient - meaningful deliberation.

Those who pay taxes must have a say. This Masonic Projects is totally ill planned - ill timed project  in District 5.

The Mensell Project was spoken about in generalities. In the last five years over 15 people have been killed and shot in the vicinity - and many very close to the project - targeted for improvement.

The District 9 Supervisor who wants to show some interest - lives in Bernal Heights - he does not care about a large area - like the Portola District - and made some drab, general comments.

Malia Cohen - lives with some Whites in the Potrero Hill area - she talks a good talk - but - does not know the reality nor the fact - about Mclaren Park and less about Mensell Street.

Malia Cohen is shallow and spineless - and is in - to make some money - always pandering to the highest bidder - much like a whore on heat.

John Avalos - bikes and so has some clue about what he is talking about McClaren Park and the surrounding area.

Mansell Street is by McClaren Park - a large open space - that San Franciscans participated in keeping open - San Franciscans bought the land - paid the money from their own pocket - bought the land from those that owned it once - Home Stead. 

It was all farm land once - and we still see - signs of farms - not too many - but we have artifacts and other signs - that point to robust farming - at one time.

I represent the First People of San Francisco - the Muwekma Ohlone - and it is always interesting for me to witness these - scum bags talk.

All of this land was stolen from the Muwekma Ohlone - you folks that talk the talk - think you all can run your mouth - but what is important is to represent and do right. When is the last time you SF Board of Supervisors did right?

Some of you SF Board of Supervisors - lacking spirituality and morals - others pretending to do good - when you are shallow and spineless - you purport to be legislators - but - all you do is pander.

Mansell Street needs proper lighting.

We also need Safety to be studied - and outreach - more when some folks call on the SF Police Department - when they see any Black man walk in McClaren Park.

 Blacks who have lived all their lives in the neighborhood -  and own homes.

I applaud anyone trying to improve any location - but it must be done in a holistic manner.

Lighting, traffic signs, traffic crossing, signs encouraging constituents to take care of the Park - sound outreach in the many languages - are all part of the enhancement. 

And there is more ..........

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