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Saturday, March 3, 2018


The Southeast Sector of San Francisco has long been treated with disdain. 

It does not help that those in power at San Francisco City Hall - have also taken a position - that if they do as little as possible - the once powerful advocates who united and confronted City Hall - have dwindled to but one or two - and these advocates have persevered - but now we have to do more.

There is nothing more powerful in this world than - " being spiritually strong ". In this respect the First People - are stellar and have endured the many hurdles and obstacles with the greatest determination and fortitude for over 15 000 years.

Our First People - also known as the Native Americans - have lasted so long - because they love Mother Earth - they also believe in spiritual values time tested - there is nothing fake about the Great Spirit and the noble actions mandated to preserve and protect our Earth.

Not long ago we drove over 1600 miles to North Dakota - to stand  shoulder to shoulder - gathered at Camp Oceti very near Standing Rock - thousands gathered from all walks of life - united to fight those that with intent - wanted to destroy what has been preserved for thousands of years.

Chief Sitting Bull -
he united the Lakota Nation -
the Lakota Nations have stood and confronted -
those who are " evil " and defeated powerful 
forces in battle - that determination continues -
to this very day.

When Chief Sitting Bull united the tribes - creating the Lakota Nation - the significance of this unity - was singular - to deal with those that  " speak with a fork tongue " - those that cannot be trusted - much like those in authority at San Francisco City Hall - our Mayors and the SF Board of Supervisors.

A portion of the North Dakota Pipeline -
the interruptions have been many -
millions of dollars wasted - and the project 
that been stalled umpteen times.

The North Dakota Pipeline has been a fiasco - right now those that have invested in this project - continue to suffer immense damage to their equipment - and millions of dollars have gone down the drain - from long spells when NO work has been done - blizzards and other unforeseen adverse impacts - that plague the project.

Mother Nature has dealt with the " devils " and even as Donald Trump the " egoistical maniac " - favored those that manage the North Dakota Pipeline operations - the Great Spirit stepped in and brought the operations to a stand still.

Right now the Northeaster is raging and what I have stated above pales - before the havoc - that Mother Nature - will display for all the world to see - when the North Dakota Pipeline will be halted and the pipeline made dysfunction by nature.

I said this before and I will say it again - the North Dakota Pipeline - will never succeed - not with the prayers and good actions sent to the Great Spirit - the Great Sprit protects all but more those that have their heart in the right place.

Water is Life - the Lokata revere water - much as they revere blood - of course those that are " evil " and more " devils " will not comprehend this.

The Lakota Nations will fights those that think they can take a big risk and pollute the great Mississippi river and the watershed - the watershed that is already being contaminated by " fracking " - drilling for oil - and now the madness this North Dakota Pipeline - that begins in Canada.

Closer to home here in San Francisco one of the most racists Cities in the Nation - SF Mayoral candidates are talking from both sides of their mouth. Time will tell.

The Southeast Sector of San Francisco has been plagued with the worst type of chronic diseases adversely impacting our infants, our children, youth and young adults, our seniors and those with compromised health and more.

So where is the representation - talk comes easy - where is the action that matters. 

The Mayoral candidates think they can fool - all the people all the time.

The Mayoral candidates want the position of Mayor - much like London Breed thought she was in for the running - but all that and more went south - London Breed will never, ever be the Mayor of San Francisco. Her arrogance and stupidity knows no bounds.

We have agencies like the San Francisco Public Utilities Commission that have place sewer pipes and clean drinking water pipes in and around the Superfund Site - without pondering on this action. 

There has been no sound mitigation, abatement of the Hunters Point Naval Shipyard - yet some one like Mayor Edwin Mah Lee - was determined to place thousands of people on homes that he proposed to build on this sordid site - located in the Southeast Sector of San Francisco - a Superfund Site.

This may NOT happen because of his untimely death - over which there are doubts - since he was talking in the ambulance and then died at San Francisco General Hospital.

The SF Public Utilities Commission continue to keep Juliet Ellis on their pay roll - while all the time this woman who has been charged with corruption - continues to impede the good work of good employees - who have left because of her evil ways. 

The General Manager seem to look the other way - but not for long. All the ploys, shenanigans and machination - trying to build a campus at Evans - some affordable housing - with any meaningful dialog with the community - defies decency, transparency and of course  accountability.

Juliet Ellis has been using some non-profit - sell outs the likes of Young Community Developers and Girls 2000 - to divide the community.

While wasting money set aside as Community Benefits - linked to the Sewer System Improvement Project (SSIP) - to benefit those that truly work hard and serve the community at large - more the Bayview Hunters Point community. Aho.

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