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Saturday, July 4, 2020


Chief Sitting Bull -
he united the Lakota Nations -
he stood his ground and left a legacy.

This land all of it - every single square inch belongs to the indigenous people. The many tribes who ancestors lived here on Turtle Island for over 15,000 years.

There is no one treaty signed by the United States and the Sovereign Tribal Nations - including the Lakota Nations - that has been adhered to - " do not trust those that speak with a forked tongue ".

The indigenous kept the land, the water, the air pristine - took little and left more - for others - generations to come - for 15,000 years.

When life was taken be it fowls, animals, fish - thanks was given to the Great Creator - even when one drank water - thanks was given - Water is Life.

When I visited the Black Hills of Dakota - I personally felt the spirits of the many Great Chiefs.

Some  known to us - but many -  representing the tribes - passed to the other side - leaving a legacy never the less - undocumented by history that we know in our libraries - but all the same revered - from generation to generation.

One mostly never hear the words " Mother Earth " uttered by non-indigenous people.

Not as much as much we hear it from indigenous people - Mother Earth. This one singular factor is worthy to note - it is tied to respect, honor, and being a true human being.

Philosophers, Theologians, Scientists, Doctors- others - those who study etymology and behavioral sciences - delve deep into our humanity - to understand - humanity in all of its dimensions.

From - say, thousands years ago to now - those historians that are are still interested how humans lived - and what they contributed to civilization.

We wonder why did they travel - thousands of miles - from place to place and more.

They  mostly conclude in favor of the indigenous people - the simplistic way of life -  have more to say about the sordid ways of those practicing materialism.

The killing of the buffalo in the thousands for the skin the meat piled sky high - to rot - disrespecting the indigenous people.

The cutting of the redwoods - old growth forests - to make money as much as $50,000 from one single redwood tree - and there is more.

The strangers were welcomed and fed - even as they were starving - when they landed on the shores of Turtle Island.

When they stood and  began to walk again - the first thing the strangers did - is bite the hand that fed them. 

That has been the way - until now - the various historians - say a lot - but the changes - are slow to come.

Bottom line - this land all of it - belongs to the indigenous people - here on Turtle Island.

The tribes from this land  are held hostage on Reservations - the land of their ancestors  taken way. 

The children killed, the women raped, the men died fighting - those that came here starving and on their last leg - continue to slave all those they can control - people of color.

One tenth of one percent own 95% of all the wealth - few see something wrong with this sordid picture. 

In this pandemic thousands are slowly dying - among them many who have NO jobs and because of blatant discrimination - cannot reach out to anyone - except those that have their heart in the right place. 

Children, youth, young adults, our Elders - those with compromised health - and going to bed hungry. If you are undocumented - the trials and tribulation are many - some of us can do something and do - but God sees it all - and we never give up.

This Novel Covid-19 pandemic - is here to teach us a lesson - the man in the White House - has blinders - is the laughing stock of the entire world.

Here in the Americas both North and South - the indigenous - travelled freely - they traded with everyone.

There were areas well developed - large cities and king after king who ruled for thousands of years - today - that culture in no more.

However, as anthropologists, archeologists, scientists of all types - delve deeply into these culture - line that of the Mayan Culture - we know little even as we try our level best to know more.

These cultures could calculate and forecast - seasons.

The  position of stars - the movement of the Moon - and the positioning of the Sun - had precise Sun Dials that amazed those who came thousands of years later - and still do.

They could move huge block of stone - that today's engineers marvel and place them - side by side - air tight - and this and more must be noted and what is more - respected.

They had herbs and mixtures that could cure -  the disease known today - were not known to exists in those times.

Even as we celebrate Independence Day today - July 4, 2020 - we fail to understand how young this Nation  - and compares in small measure - to ancient cultures.

How vulnerable todays society is - with all our technology - we cannot maintain simple rules and regulations - like wearing a mask. 

We have NO leadership - and with NO guidance - confusion and pandemonium reigns - supreme.

Most of us do not realize more human beings have died in the United States - than any other nation - during this pandemic.

Even  even as the results are shown to us - we have a demon in the White House - who has lost his mind - taking this Nation down the " cesspool " of his own creation.

The speech this man gave on July 3, 2020 - was written by some one -  the words crafted smacked of racism, divisiveness - of the worst kind.

That mountain on which are carved four faces - that of  George Washington,  Theodore Roosevelt,  Thomas Jefferson, and Abraham Lincoln - the mountain a Sacred Location - that the indigenous people of Turtle Island  - would not want - to be desecrated.

The man who wrote the speech - that was read on July 3, 2020 - by Mt Rushmore - not mentioning a word about the Lakota Nation - that Chief Sitting Bull - united the Lakota nations and stays united to this day.

The  same Chief Sitting Bull - who defeated the United States Army - at Little Big Horn - all documented for those what have eyes to see - and a sound brain to comprehend. 

Read some about the battle of Little Big Horn where Lt Col George Armstrong Custer (1839-1876) - was defeated and killed :

Chief Sitting Bull -  he led the battle -

defeated Custer and his racists thugs -
the battle of Little Big Horn -
the Lakota and Cheynne warriors -
in a hand to hand fight - beating the living shit out of those
who had come with intent to kill women, infants, and children. 

All the land around Mountain Rushmore for thousands of years - was indigenous land - Lakota land - so what the hell  was the 7th Calvary doing - on Lakota Sovereign land ?

The 7th Calvary lead by Lt Col George Armstrong Custer was there to order the Lakota, Cheynne, and others to vacate the land - just so that the United States government - could mine gold.

Mount Rushmore is named after the engineer who facilitated the mining of " gold " - " GREED" - on sovereign Lakota land. 

The land of the greatest Chief who ever lived - Chief Sitting Bull.

History and individuals today - can read the history of the battle of Little Big Horn - and each can have their own take.

I know for a fact - military experts will tell you - here, in the United States - all military cadets - read the history.

It is known for a fact - that the Lakota and Cheynne warriors - won hands down - and that is a fact.

Yesterday - a coward made a speech - some one who has not spent one single minute - wearing a military uniform - yet calls himself - Commander in Chief.

Yesterday - July 3, 2020 - a coward displayed to the entire world - that he is not only a coward - but a blatant racist - of the worst order. 

A disgrace to the human race.

If he had the balls - he would have mentioned the Lakota and other tribes. 

Not far from Mt Rushmore - at the battle of Little Big Horn  - the coward may have not been told  what happened to Lt Col George Armstrong Custer - his two brothers, other relatives - others all killed when the 7th Calvary - underestimated - the Lakota and Cheynne warriors.

The defeat of Custer and his racists thugs - is etched on the minds of those who are racists.

Those decent folks who believe in freedom - they know that that battle was won - because those fighting - were protecting their own people infants, children, youth, young adults, Elders - the land - all of it Sacred Land.

The Great Spirit was and is on the side of the just - go today - with an open mind - to the Black Hills - and if your heart is in the right place - your will feel - the presence of something intense and spiritual.

Today we are caught in the middle of a pandemic - which will stayed with us for over 5 years.

This Novel Covid-19 virus is mutating - and even as that is happening -  too many are " asymptomatic ".

Meaning -  these " asymptomatic " individuals are affected - but still roams around - freely spreading the Covid -19 virus - galore.

Right now we have over 2,900,000 cases in the United States and  accounted for 132, 209 deaths and growing.

Camp Oceti Sakowin -
near Standing Rock -
over 15,000 gathered from all over the world 
to stand shoulder to shoulder with the Lakota Nation -
I was there - and so were other who left with me
from San Francisco to North and South Dakota

The Lakota Flag

The fire-works on Sacred Lakota Land was an act of desecration - fireworks were prohibited - the watershed has suffered from previous contamination - fireworks produce a very harmful and adverse impacting  chemical  " PERCHLORATE "  .

There is a current prohibition using fireworks - by the National Park Service - yet, defying norms to satisfy the insane man in the White House - the fireworks was allowed - such are the ways of those that do not respect Mother Earth - and more LIFE that matters.  

The Treaty of Laramie of 1868 and that of the failed earlier Treaty of Laramie of 1851 are NOT taught in our schools.

Our children must be taught the Truth -  and those that do wrong - must be brought to justice - like the coward who is destroying our Nation.

The Court has decided in a recent verdict that the North Dakota Piple Line must seize its operation - soon - here is some information and the court case mentioned too :

We fought as hard we could - and we have been keeping the fire alive - some of these decisions - come from the White Man's Court - we do not trust them - but we must do what has to be done - to show them - that the indigenous people were here for 15,000 years - plus.

Water is Life. More and more the United States Corps of Engineers are comprehending - that they cannot avoid the vetted Environmental Laws - that this present administration - wants to water down. More and more we must fight for what is right - it may NOT be easy - but we must keep the " FIRE " - alive. Our heart in the right place. Aho.

In this tent the famous Treaty of Laramie of 1868
was signed - much of the Treaty has never been kept -
" do not trust those that speak with a forked tongue "
one of those is in the White House -
his divisiveness is worse than the Novel Covid -19 pandemic.

We must remember the children of the Great Spirit are favored.

Never mind they may endure some hurdles  - in the end only those who are favored - will be protected - that is all I will say for now.

Some of us are witnessing the follies of those that cannot ever be " trusted ".

More those who speak with a forked tongue.

For thousands of years there was no need of treaties. There was an unwritten higher standard.

Only some of us understand that - those who do not understand - they can say what they want - right now we are witnessing the reality of an invisible enemy.

We are also witnessing the evil deeds of a visible head of the nation in the White House.

Even General James Mattis had to come out and tell us - not to trust this man - who lies for a living and is not to be trusted - he make his abode in the White House.

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