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Friday, June 15, 2018


Chief Sitting Bull -
he united the Lakota people -
he set the tone how to deal with those -
that do not respect Mother Earth.

Life is for the living not the living dead.

We cannot possibly with intent - do wrong with intent - and think for a nano second that all will be well. The political whores and pimps today - daily wheel and deal - most fall by the way side like chaff - after a few years - others wither on the vine.

We all remember Edwin Mah Lee - he amassed a lot of wealth - so do others - one of them Willie L. Brown Jr. - others is smaller measure the likes of Malia Cohen - lying everyday and not to be trusted, ever.

Most people do not check the SF Ethic Website - most people have no clue - how these political whores and pimps - get their " dark money " - from nefarious entities - most of them came to San Francisco from else where - and those that call themselves native - pander to the corrupt.

It is important to remember these folks who call themselves natives - are just transplant - none of them we here 80 years ago - they learned most of the evil ways from the Whites - who are GREEDY.

This is Muwekma Ohlone land - and the window of opportunity to do good - has passed - these political whores - including the present " heifer " - who will make her abode in Room 200 - has no leadership qualities, is a liar, had received gifts and taken junkets and not reported them - broken the law - paradoxically she is in power - pandering to a Republican billionaire.

The heifer has no manners - also known as etiquette - I tested her many times in the SF City Hall Chambers - Room 250 - often fleeing the Chambers - when the people stood united - and women and men who know her well - told her to her face - that she is the scum of the Earth.

Here is one Mayor - at his best -
Gavin Newsom who is now running to be the -
Governor of California - Pathetic -
his closest opponent a Republic who is morally better.

Former " thug " Mayor Willie L. Brown Jr -
with political whores Malia Cohen -
the photograph says it all -
such Blacks are a disgrace to the human race.

Dr Martin Luther King the father of the Civil Rights movement would have nothing to do - with the above two - corrupt to the core. 

So would Frederick Douglass - self educated who took on President Abraham Lincoln - debating him and winning hands down circa 1895.

The above two have spurred me in my many ventures - all over this world and here in the United States of America.

There is not one Black political that can come close to the hem string - of the above two - and therein lies the crux of the issue and problems.

When scum bags pass away - no one worth the salt - remembers them - that will be fate of each and every one of those Black scum bags we have in San Francisco - who hang around corrupt people like Willie L. Brown Jr.

Francisco Da Costa 

As a young man I travelled the world - and have met in person some great leaders. I have personally know the last 6 Mayors of San Francisco - the last 8 Chief of Police - the many heads of Departments today - let me be up front and say - today the corruption in San Francisco has reached saturation point.

In two years there will be a repetition of what took place recently - this Rank Choice Voting (RCV) tested San Franciscans - and any way you look at RCV - it does not do us justice.

What is important to note is receiving behest money, millions from Political Action Committees (PACs) - the money given to the candidates who are members of the SF Democratic Central Committee - the many Slates created to hoodwink the public at large. Even the UNIONS are becoming corrupt - doling out millions - to win favors.

I see Blacks grinning with glee - and many House Negros - who have no conscience - less morals and absolutely no standards.

All these scum bags  want is something for nothing - trying to leech on the tax payers - and get grants - created fake projects to have access to " dark money ".

They are a disgrace to the Black who came from the South and built schools, churches, and maintain their unique spirituality - sang hymns and songs - the sprouted from the trials and tribulations - and have left a legacy for those worthy to follow in their foot steps. 

Far away from the bling, lies, drugs, sexual perverseness - other vile actions - that the present Black generation embraces.

Where is the justice -
power to those who speak Truth to Justice

Of course we will be watching the corrupt - we have already under the Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) and other sunshine laws - gather tons of empirical data - one by one - we will  see who meets the - smelt test.

Speaking Truth to Power does not come easy - you have to be spiritually strong to deal with the " devils " - who have no ethics, no morals, absolutely NO standards - one of them will make her abode in Room 200 at City Hall. 

We the decent tax payers - must be educated on issues - do not fall for the blink - folks barking up the wrong tree - making promises - have NO blue print - and right now stink to high heaven of SULPHUR. 

This nonsense must STOP -
high density building - producing zombies -
who have nothing to offer to society -
contaminating, polluting - disgracing the human race.

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