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Wednesday, July 15, 2020


Naomi Kelly had it good - a ten year special contract - as SF City's Administrator.

The  last City Administrator - who was independent was Bill Lee.

As with Edwin Mah Lee when he was SF City Administrator - he had to play second fiddle with the Mayor. Then Mayor Willie L. Brown Jr.

Naomi Kelly and  Mayor London Breed are good friends - however - friendship is just one factor of many things - on many other levels - Naomi Kelly has failed - time will tell.

Naomi Kelly -
SF City Administrator -
who has failed us all - and will receive a subpoena -
there is only so much - nonsense that can be tolerated -
only so much junkets -  shopping sprees on work time -
life is for the living - not the living dead.

In 1996 Willie L. Brown Jr was elected Mayor and all hell broke loose. 

The City Administrator officer was given a position at the San Francisco Airport - in  charge of trade - the Pacific Rim. That position was held by Bill Lee.

The position of City Administrator was filled by Edwin Mah Lee who later become Mayor Edwin Mah Lee.

Prior to that Edwin Mah Lee was head of the contracting Department and we two - rubbed shoulders often - we continue to rub shoulders when he became the City Administrator. 

Less when he became Mayor - power went to his head.

I could not care less. He did come to my office at 5 Thomas Mellon - we had a good meeting - with some witnesses - present.

I looked Mayor Edwin Mah Lee in the eye - and told him he needed to serve the people. The vulnerable who were hurting - he heard me and did nothing at all.

I reminded Edwin Mah Lee - the people were suffering and needed help. I told him as plainly as I could  - I would support him. 

If he did not support the people who needed help - I would have nothing much to do with his administration.

 He heard me clearly - and continue his nefarious activities -  until he met his early death.

Naomi Kelly took Edwin Mah Lee's place at head of the Contracting Department.

When Edwin Mah Lee became Mayor - Naomi Kelly got her 10 year contract - $400,000 a year salary - nothing much has changed - nefarious - full of ploys and machinations.

SF City Hall is closed - no one is there - and when you leave a message - NO one get backs to you. 

The SF City Administrator is never there - you leave message - no one gets back to you.

Such  sordid behavior should not be tolerated - the junkets, the shopping sprees, the many other sordid activities - can easily be revealed - fools have NO clue - they are being monitored.

Some may remember the days of Doris Ward - busy at Macy's - while all the time the SF Accessor's Office - was left unattended. 

The virtual meetings held - by the SF Board of Supervisors - the many Committee and other meetings are drab - to say the least.

All sorts of  amendments introduced - amendments to the SF Charter - and Resolutions to do this and do that - Resolutions have NO clout -  Ordinances do.

The SF Public Utilities has failed us all - the top management must be dismantled - among them Harlan Kelly and Juliet Ellis must step down and fade into oblivion.

So when this lackey of  Juliet Ellis starts talking about a Resolution - and talking about Equity and systemic racism - these are cliches - that cannot be addressed by Blacks who do not have their heart in the right place.

More - the likes of London Breed, Sheryl Evan Davis, Juliet Ellis, Harlan Kelly, Naomi Kelly, Shakira Smiley, Nadia Sesay, Shamann Walton, DionJay Brookter,  Dwayne Jones, Linda Richardson - others too many to mention - all wheeling and dealing.

All this nonsense about Equity, Racial Justice, Resiliency, cannot be achieved in a vacuum.

The SF Public Utilities Commission is a Racists organization - openly - folks on the Commission - do things that are wrong .

Juliet Ellis jumped ship from the Commission - and took the job of Assistant General Manager of External Affairs - a position she has had NO experience in.

Some one corrupt handed her that job - leading to today's investigation - by the Federal Bureau of Investigation - the many subpoenas -  that will remove her and bring her career to an end.

Who is Catherine Spaulding and how did she get a good position at the SF Public Utilities Commission?

The head of the Infrastructure at the SF Public Utilities Commission - has positioned her son - how did that happen?

Juliet Ellis and Harlan Kelly both Blacks have conducted themselves  on many occasions - disgracing norms. 

They were warned - continued defying us all - breaking laws and abusing their power.

Delinquent - dereliction of duty - defying us all - now. they have to reveal - the many episodes. They have to sing the blues.

The above  examples are just some of many - so let us not talk 
about Equity, implicit bias,  Cultural Competency, Systemic Racism (whatever that means ) - and a gamut of other factors.

The SF Public Utility Commission should be ashamed of itself.

The Commissioners playing us - when we the advocates - can go deep and reveal some - that will tear into your conscience - that is dead - cold dead.

Millions of dollars - tax payers money - wasted - the SF  Commissioners lying to us.

Going into close session - to hear the truth - but never once revealing to us the public -  what the hell is happening.

They call themselves the San Francisco    P U B L I C    utilities 
commission - never once realizing - they are always pussyfooting and making a fool of themselves.

Who do you think the PUBLIC is?

 May be for the first time soon - you all will be exposed for all the hypocrisy - that we have been tolerating.

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