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Sunday, March 18, 2018


Racism is all its form is alive and kicking -
here in San Francisco - more, some SF City Departments -
pretending to talk about Equality, Equity, and so called
fake Reality.

This is Ohlone Land - more Muwekma Ohlone land - and SF City Departments - are at this late date talking about Equality,  Equity, and Reality - presentations that fall on deaf years  trying to hoodwink the public in general in broad daylight.

City Departments the likes of SF Public Utilities Commission, the SF Department of the Environment, even the Human Rights Commission - pretend they can address " institutional racism ".

Institution Racism - deeply embedded in the DNA of most Whites - and followed deeply and embraced by those Blacks mostly - House Negros - sellouts of the worst order.

Take the SF Department of the Environment - its Director Debbie Raphael should be ashamed of herself.

Constantly asking for money - (enjoy a fat salary in access of $200,000 ) - begging for  grants and in large measure raping Recology - tapping into millions of dollars - that recycling fee that should go directly to benefit the community at large - more in the Southeast Sector of SF - which is a dumping ground for the rest of the City and beyond.

The gimmicks the SF Department of Environmental use are pathetic.

The Commissioners themselves do not have one single Black on the Commission. 

Yet the Commission has never once mentioned - how the SF Department of the Environment started - with mitigation money - given to the SF City and County of San Francisco by Pacific Gas and Electric.

More, with mitigation money - when Pacific Gas and Electric sold one of its power plants to Mirant - the power plant situated at Third and 18th Street.

That power plant now operates as a sub-station.

Some $18 million seed money (mitigation money ) - that the then Mayor Willie L. Brown used to created the fake SF Department of the Environment. This was around 2002.

Over a million of this money was given to the Conservatory situated in the Golden Gate Park - to rehab the Conservatory - that now brags that it look good - and caters more to the rich - failing to once mentions - who fixed the roof over their head - the people of the Bayview Hunters Point area.

Such are the omissions of the wicked, evil palefaces - who look you in the eye and lie. Pathetic souls - not to be trusted.

It is the same with the SF Public Utilities Commission - an Enterprise Department that generates its own money - from sewer, clean drinking water, hydro-electricity, a large quarry.

Collecting rents from thousands of acres it owns  - leased for grazing cattle, and now recently selling Clean Energy - lying to the public at large - tapping into " dirty stacks " - and raking in millions. Time will tell.

Bottom line these SF City Departments - foster Racism - never mind if some of them are Blacks - the Black on the top are called " house negroes " - they are worse than the Whites who we call White Racists.

In all of these gimmicks - the Whites are entrenched - on the top - making the pertinent calls.

At the bottom - you have people of color - taking orders from those that get their orders - from the evil Whites. 

This is going on at the SF Public Utilities Commission - that has been hoodwinking the public at large -failing to deliver - on the Sewer System Improvement Project - an over $10 billion project.

It has failed miserably on the Water System Improvement Project - Mountain Tunnel, Ervington Tunnel, Calavares Dam - and thousand of leaking water and sewer pipes - they talk the talk but have failed to walk the walk.

The SFPUC has wasted millions of gallons of water - and tasked our sewer system - using " dewatering " - adversely impacting our " watershed " - one reason the Millennium Building - a 58 story building that is sinking - now over 19 inches and tilting Northwest 9 inches. Go Figure.

Corrupt folks the likes of Juliet Ellis who has been fined by the Fair Political Practices Commission and the SF Ethics Commission - her first act on assuming power as the Assistant General Manager of External Affairs.

Sending over $200,000 to her own Non-Profit on which she was a Board Member - Green For All - an institution from the East Bay - while being on the SF Public Utilities Commission - as the Assistant General Manager for External Affairs - (conflict of interest ).

Hoodwinking us all - and she still continues - adversely innocent employees - who report to me about her many evil ploys, machinations, shenanigans -  impacting so many - this woman is a witch - to say the least.

Racism has been studied by many and for the last 45 years I have addressed Racism - more, having worked for Sixth U.S. Army and Presidio of San Francisco  (DoD)- as their last Congressional Liaison, the Department of Interior and before I retired the U.S. Park Police.

Racism in the United States is deeply embedded and stems more from social conventions and not biology.

We see that clearly from " slavery "  that Whites from those times and today - still adhere to - in one form or the other.

We see that how the Native Americans were treated until in the 19th Century their displacement - putting them in Reservations - moving them west of the Mississippi was complete. 

The Ohlone the First People of San Francico.

Here is San Francisco - all the land was stolen - each and every square inch. 

There is not one document - where a square inch was sold, promised to be sold - some promissory note - nothing at all -  all the land was stolen. 

Now, we have to hear from the fucking thieves - about equality, equity, and reality. These idiots live in fantasy land.
Most of them will fall flat on their face - and fade away.

Some years ago I sat with a Cherokee Elder and heard him for hours - reveal to me what is NOT written in any book - not recorded by any individual who has his or her heart in the right place.

It is shame the atrocities committed against the Native Americans - by those that came here from elsewhere and were not welcomed - the likes of Donald Trump and his mother an illegal immigrant.

I represent the Muwekma Ohlone and often have to hear from the Ohlone - who continue to suffer to this day.

The evil and sordid  " palefaces"  - those that talk with a " forked tongue " - order us what to do - and come out with presentation full of lies - belying their arrogance and ignorance. 

One of them is Debbie Raphael - from the SF Department of the Environment - no one can fool - all the people all the time.

Racism is alive in San Francisco - our SF Human Rights Commission is a JOKE - the Commission once tried to dole our Award to institution and advocates who fight for true justice.

The advocates and those institutions who understand more about justice and fair play - their heart in the right place - threw the awards in Room 250 - in full view of the Human Rights Commissioners (HRC).

All of them - the HR Commissioners  - looking in awe.

An act and display by the stellar an astute advocates - that will go down in history and be recorded for all generations to come.

More to see and comprehend - about the SF HRC - and how low it has stooped - to lie, cheat, deceive, bluff, and hoodwink the public at large in broad daylight. Aho.

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