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Thursday, July 2, 2020


The San Francisco - Board of Supervisors (BOS) have chosen with intent to deny sound participation - at so called drab and sordid " Virtual Meetings ".

The politicians so called  participants leading the charge - calling from private or public places - leaving the people, the tax payers, the citizens - to call in on unreliable communications - all this in the year 2020.

The meetings fail to connect people and often times people who are called upon to speak - cannot get in the que.

I am not talking about those who say four or five times - " can you hear me " - but those who are cleared to speak and cannot - join the other speakers to speak.

This pandemic has allowed the SF BOS and others at many meetings - to carry on a hidden agenda. 

A hidden agenda adversely impacting us all - using the pandemic as a cover - evil and every corrupt politicians are up to nefarious activities.

We citizens of San Francisco - know that most of us value the SF Charter.

More those who have served our Nation - today - corrupt politicians and singular "jail bird " - is making hay while the sun shines. Despicable.

We the people - more citizens must not be fooled - as we have  - on more than one occasion in the past - more, when Mayor Willie L. Brown Jr had his say - and changed things drastically to suit himself and his sordid - minions.

Once we had the Legislative Branch which is the SF Board of Supervisors, of course the Executive Branch which was the Mayor's Office - and we had the independent City Administrator - who could not be bullied and had his or her say.

Mayor Willie Brown saw that a Charter amendment passed by the voters - brought the City Administrator - for reasons best known to himself - under his jurisdiction.

Willie L. Brown Jr., clipped the wings of the City Administrator - and since that time - we have had pandemonium - prevailing in Room 200 and more with the SF Board of Supervisors.

The last City Administrator to serve independently was Bill Lee - Edwin Mah Lee was appointed by Willie L. Brown Jr., and following him - we now have Naomi Kelly.

While the SF Charter permits us to make changes - and most astute and stellar San Francisco - will adhere by the law - and see and know what they deem to be fit - we pause and observe, and think hard.

For sure we are for the progress and good or our great City and County of San Francisco - with amending our Charter - we will NOT tolerate - hoodwinking - in broad daylight - without any accountability and less transparency.

All of a sudden in midst of this Novel Covid-19 pandemic - we are witnessing a glut of amendments - changes made to streamline the Sherif's Department.

Changes made to control the SF Police Department and money sent from the SF Police Department - to the Human Rights Commission - that has failed San Franciscans.

Allowing the SF Human Rights Commission - that has shown no transparency and accountability under its present Director Sheryl Evans Davis.

Permitting Sheryl Evan Davis -  to create a shady platform - with  NO checks and balances - aided by Shakira Smiley - an outsider - lackey of the Mayor and others - positioning herself - with a hidden agenda to address issues - created by those now hold positions of power. 

They know who they are - I have names them before - all appointees - given a green signal - SF City Hall - Room 20 which emits a lot of nasty stinking - Sulphur. 

If only the idiots knew the etymology of the word "equity ".

More, linked to Equity the idiots want to favor mostly Blacks - who lack character - in other words are corrupt.

San Francisco is diverse and people of color and poor San Franciscans - in general irrespective of color - do not deserve to be treated with disdain.

Let us not make any solely Black operation - with corrupt Blacks running the show.  Let us be clear on this point.

You all are witnessing the current investigation by the Federal Bureau of Investigation - reaches the door of the Human Rights Commission.

Amendments are made to take control of our Public Housing and the millions sent our way by the State and Federal government to build so called - " affordable housing".

Corrupt entities want to control the housing - this will not happen.

Not  with the FBI looking at this issue -  and the audits done - clearly pointing to millions wasted - by the Mayor's Office of Housing.

All the while our SF Board of Supervisor  are fast asleep at the cockpit.

One may want to build housing -  affordable housing - affordable to whom. Most Black who are poor do not have " good credit " - in fact not many people today have good credit. Besides that here is one more reason - to note - read below.

Homes must be built on land that is NOT prone to liquefaction,  severe flooding, and of course earth quake proof.

Housing must be built - for those deserving - to uplift their condition - and always adhering to Quality of Life issues. 

Make no bones about that - I have been around - can smell a crook from a long distance.

Some time ago at one of the SF Budget Committee meetings - the Chair was not satisfied - with a pertinent issue - the high cost of construction linked to - so called affordable housing - to be built at Visitation Valley.

An article even appeared in the Main Press - the Chair continued the matter to a latter date - to investigate the matter - and find out why it costs so much - to build this units .

This agenda item came under the purview  and was initiated by the SF District 10 Supervisor - who has an affinity to make money - any which way he can - hoodwinking the public at large. 

Time will tell.

I was present at this meeting and looked forward to the meeting at the next SF Budget meeting. 

I was at City Hall - and learned  the meeting was brought forward - held on a day - that was not the day the SF Budget Committee holds its meeting.

Just like that the higher amount approved - to the chagrin of the advocates and many decent constituents of San Francisco.

Again and again I have named Blacks who have a propensity  and adhere to the worst type of corruption - right now - there is a huge list - undergoing investigation.

This does not mean other nationalities are not corrupt.

Blacks  by large measure are openly defiant and caught red-handedly their hand in the cookie jar.

In San Francisco the Mayor is Black, the City Administrator in Black, the Manager of the SF Public Utilities is Black, the head of the Department of Public Works is Black - and yet when it comes to Blacks - there are NO opportunities - and this has been the case - more - since 1996.

I know of very decent Black who are my friends - they know where I come from.

I also know the Elders - Blacks - who will not tolerate open and in your face cheating, lying, and stealing tax payers - money.

Not everyone is paying attention to the situation at hand - but right now the Federal Bureau of Investigation will look into  past episodes - and present - all backed empirical data - also known as - facts.

Also - what is going on right now - in some quarters is open  defiance - that contradicts - accountability and transparency.

A lot of it at the SF Public Utilities Commission - linked to Juliet Ellis and Dwayne Jones.

A lot of it coming from the so called Human Rights Commission.

Right now there are many singing the Blues - that time has come.

Where do they find such jail birds - who have been bribed by Lennar Urban - ask 5 Point Holdings LLC.

Jail birds looking for opportunity - to seize some money - and use it for their own purposes.

Right now two individuals are being investigated one Dwayne Jones and the other Juliet Ellis.

The many transactions - all of them dubious in nature.

Time is on the side of justice - I have been sounding the clarion call - many are saying - you were right.

The crooks - will be investigated - and the accountants who - cooked the books - will be held accountable - too.

Pre-Covid-19 we could go to SF City Hall and face the crooks - no one is saying all are crooks - but for sure anyone who has spent time in jail - refused to be humble - refuses to be rehabilitated himself or herself - such persons are NOT to be trusted.

In person - at the meetings - when some one does her or his presentation -  you can see the crook sweating - his or her shifty eyes revealing the Truth.

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