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Friday, July 24, 2020


I am at home - doing what I can - paying attention - to the many so called drab " virtual meetings ".

Fielding questions on this, that, and the other issues.

With all the stress and many finding it difficult - to make ends meet.  People want to reach out to someone - they feel comfortable.

It does not help the small businesses are hurting - the mixed signals the SF Board of Supervisors and the Mayor London Breed are sending.

I hear more - from those that call me. Then - at the appropriate moment -  uplift the caller - with some solution - I leave the rest to the Great Spirit.

Our infants, children, youth, young adults, our beloved Elders - those with compromised health - more the mentally and physically challenged - living day to day - are suffering - many slowly dying.

Those in charge - SF City leaders - talking from both sides of their mouth - for hours at end. 

The virtual meetings - those deliberating talk, and talk, and talk - and the more they talk the deeper they swim in the cesspool of their own creation.

We the public have to listen to the utter nonsense - and then after 5, 6, 7 hours - get a measly 2 minutes - to express ourselves - so called Public Comment.

In San Francisco we have over 30,000 homeless - spread all over the City and County of San Francisco. 

Daily the situation is getting worse.

Every single day - those mentally challenged - assaulting innocent constituents.

Those living in tents - their surroundings filthy and stinking, the Mayor London Breed barking up the wrong tree.

Few realize - if one lives in the tents - with amenities - no toilets, no shower - after such living - in inclement weather -  humans loose their dignity - and to restore their humanity -  becomes a herculean task. 

Of course those talking - so called experts - have NO clue what is happening at ground zero. Mostly Whites - with little or no input from people of color - who are the ones most hurting.

Millions wasted - spending large amounts of money - with NO empathy and less compassion. With no mission objective - no standards - and no responsibility of outcomes that matter.

Those in charge of keeping things in order - addressing Quality of Life Issues -  committing crime against humanity.

The paradox the United Nations was formed in San Francisco. None of the SF Supervisors - are educated on issues - they talk - seldom come out with solutions - with goals and time lines.

Human beings need housing, their need support - they need help - but all they get is verbosity - those in charge - kicking the can down the street.

This situation is all the more dangerous - as most of those homeless  - live in congregate situations - in groups - most of them in very unsanitary - conditions.

As anyone can imagine - with the Novel Covid-19 pandemic -raging like fire - in California - the leaders have No sound direction coming from the top - the National level.

Those  failing to adhere : " Stay at Home " - and more failing NOT to wear a MASK - are adversely impacting the lives of innocent constituents. 

Nationwide most States are perturbed at the state of affairs.

We hope and pray - that all will be well.

Many hospitals now have NO beds to treat the patients, no Personal Protective Equipment, other vital tools and material - we call ourselves a Super Power! 

People wait in lines to get tested - the test come after two and three weeks - this does not help - to get a grip on the situation at hand.

There is absolutely No leadership at the Nation Level. None what so ever. History will note this nonsense - and I hope the powers that the President has now -  will be curtailed. For starters we need a President who is sane.

Some one who is compassionate and has empathy - not one who is narcissistic - this man in the White House - thrives  on seeing and witnessing people dying. What a crying shame and disgrace to the human race.

Millions - now Covid positive - with all the empirical data as evidence - we still do NOT have a sound, National Plan - to fight the Novel Covid-19 virus - on a War Footing.

Given the opportunity to speak -
he continues to spew diatribe -
utter nonsense, no one can fool all the people -
all the time - more - one who is an egoistical maniac.

This is the land of the indigenous people.

As most indigenous people understand - the wisdom of the Elders - comes first.

The sacred rituals that keep the balance.

Respect for  Mother Earth - take little and keep more for the next generations to come.

Chief Joseph he took care of his people -
persecuted for NO reason at all -
he did his best - even as we today - 
observe the utter nonsense linked to abject materialism -
greed, avarice, and a host of habits -
that most talk about but cannot nothing much ....

This is the land of the indigenous people.

This land was better know as Turtle Island.

Those who landed on this land - to write history - did not start by 
acknowledging the " indigenous people ".

Among indigenous people - the " host nation " is always respected.

Not so with those who think that everything starts and ends with them -  the indigenous  leaders warned us all who know better - do not trust those that speak with a  " forked tongue ".

Those that used " slaves " for over 400 years - have NO remorse - nor do those " thieves " - who stole the land -  accept that they have BLOOD on their hands.

And there is more to that - raping the women, killing the children, stealing and do all sorts of atrocities - much of it documented - and much handed down - oral stories that make you puke.

Even today Blacks are treated with disdain - never mind some think they can make a change.

Frederick Douglass 

Frederick Douglass - educated himself - he spoke his mind - he dared to meet President Abraham Lincoln.

He convinced President Abraham Lincoln - that Blacks then known as Negros - have a vital role to play - and can help defeat those that favor - " slavery ". 

Slavery favored those Racists - who used human labor for free - and treated the slaves - like chattel - when that stopped - some change was made.

However even today the remnants of slavery - atrocities of the the worst - a sordid mentality not to be tolerated  - are alive in the DNA of many who secretly have no remorse - and endorse discriminating - people of color.

I have family members tracing my family roots to hundreds of years. 

Yet at one time - a White person - having NO clue who I was proceeded to demean people of color.

I heard him for some time and then explained to him that he was a racists - using some choice words that I cannot print.

He apologized not so much for what he said - but acknowledged my command of the English language.  Circumventing the issue at hand - and that happens often - suddenly out of the blues - a racist will defend her or his position - never,  mind that their logic is wrong - saturated with hate and racial bias - of the worst, order.

Even today many Whites who ancestors where slave owners - will not acknowledge that slavery was wrong. 

They will argue they had nothing to do with the sins of their ancestors. 

Therein lies the crux of the problem.

Dr Martin Luther King Jr. embraced Non-Violence - during his life time - most so called pastors of his time  - did NOT support him. 

Today the pastors say they did - they did not.

Many of the Pastors to this day - do not understand the fundamentals of Non-Violence.

It takes years of practicing Non-Violence - curtailing our habits and inclinations.

Suppressing anger (anger management),  pondering before fighting back.

It is difficult when one spits on your face - you take it - as a practitioner of non-violence - because you do not want to react - and support the hate of the spitting individual.

When one hurts you - as a non-violence practitioner - you endure.

One cannot tolerate such actions inflicted on the non-violence practitioner  -  if one does not train every fiber of one being - to suffer, endure, and substitute hate with love. 

Let me put it is perspective - John Lewis passed away at the age of 80 years. One has to study John Lewis and the other Civil Right leaders that matter.

Most people do not under the John Lewis was a practitioner of Non-Violence. It takes years - so when dogs were set upon him he endured. When he was bitten and left for dead - he endured and survived. When insults were hurled at him - he endured. And there is more.

For Dr Martin Luther King Jr, John Lewis, others too many to name - the inner circle - to embrace Non-Violence - was something of an  " anathema " - to those that had no clue about practicing Non- Violence.

Only the inner circle - only those who intimately worked as a team and endured hate - understood the power of  true and well proven  - NON-VIOLENCE -  known better as the power of Non-Violence.

Here is San Francisco - I read a lot - I hear a lot - about Black leaders.

Most of the Black leaders are Spiritually Bankrupt - never, ever seen them fight with us in the trenches. Never never seen them take a position and bring about results.

Yet they dare talk about Racism when they are corrupt - cheating and stealing - steeped in materialism - taking bribes and corrupt to the core. More amoral - we have them right here in San Francisco.

I have named them before and do not want to tarnish this article by naming their sordid names. One worse than the other.

The indigenous people of the land - who lived here for over 15,000 years comes first.

Those that are treated with disdain - have every right to fight for their rights - no one denies that right - however, we must be fair.

In understanding humanity - one cannot single out one single entity - it simply does not work like that.

Even in our Constitution - every citizen has a right - but some who are White - have not endorsed the opinion and do not believe every one has a right to the rights mentioned in the U.S. Constitution.

More now more and more - White, Black, Asian, Latinx, indigenous - others - have fully realized - all of us must act, acknowledge - and  look at " humanity " - and the essence of humanity - as difficult as it is - to put individualism, racist actions and thoughts, implicit bias - divisiveness aside - and speak with one voice.

Crimes against humanity are committed daily in San Francisco.

Go visit a homeless camp and see things for yourself.

Stop talk about Racism, Equality, Resiliency, Implicit bias, Cultural Competency - when you are spiritually bankrupt.

It is a JOKE when folks talk from both sides of their mouth - the want others to join them - because they see some $$$$ signs - that is not how it works.

We can change things - much like Dr Martin Luther King Jr. -  Frederick Douglass - many others - in all that we do - we must embrace humanity - no discrimination, no taking sides without fairness.

Everything must be fully transparent, we need the facts - the process must have full accountability. There must be empathy and compassion.

For sure it must have standards - input from all.

Even children must have a say - ask those who espouse concepts from all walks of life.

We must bring all together and gather as much sound information - to be educated on issues.

We cannot permit to be dictated and take orders from dictators.

Discerning and having a deep sense of discerning -  being educated  on issues - cultural competency,  what is important to note - NOT being  spiritually bankrupt.

 Some of what I mentioned above - must be understood - by these so called leaders - who are really panderers.

Find out what organization they belong to - go to the source and find out what they have in mind - as their Mission Objective.

If you find out they had NO mission objective, they do not tolerate accountability - but want to order others around.

That  they do not include all as part of the deliberation - they think what they say is all that matters - their subjective opinions - such tactics will not reap fruit - they will fall on the way side - like chaff.

Notice how the George Floyd fever  is eroding.

What triggered the revolt - was  true humanity.

We all saw as human beings - that one person dared to place his knee on the neck of Mr George Floyd - stifle his life out of him  and kill him. We all detested this act - and we did all in our power - to fight such atrocities.

This one act - horrendous as it is - needs no deep explanation.

It teaches us a lesson - respect for life - as most of us understand.

When we all saw this horrendous crime on the screen - in unison - the drastic crime - we united,

More those who understood the act - not the color of one's skin - a movement began.

More and more we understood - when Black, Asian, Latinx, White, indigenous people, others all spoke with one united voice - we all understood - humanity - many for the first time.

United the people cannot be defeated.

Then came those who wanted to join the bandwagon - for ulterior motives - slowly the movement began to erode. There are no checks and balances.

Ask those begging for money, for power to do this and that - the right questions - ask them to define " humanity ".

Ask them to define " love ".

Ask them to define " sacrifice " if you get a valid answer - well.

If you see them roll their eyes - and stop talking nonsense - know that you must lead - you cannot lead if you are NOT humble.

If you are not spiritual.

If you are not educated on issues.

If you have NO - humanity.

Good leaders know the way, show the way and go the way.

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