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Sunday, April 29, 2018


Gavin Newsom one of his lighter moments -
one too many - the man use to embrace inebriation -
but lies that that is not so anymore.

San Francisco is a racist City but also one that is saturated with corruption - abject corruption - of the highest order.

Gavin Newsom has not learnt much - when we followed him around - to Santa Barbara, San Diego - other places closer to home Oakland - heard Gavin Newsom lie to the public and take credit for what others had done - in his quest to be the Governor the first time around - when he found out that is was hot in the kitchen - he bailed out.

Jerry Brown became the Governor of California and soon will be termed out. Gavin went to became LT Governor of California - has NOT contributed anything much - and now deems it necessary to be California's Governor?

The rainy day fund was established by Tom Amianno - guess who took credit for it - in the debates the first time around - Gavin Newsom ran for Governor before baling out? 

The debacle of  legalizing" gay marriage " - was one that was evolving - much before Gavin Newsom - but guess who took credit - for legalizing " gay marriage " carte blanche ? 

Gavin Newsom the Metro-Sexual -
not to be trusted.

Not once does some one do an analysis of the program care not cash - where those that had nothing - but a small stipend coming - were given a measly $60 and told to irk out a living.

Those that enrolled in care not cash - were given some sordid shelter - Single Residency Occupancy (SROs) most of them filthy. Now after years - Gavin Newsom says he was misled - so who made this decision that adversely impacted thousands Gavin Newsom or his lackeys?

Not once has anyone taken the time to - "follow the money " -Gavin Newsom is very corrupt - and even now has deep tentacles - milking other entities of money - some of them Political Action Committees - who can contribute millions - all legal - enabling crooks to become the next Governor of California.

The first time around Gavin Newsom - got out of the Governor's race and had to settle for the position of Lt Governor - playing - second fiddle to Governor Jerry Brown. 

Now that Jerry Brown is termed out - here comes the perennial liar - Gavin Newsom - throwing his hands in the air - looking you in the eye and lying through his teeth.

A Metro-sexual that cannot be trusted - a man that has NO morals - a man that cannot be trusted at all.

Gavin Newsom - when he was Mayor - sent his best friend and confidant on long errands - and then decided to sleep with the wife of his best friend - case in point Ruby Turk - Mr. Alex Turk has not forgiven him - but such as the moorings of those that are immoral - and more will do anything - to fulfill their lust and morbid ways of living.

Who wants such a Governor - all talk and no walk? 

Antonio Villaraigosa - 
he is giving Gavin Newsom -
a run for his money - and aims at winning -
becoming the next Governor of California.

Antonio Villaraigosa - has recently upped his campaign - more with over $20 million given to his campaign by Netflix.

Gavin Newsom has decided to chill out - his TV ads are drab to say the least - and again the messaging as poor as they come - always taking credit of things others have done - some of the issues spelt above.

Gavin Newsom campaign managers - are pulling back - and soon they will realize - that they have pre-supposed too much - created a sordid cesspool - and believe you me - Gavin Newsom will drown in the cesspool of his own creation.

Politics is a dirty game - but here in San Francisco we do not have a single  trusted newspaper that can conduct a viable and sustainable investigative reporting - to hold those in power - their feet to the fire.

Dwayne Jones is a Consultant - 
 President of RDJ Enterprise  -
over 3 millions of dollars have been invoiced -
from 2013 to recently - all tax payers money -
there are other too - so called Consultant -
milking the Sewer System Improvement Project -
most of the work done in the Bayview Hunters Point . 

Recently I took upon myself to gather some critical information under the Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) - linked to the San Francisco Public Utilities Commission - an Enterprise Department that has encouraged many consultants who are embedded - who milk the tax payers - and the amounts being embezzled are mind boggling.

Local District Superviors, those running for Mayor, others who say they will represent - but do just the opposite - are vying for our votes.

The SFPUC is being used as a conduit to fund District Supervisors and others  - how can Young Community Developers receive millions - over 8 million in the last two years - and have nothing much to show ? 

May be we need the Federal Bureau of Investigation to find out - all the while - advocates that do good work, our infants, children, youth, young adults, senior, those with compromised health are suffering. 

We already have suppled the SF Controller Office with empirical data - the SF Controller's Office can take it from there. We will also seek other avenues - it is not kosher to put all our eggs in one basket. 

The people united will never, ever be defeated.

Facts matter - and Truth to Power -  is paramount to success.

It may take time - it may cause some suffering - trials and tribulation - but when you see the light - it is alright.

When you shed light where there is abject darkness - the cockroaches keep fleeing - and that is the first sign of SUCCESS.

Right now payments are stalled - documents are being shredded, manifests changed - we have the copies of the original documents - we will expose the culprits - lock, stock,  and barrel. 

Again and again Communtity Benefits set aside are used by nefarious entities - mostly former jail birds, Blacks who are NOT from the community, a White woman at the SF Bayview Opera House, properties bought under some dubious scheme - a Legacy Foundation.

All sorts of gimmicks - Equity Committees, some drab Legacy Foundation (as I mentioned ) .

Crooks of the highest caliber - look you in the eye and keep lying.

Ignorant and arrogant folks  - going before the SF Planning Department and other Committees and lying - saying the represent the community at large.  The Bayview Hunters Point area - more District 10. 

Time will tell.

Community Benefits linked to Lennar Urban a rogue developer - its shadow entity - 5 Points Holding LLP - same snake different head.  Rogue Developers headquartered in Miami, Florida. 

The politicians running and pretending to represent - are mostly inept, spineless, weak in the knees, immoral, say one thing and do another - Go Figure.

None of the above scum bags have a thoroughly vetted Platform - a platform that lays a Blue Print - to address the growing congestion, the increase in the Carbon Footprint - the increasing homelessness - where the homeless are treated with dignity.

The lack of affordable housing for those making less than $60,000 and if you make $40,000 than people leave - and so hear from them no more - many die a slow death - and that has not been one single deep evaluation on this singular - fact - empirical data counts.

The increase in petty crime, the many increasing assaults, the shooting and killings in broad daylight - not a word about these crimes by any of the candidates - who talk the talk and cannot walk the walk.

Large swats of land - thousands of acres - at Hunters Point Naval Shipyard and Candlestick are now slated for development.

Contaminated land - land prone to liquefaction and flooding - Lennar Urban a rogue developer has not kept its promises - amended Disposition and Development Agreement (DDA) - after the DDA was signed -in 2004. 

Case in point promising 600 rental units - on Parcel A - and then making quick amendments - saying that - the rental units would be too expensive to build.

The area in and around Candlestick Point is very contaminated - and this has not been address. The tax payers in the 1970s - voted and decided to limit the buildings to a certain height - not more that 40 feet -  4 stories tall.

Millions of dollars were poured by Lennar Urban and 5 Points Holding LLP - same snake different head - using Proposition D to increase the height limits to 240 feet - around 24 stories - Proposition D approved on November 3, 2015.

Here is one report - such are the evil ways of those saturated with " GREED " - building inferior units - as high as 240 feet  on very contaminated ground - prone of liquefaction and flooding :

Wake up San Francisco - we do not have one single entity - that is ready to clean up the mess - the " corruption " that has reached - saturation point.

Do we remember this man - a very corrupt mayor.
So why not make the necessary changes - rather than maintain the status quo.

Former Mayor Edwin Mah Lee -
he created the mess we all in -
and yet so many ignorant - are oblivious .

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