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Wednesday, July 8, 2020


Chief Sitting Bull -
he united the Lakota Tribes 
he defeated Custer - the battle -
of Little Big Horn

When thousands gathered at Camp Oceti Sakowin - very near Standing Rock - those who came together - understood - this could not happen - without a divine purpose.

There was a prophesy about the gathering and also about the black snake. The Great Spirit.

The entities that supported the North Dakota Access Pipeline - Dakota Access LLC ( a racists company ) and the U.S. Corps of Engineers - who failed to do due diligence - and adversely impacted thousands. 

Many went to jail fighting for what was right. 
Many got injured - one young woman shot in the eye - the corrupt using rubber bullets.

Dogs  were let loose and one woman was bit by the dog - on her breast - others were bit - by dogs let loose - all over the place and bodily harmed.

While the protestors were unarmed - the corrupt come fully armed.

All this on sovereign land - without permission - land that belongs to the Lakota Nation.

The land that Chief Sitting Bull fought for - he united the Lakota Nation and the various tribes that stand for the unity - to this day.

The entities including the U.S. Corps of Engineers - knew fully well that they had to abide by a vetted Environmental Impact Study. They with intent - avoided due process - and with intent - broke the law. Such are the ways of those that speak with a forked tongue.

The corrupt entities the racists Dakota Access LLC - others that supported this company  -  chose to follow the dictates of the present administration - did not follow the process - as states before - and broke the law. 

They will fall flat on their faces.

The President Barack Obama's administration was slow to act - and when it did - the measures were not as strong as it should have been - linked to the Dakota Access Pipeline.

When the present sordid administration came in - and chose to favor the Racist Oil Company - Dakota Access LLC - some of us in the know - knew  what we were dealing with.

Fossil fuel companies having been making hay while the sunshines - not anymore - project after project are folding - so much so the U.S. Secretary of Energy - is blaming - protesters. His excuse protestors are not interested in the economy and thousands of jobs - that may be so according to him.

We know that we must respect Mother Earth - it is simply wrong to pollute and contaminate - and adversely impact all life. Millions of species are no more - millions of acres of old growth cut - in Brazil and other places - closer to home old growth redwood trees.

Fracking is bad - and slowly kills people - petroleum spills and petroleum tanks catch on fire - pollute and contaminate - petroleum spills worldwide - by American petroleum companies - are well known and documented.

Fossil fuels have depleted the Ozone Level - and most people do not know - what the Ozone Level is - when we fail to Respect Mother Earth - everything falls apart. 

Wake up America - and then to top it all - we have a buffoon in the White House - he loves to TWEET - his feelings - he says something first - and then ponders about it - he lies at will - and can not be trusted. 

He says he is the Commander in Chief - never, ever wore a uniform - did not serve his nation - not for a minute - in the Services.

Here in the  Bay Area we are with the Lakota Nation. We do what we do best - it is best to deal with those we trust - and work best and deliver. 

When we went to North Dakota all the way from San Francisco - we wanted to see - for ourselves - what the situation was - and once we found out - about the blatant atrocities - we knew how to address the situation - remote control.

We admire the wisdom of the Elders - the fortitude and tenacity of the Lakota Nation. It may take some time - Truth always prevails. 

Indigenous women from all tribes -
stand tall and represent -
it does not matter what those evil do -
it does matter what must be done -
to neutralize evil - and respect Mother Earth.

Much before the strangers came to this land - for over 15,000 years - the indigenous people of Turtle Island - kept the land, the water, the watershed, the air. the lakes, the rivers, the mountains, the flora and fauna and more - in short the environment they lived in - pristine. 

For 15,000 years all carbon dated and recorded.

In less than 300 years all that was pristine was contaminated - you know by whom. Those that are GREEDY - will never, ever be satisfied.

We all know who speak with a " forked tongue ".

We know about the various treaties signed - and none kept.

We know who make the sordid laws - and who break them.

We know who have their heart in the right place and who do not.

We know who has the wisdom to respect Mother Earth.

We know we must respect the Elders - they have the Wisdom.

The indigenous people are led by the Great Spirit and know it all and more - the Elders full of wisdom - have always maintain semblance and what is more decorum of the highest order.

Standing Rock 

We here in San Francisco have chosen to disrespect those whose land - this is - every square inch - it was stolen.

We have Shell mounds - Sacred Burial sites - desecrated.

We have SF Board of Supervisors and SF Mayor - failing to respect and honor the indigenous people of the Bay Area.

No attempt is made to help the indigenous people - honor them as it must be.  The worst administration the present one - playing one group agains the other.

The City and County cannot produce one single document - signed by the indigenous people of this area the Bay Area.

More - where a tribe - gave permission - to steal the land.

Not one single document. Yet the crooks want permits - for this, that, and the other thing - when the land was stolen and all that was built on the land - illegal.

Up until 1927 the California Governors sent edicts out - to kill the indigenous people and fetch a measly $5 for a scalp.

Indigenous children were rounded up and sent to boarding schools. 

The children were brain washed - not permitted to speak their language - they could not wear the what they used to wear. They were forced to eat food that tasted bad - and abused.

 All this and more is documented - in reality we have the majority - uneducated on issues - or one may call them - ignorant to the true history of the land.

Indigenous women were lined up - their thumbs tied - and shot  and then thrown into a pit and buried. 

Such atrocities and more like rape and other horrendous deeds - are NOT taught in our schools, colleges and universities. No one wants to speak Truth to Power. 

Not everyone is a racist - but most are - they have failed to realize the harm they have done for humanity in general.

We cannot truly deal with the future - unless we acknowledge the past - and the indigenous people of Turtle Island - have suffered the most. 

Those who do not do their homework - only watch the Main Media - that constantly uses sensationalism - as fodder.  The listen to misinformation and disinformation - and live in Fantasy land.

The Main Media keeps addressing mundane issues - more, to sell products and foster materialism of the worst order.

When it comes to sound information - there is little if nothing at all  - drab news does nothing - but keep most people ignorant.

This pandemic is a test - a time to ponder and dwell.

Some where along the line - no one wants to pay attention to our Elders - to Wisdom. 

Unfortunately locations were indigenous people live - so called Reservations - with poor amenities and facilities.
Thousands are being sacrificed - help in coming in late - the Novel Covid-19 virus - is not visible to the eye.

It seeks those that have underlying ailments - many have respiratory disease, other suffer from malnutrition. Still others alcoholic - and drugs that compromise ones health.

The United States has BLOOD on its hands - treating indigenous people worst than second class citizens - on land belonging to them - stolen by the thieves - who have no conscience and less empathy and compassion.

Chief Joseph -
he tried his best to save his people -
he died despondent - the trials and tribulations -
too much to bear.

This Dakota Access Pipeline -
will be stopped and as we predicted -
those who foster such evil projects -
will fall - on your face - as some are just realizing.

One day after we left North Dakota -
to return to the Bay Area -
a blizzard hit North Dakota - a huge one -
the Great Spirit protected us - and we came home safe.

Here in the Bay Area -
as all over this Nation -
indigenous women are harmed - raped and killed -
many MISSING - the atrocities are horrendous -
as much as some are trying to address 
the situation - those in power are looking the other way -
at the protest held above - an indigenous women -
was murdered at SF Hunter Point - the man who 
murdered her - on the run - we know his name.

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