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Monday, July 27, 2020


We are living - surrounded by events - many horrific - bombarded by atrocities - that shock those who heart is the right place.

So many innocent people are dying - more our Elders - and all this more - makes my heart heavy - and so as much as I want to speak my mind - I have written a lot - but I know more - as I have been following the events - behind the scenes.

Believe you me - we the people are being deceived - and we must take control of our destiny - educating ourselves - taking care of our total self - mind, body, and soul.

Each of us has a conscience - those with a hidden agenda - to want force us - brain wash us.

These evil entities - fail to understand - that every human being has a right to stand tall and represent.

Those of us who are adults - have a moral duty - to fend for our infants, our children, our youth, young adults, our beloved Elders, those with compromised health - more our mentally and physically challenged.

Most of these organization - who want to control us - talking about issues in a nonchalant manner.

These entities think - they can play with us - in a nonchalant manner  - failing to comprehend - they themselves are playing with fire.

We will always have the " poor "  with us.

 We will always have the disenfranchised - it is our moral duty - those of us that are educated on issues - to stand tall and represent. Defend those that cannot defend themselves - and not take money - from sources that are suspect.

There is a lot of information out there - in cyber space and elsewhere - the ability to " discern " to " filter " - vet the best information - is " education ".

During my life - I have met so many people - they know who they are.

I have taken the time to listen to them - and pray for them - they are spread all over the world.

 These good souls - all over the world - represent - and all this and  more - makes me happy - stand tall and represent.

Do not think for a second - there is not a plan - with timelines and goals - to take control of what we do.

Those who do good - with good actions - have no time to think about " convoluted issues " - some do when some issue visits them - we must stay vigilant - vigilant at all times.

We have powerful people - in the United States - who control 98% of our wealth here in the United States. 

These scumbags are now afraid of dying - and do not know what to do with their wealth.

In the meantime most people do not know the United States - Federal Reserve Bank is a private bank - taken over by a select group Christmas  - December, 1913.

The U.S. Federal Reserve Bank - prints money.

Once every dollar was backed with gold. No more.

There is NO gold at Fort Knox. The vaults are there - and they are empty.

The lies of the U.S. Government - are so pathetic - and most of those who are NOT educated on issues - have no NO clue - what is happening.

We must speak up - the " Crimes against Humanity " - are happening daily - once there would be a hue and cry - no more. 

Recently the U.S. Treasury sent over $1 Billion to individuals who were dead - so called Stimulus Money.

Most of that money - cannot be recovered - because those that got it - spent it.

Now - figure out why - did the U.S. Government have the names of so many - on their rolls - when most were dead and gone a long time ago?

Some years ago our Office of Personnel Management was hacked - so was our Internal Revenue Service - and so was the Pentagon - the list is many - so what are we doing about this situation at hand?

All over the world this pandemic - has killed thousands - and more are dying - and the many deaths are not being tallied, right - not even in the United States. 

If one dies in the United States of Novel Covid-19 virus - that death is duly noted - and hospitals receive thousands of dollars in compensation.

If one dies at home - that death is noted - but there is NO compensation - only those who die at the hospitals - are tallied - and so why are we having different calculations - different strokes for different folks ?.

The Center of Diseases Control with intent sent out kits that were not working - Feb 2020.

These fake test kits delayed the authorities - tackling the Novel Covid-19 pandemic - nipping it in the bud.

Some of us know this - but most of us still continue to worship the Centers of Disease Control and Prevention. 

All over the world - many advocates - whose heart is in the right place - are challenging the so called norms.

Norms that most take for granted.

Today these advocates, these prophets will say - I do not agree - and they will lay the dictates of their conscience  - shocking those that use to bully them in the past.

In early January 2020 - the United States agreed to send millions of masks abroad.

In February and March, 2020 here in the United States - we had NO - masks to go around. 

No Personnel Protective Equipment (PPE), no working test kits, no respirators, no ventilators - we are a Super Power.

To this day - July 27, 2020 -  our essential workers -  have no masks and must recycle the masks, the same when it comes to PPE, the same when it comes to other vital and essential tools in the hospitals and on the frontline.

Early November, 2019 our U.S. Centers of Disease Control and Prevention  - had all the information about the Novel Covid-19 virus.

Yet the United States CDC took its time - and choose to create its own testing kits - when the World Health Organization (WHO) had a more reliable - with a proven track record - ready and available for distribution.

When we the United State failed - we continued to blame the World Health Organization for favoring China - and went ahead and stopped fund the World Health Organization (WHO) - at a time when they most needed help.

Today we have chosen to leave the WHO - and while we chose to do this - we have the most deaths in the world - linked to Novel Covid-19 virus. 

What does this say - about the sad state of affairs.

In the mean time New Zealand, Germany, South Korea, other countries - have stepped up and curtail the pandemic - we continue to make a fool of ourselves. When will this nonsense STOP.

The United States STOP being a Super Power - at one time the world respected us.

When we elected an " egoistical maniac " - who now resides in the White House - all that changed.

We are now the laughing stock of the world.

The on going protests all over the Nation - does not have a holistic  thread that is so necessary - morals, ethics and standards.

We cannot have violence for the sake of violence.

We know the U.S. Government has chosen to use force - and even though we know they are going to use excessive force - some choose to challenge those that have lost their mind.

You can only win - if you have spirituality behind the movement - much like the protest led by Dr Martin Luther King Jr. - Representative John Robert Lewis, and others - who made a great sacrifice -  and brought about great changes.

No organization worth the salt - should be taking money from entities such as George Soros.

No entity should be beholden to any organization -whose have so called representative who are sordid and   " amoral ".

All over the Nation so called " drab, sordid leaders " - are having virtual meetings - talking from both sides of their mouth - most have NO standards, less morals, and absolutely No ethics worth the salt.

We are in the year 2020 and yet the laws that hinder people of color owning homes - from laws passed in 1956 - that clearly prohibit allow people of color to own homes.

Here is California we have State laws - prohibiting people of color to own homes.

Here in California up until 1927 - California Governor issued edicts - to kill indigenous people - and one could fetch $5 for a scalp.

Here is California 60% of the indigenous tribes are not Federally Recognized.

We must pray and go to the source of the issue - this land was stolen from those that Protected Mother Earth - for over 15,000 years.

The laws that we have on our books are tainted - the Constitution may say one thing - but the United States Supreme Court passes judgement " Corporation are people to ". Such nonsense make the Whites salivate - but not for long - your time has come.

November 2020 - we all will cast our vote - and we must abide by our conscience.

The Great Spirit has already favored us - we are winning on the Dakota Pipe line and practically all the other projects - that have been declared null and void.

We gather at Camp Sackowin - close to Standing Rock - 15,000 strong - and stood shoulder to shoulder.

Today there is a new awakening.

Please have your heart in the right place - please fine tune your moral compass - please represent the infants, the children, the youth, the young adults, our beloved Elders.

Those with compromised health - more our mentally and physically challenged. The Great Spirit - revealed of these times - so it is nothing new to those - who see beyond the beyond.

You who are favored with this knowledge stand tall and represent.

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