Our Elected Public Defender - Jeff Adachi
sets the tone - he defends all -
without discriminating and sets goals -
that are admired by those that have
their heart in the right place.
Those of us who truly love San Francisco - love our unique neighborhoods - what makes our unique neighborhoods so unique - are our constituents, our people they hail from everywhere - and have contributed their best - to make San Francisco welcoming and beautiful.
We once had the Mayor's Office of Criminal Justice - that brought about some semblance - we had regular Safety Meetings - we had a good count of the main incident reports - all sorts of crime - with this came a certain amount of transparency and accountability.
Paul Henderson - sells out the community -
weak in the knees - has no clue -
what is happening at ground zero.
Paul Henderson and Maria Oliva Atoche - are two individuals - gadflies on the wall - they talk the talk but cannot walk the walk.
Each makes over $200,000 with benefits - paying lip service - while nothing happenings with the shootings and killings - the latest where one person got killed and five other got injured - by Third Street and Quesada.
So what is Steve Kava - still doing at City Hall ?
He left City Hall sometime ago - the Chief Advisor -
to Willie L. Brown Jr and other Mayors in Room 200 -
Steve Kava - still wheeling and dealing -
prompting sweeting nothings - into the ears -
of the Interim Mayors.
Steve Kava has been around since 1996 when Mayor Willie L. Brown Jr - saw something is this weasel - one of a kind behind the scene - manipulator.
As an advisor - Steve Kava has been behind the scenes - informing the interim Mayors - be it the political whore London Breed - on the Pimp that worships large Corporations - Mark Farrell - what to do and say - they follow his promptings - religiously.
Notice not a word from Mayors - when it comes to the killings and shootings - in broad daylight - on the streets of San Francisco.
We do not even have a decent newspaper in San Francisco - that does investigative reporting. The Examiner is a JOKE and when it comes to the Chronicle - they want to charge you- for reading an article - on line.
We do not even have a decent newspaper in San Francisco - that does investigative reporting. The Examiner is a JOKE and when it comes to the Chronicle - they want to charge you- for reading an article - on line.
The many OGs the ones that purport to know the streets - are at a loss for words - they want to say something - but they know that words do not count - actions do.
Naomi Kelly - our City Administrator -
I know her and she knows me .
We could try having Naomi Kelly gather those City Departments she has control off - the more than 30,000 City Employees - our City and County of San Francisco has an over $10 Billion budget - yet we have a long, long, long, long, long, long, long, long way to go.
Why cannot Naomi Kelly - come out with a Blue Print - that betters our City and County of San Francisco. She has a special contract - makes over $300,000 a year - and has yet to address Quality of Life issues - all over San Francisco.
Why cannot Naomi Kelly - come out with a Blue Print - that betters our City and County of San Francisco. She has a special contract - makes over $300,000 a year - and has yet to address Quality of Life issues - all over San Francisco.
No detail assessment has been done about the killing and shootings. Some of us can bring that situation to a halt - we do not need the "snitches " - who work with the POPOS to continue wasting millions of dollars.
We need a new Shift - in Town at Ground Zero and for a million dollars - we can bring the situation under control.
If it works - keeps us going - there is nothing left - but to try this alternative. Do not involve those that have been taking the money - and laughing all the way to the bank. Panderers and those that have failed - should be kept at bay.
Our Controller Ben Rosenfield -
both Ben and Naomi serve a ten year term -
we can work with those that have jurisdiction -
have a vetted Blue Print - that can come to fruition -
both individuals need support - sound support -
not the wheeling and dealing that tarnishes all decency.
Too many Sisters and Brothers have been killed - some by the San Francisco Police Department - others by those that have no conscience.
Black on Black violence - must not be taken for granted - life is precious - we know this - but none of us have a detail plan to do something about it. This Black on Black violence - that we take for granted - and do nothing about it - must STOP - now.
Community Response Network - the present Street Violence Intervention Program - one morphed into another - but there is no Blue Print with NO sound Mission Objective to address the unique evolution - going on on the streets of San Francisco.
Mark Farrell the interim Mayor -
makes a lot of statements -
he is for the Corporations has been -
his term will end - and with that a scourge removed.
None of the Mayoral candidates have the necessary empirical data - when it comes to housing, education, health, transportation.
Congestion on our streets, the increase in carbon footprint, the very high rents, the very high cost of living.
Now, a valid statement has been made - to live comfortably in San Francisco - own a home, for a family of two children - one needs to make $300,000 a year.
Once we had Candlestick Stadium - no more .
Homeless all over the place -
tourists do not want ever to visit San Francisco again -
our City has a $10 Billion budget -
spends 3% on the homeless and people in need.
San Francisco Police Chief William Scott -
he seems congenial but we need something more -
crimes has increased - and these killing more -
people of color must STOP - now.
We have folks pretending to address issues - who are given large amount of money - playing havoc on the streets of San Francisco - this game - cannot go forever.
Paying hit goons to kill others - drive by shootings - in broad daylight and not a word from San Francisco Chief of Police, the interim-mayor Mark Farrell, the President of the SF Board of Supervisors - is despicable to say the least.
Some one knows who is calling the shots - some of us know some - having heavy tentacles - connected deep into the SF Police Department - some one knows who is doing this chronic damage - to the very soul of our City and County of San Francisco.
Where is the Community Policing that we knew about - must know have deep mistrust - the community far apart - from those that say they serve and protect - their is no trust and with no trust - less harmony. Go Figure!
The Community more the Bayview Hunters Point Community has not had a Community Meeting to address - Quality of Life issues.
Barbara Cockel - she is the Director -
of the SF Bayview Opera House -
imagine a Black running some institution -
at Pacific Height - more when it comes to cultural programs?
We have discrimination meted out to the community by Barbara Cockel - who the Bayview Police Station - declared - Citizen of the Month.
When a Black woman approached Barbara Cockel and requested to rent the SF Bayview Opera House - she said point blank - " we do not rent the Bayview Opera House to animals and goons ".
We took the matter to the Sunshine Task Force and won our discrimination case - by a unanimous vote 9-0 in our favor - mandating the SF Bayview Opera House - address discrimination, have their accounting books in order. The SF Bayview has failed many audits - and seems to be nonchalant. More when this nonsense continues years after year - for the last 12 years.
Failing to post the necessary notices linked to meetings - as required by any institution that comes under 12L - laws and regulations - the Barbara Cockel and the SF Bayview Board of Directors - have failed to abide for years.
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