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Wednesday, June 17, 2020


Peace Officers are sworn to protect 

those they serve.  We the people - who pay the taxes
 and pay them - why they are trained to shoot first

and ask questions later - this happens again and again.

What is " Qualified Immunity " and what does it truly have to do with Law Enforcement?

Why  has it taken so long for us - the citizens, the tax payers to come to our senses and find out - all about this "evil law ".

We the people must be protected by Peace Officers.

More and more those rogue  " Peace Officers " - who shoot first and ask questions - later. This nonsense must - STOP.

The insurance companies make a lot of money - charging huge premiums - to the many Police Unions - to protect them using 
" Qualified Immunity " - and other laws - protecting the Peace Officers.

The victims so far who have fallen prey - to shoot first and ask questions later - no one wants to believe all Peace Officers are evil - we have NO mechanisms - to weed Rogue Peace Officers - anyway one looks at the situation at hand. 

Past San Francisco Mayors starting with Mayor Willie L. Brown Jr. then Gavin Newsom, followed by Edwin Mah Lee, then Mark Farrell and the worse of them all Mayor - London Breed.

None of the above have had the decency - to educated themselves - place " Qualified Immunity " on the agenda - for meaningful dialogue. The Mayors love to talk in generalities - while taking money from unsavory entities - to fill their campaign coffers - among them Big Developers.

Many attempts have been made before to introduced legislation - linked to Qualified Immunity - to NO avail - in Sacramento. 

Again and again the Peace Officers - have managed to use money to win legislators over - that includes past Mayors of San Francisco.

It has not helped with past SF District Attorneys SF Kamala Harris and George Gascon - talking in circles and failing to be fair.

Bring about justice - by first addressing the blatant discrimination - shooting and killing by " rogue Peace Officers ".

More and more Qualified Immunity - protects so called  " rogue Police  Officers " -  causing tremendous pain and trauma to those victims and their families - injustice - of the highest order.

We live in a Republic where all of us citizens and others are protected by the law - equal justice for all.

We cannot permit - allow "Qualified Immunity " to protect Peace Officers - more, those rogue "Peace Officers" - with mandates and laws such " Qualified Immunity " - that practically makes it difficult - to charge rogue so called Peace Officers.

Here is more about " Qualified Immunity " stay informed:

All over the world - billions saw - a rogue Peace Officer - who knew Mr George Floyd - placed his knee on the neck of Mr George  Floyd  - for 8 minutes and 46 second - and squeezed the life - out of Mr George Floyd.

Mr George Floyd called upon his Mother for help - begged the Peace Officer to let him breathe - to NO avail - this incident - hit a raw nerve - and millions all over the world - asked for " justice".

Here at home - with all the talk - and talk is cheap - few are still NOT aware of the " Qualified Immunity " law - adversely impacting so many victims - of shooting and killing - linked to rogue so called Peace Officers.

Most are not aware rogue so called Peace Officers - move from one Police Department -  after committing heinous crimes. This nonsense must stop.

We are full aware that not all Police Officers are bad apples - but all it takes is one bad Police Officer - to contaminate the entire apple barrel. 

These few not only tarnish those that want to do good - but tax payers, citizens who pay taxes - to preserve Quality of Life issues - one of them safety and protection - from nefarious entities.

We must be educated on issues - when I wrote about "Qualified Immunity " way back in 2004 - when mostly SF Blacks were killed - in large numbers.

More - in the Bayview Hunters Point - no one came forward to support the few of us who were addressing - the evil practice - giving carte blanche protection - to Peace Officers - more " Rogue Peace Officers".

In the midst of the Mario Woods protests - I was the first to write about Mario Woods.

Support - legislation passed to address Qualified Immunity - by Mark Leno - was fought tooth and nail - only for so called Peace Officers and related Law Enforcement - to neutralize his efforts.

Legislation was introduced several time in various forms - and each time - those opposing it - used money and propaganda - failing to have their heart in the right place.

It is simply wrong to shoot some one in the back - while they are fleeing - for an infringement - that is minor - and does not warrant - killing and death.

However this happens all the time - it happened also - with Oscar Grant - I was the first to write about Oscar Grant  - using IndyMedia to publish my article.

Mario Woods mother holding the sign of her son -
our local politicians talk about Police Reform -
they want the money - to be given to sordid entities -
and they cannot and should not do it -
with full transparency and accountability -
we do not trust the Human Rights Commission -
and for sure we do not trust any jail bird - who 
has NO clue about "Quality Immunity " and related issues.

I have fought in trenches for over 40 years and never seen London Breed, Shamann Walton, DionJay Brookter, London Breed - help us in any meaningful way.

We have Black entities - more House Negros who work behind the scenes take money from Homeland Security - other entities that we are not at liberty to announce at this time - but will at the appropriate time.

San Francisco - has more LatinX, more Asians, more Whites,  the LGBTQ community that need help and has been discriminated - for decades - the recent law passed by the Supreme Court - favoring the LGBTQ community - comes at the right time.

There are others too - that need help - however we cannot permit and will not permit - a few corrupt politicians to speak for us all.
The likes to Shamann Walton and London Breed.

Again it  is simply wrong without any dialogue that money will be taken - our tax payers money - Federal money - and given to the San Francisco - Human Rights Commission -  Director - her name is Sheryl Evan Davis - inept - who has failed us all.

Tax payers money - must be accounted for - more Federal Money - that is given to the Peace Officers the SF Police Department  -  to protect and keep the tax payers and others - safe.

London Breed was on CNN -  did not name one single victim killed at the hands of SF Police Department in San Francisco -  why?

London Breed did mention she is from the hood - we the people are fed up - hearing she is from the hood.

We know that she is from the hood - that is why she has NO manners and less etiquette.  That is why she is no leader.

Good leaders know the way, show the way, and go the way.

She could have spoken about " Qualified Immunity " she did not.

She could have mentioned the Mothers who have formed the Healing Circle - she did not?

Today London Breed is working to adversely impact the homeless.

We - who are in the know - are fully cognizant of that fact - not London Breed - not Shamann Walton.

The recent case brought forth by Hasting College - says it all - it is a shame we have a Mayor, London Breed who has NO empathy less compassion - for those that have failed on bad times

Those who live in tents - on the streets of San Francisco - in front of  SF City Hall - facing the inclement weather - and slowly - dying.

Chief Scott Williams -
Chief of SF Police Department -
some 2000 Police Officers come under his jurisdiction.

A measly $25,000 reward was offered -
information leading to the arrest of -
the person who assassinated and killed 
Joseph Taeotui - this case is cold case -
but we know better - and shame on those 
who think they can hoodwink us in broad daylight -
hint - Antoine W****R - contact Antioch Police
for more pressing and pertinent - information.

We have a dysfunctional SF Police Commission that must be  totally disbanded.

All related entities including the one headed by Paul Henderson - totally disbanded.

It has taken years - to review the 272 recommendations by Community Oriented Policing Services (COPS).

COPS has been disbanded by the the present incumbent living in the White House - COPS was outsourced by the Department of Justice (DoJ). 

COPS came into a community - interviewed people - were paid a lot - thousands of dollars.

Produced  large documents - most collecting dust not the shelves.

Even our SF Board of Supervisors - one of them Catherine Stefani - has NO clue about COPS. COPS in no more - and there is no entities - to carry on the enforcement.

The SF Police Commission must be totally disbanded. They do more harm than good. 

Rubber stamping most things that come to the table - without discerning - and mostly kicking the can down the street.

Given the opportunity to speak - they love to pat their behinds - shame on them - for treating the citizen of San Francisco - with utter disdain. 

The current Human Rights Commission - is NOT fair to San Franciscans and the tax payers. We have tolerated the utter nonsense of the Human Rights Commission - for too long.

It has become a hot bed - to address certain issues - under the direction of Sheryl Evans Davis. Sheryl Evans Davis is a lackey of Mayor London Breed - she has not experience leading the Human Rights Commission.

The Human Rights Committee was formed in the Bayview Hunters Point - that led to the Human Rights Commission - this history is not known to the buffoons.

We want Community Policing - the Community we can trust - not individuals like Amos Brown who hold meetings - without proper Public Notice.

Hold private meetings -  then want money to go toward his pet projects. This nonsense has been going on - for decades.

Again some very corrupt House Negros have chosen to embrace money - rather than the victims - we never saw these crooks - in the trenches and not on the frontline.

We the people took on COPS - we told them - what we knew - and they listened to us.

The  272 recommendations - are just recommendations - we need vetted tax payers who are astute and stellar in the cockpit.

Not lackeys - to meet behind close doors and sell out the community - each and every time.

Yesterday a meeting was held by Amos Brown - he is not trusted by the people - and let us not go there.

Many may not know that when Dr Martin Luther King Jr., was alive he was hated - however, Dr Martin Luther King Jr., did what was right - his heart in the right place.

He was assassinated - and his speech and work - still live one - he left a legacy. These crooks who are only interested in money - will NOT live a legacy - they are NOT to be trusted - more jail birds.

We cannot say that of the present NAACP leaders - who are always gravitating towards money - GREEDY to the core - and a disgrace to the human race.

We need Police Reform - with stellar and and astute citizens of San Francisco - voted in by the people not the Mayor, not the politicians, not the SF Police Department - we want full transparency and accountability.

Francisco Da Costa
author of this article -
always speak Truth to Power.

Our City Administrator - Naomi Kelly - who controls - 
over 30,000 SF City employees - a ten year job -
making $400,000 a year - a special contract -
she could step up and address Police Reform -
she is second in command after the Mayor -
both know one another - more from the time 
when Willie L. Brown Jr., going back to 1996.

Naomi Kelly -  the City Administrator  - has all the heads of Department reporting to her -  including the SF Controller's Office.

The SF Controller's Office  has failed us tax payers - San Franciscans - miserably.

Naomi Kelly is Black, the SF Police Chief in Black, the Mayor London Breed is Black, Sheryl Evans Davis - there are other Blacks - none of them have stood up for sound - Police Reform.

Not once has the issue of "Qualified Immunity " been put on the agenda.

Once once - a hearing had - so that those concerned - their heart in the right place - we have highly qualified - citizens - who can do the heavy lifting and address the situation at hand.

Our SF Police Commission is dysfunctional. Recently two appointed hand picked by Mayor London Breed - were rejected by the people - hundred spoke against their appointed - and the poor leader of Mayor London Breed.

One candidate stepped down and the other was rejected by the SF Board of Supervisors. Good riddance of very bad rubbish.

Sheryl  Evans Davis -
the Director of Human Rights Commission -
has failed all San Franciscans - her concepts related -
to Equality, Resiliency, other concepts have -
Implicit Bias, Cultural Competency, other values -
NO blue print - with vetted goals, time-lines -
and fairness. The demographics of San Francisco 
has changed more Asians, LatinX, White, less Black,
Native Americans, others in that order -
all must be helped not some segment -
without proper adjudication and and empirical data -
that matters - facts matter - only one bosses us around.

The SF Human Rights Commission - has failed to address the pressing issue linked to " Qualified Immunity ". 

The SF Human Rights Commission - has failed us all - pathetic.

Director Sheryl Evans Davis is NOT qualified to address the many issues - that the Human Rights Commission - does not have the experience - and less the stellar leadership - needed.

I remember a Commendation Ceremony - at SF City Hall - in Room 250 - many threw their commendations on the floor - given to the entities by with Sheryl Evans Davis and her lackeys. 
Sheryl Evans Davis  - witnessed this fact.

Sheryl Evans Davis - has been pandering - she is interested in funding - receives a huge salary - for being inept - $200,000 plus  benefits - this is NO - good.

It is a crying shame these Blacks mentioned above - given an opportunity - have failed us all. All they seek are opportunities to make money - no morals, less ethics and absolutely no standards.

Always tying to make money - hustling - much like those do in the hood - they say the " hood" never leaves one.

These unsavory crooks - have no stellar education that matters, less etiquette,  no ethics, no moral, and of sure NO - standards.

Muwekma Ohlone Warrior 

I represent the First People of  San Francisco - and have seen it all - corruption of the worst order.

I have attended too many SF Police Commission meetings - as the Director of Environmental Justice Advocacy - I have chosen to shed light - where there is abject - darkness.

Now - these crooks want Federal Money - with NO accountability and transparency. 

STOP - we already have the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) on your tails.

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