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Friday, June 19, 2020


Time to wipe the smirk - 
from her face - Juliet Ellis -
Chief Strategist and Chief SFPUC Police Officer -
wheeling and deal - involved in pay to play deals.

Two years ago someone approached me and asked me to review some documents.

I  looked at the documents - and was shocked - how a clever scheme - was in operation at the SF Public Utilities Commission.

A scheme - far worse than the present corruption scandal - that has a dark cloud hovering over the heads of the City Administrator Naomi Kelly and Mayor London Breed.

Anyone who is a good Administrator, anyone who is educated on issues, anyone who can do a sound needs assessment - can flow the Chart - and see who does what and how money is circumvented and more how very corrupt - Juliet Ellis and Dwayne Jones are. 

Then I received some more documents - two and half years ago - and one in particular struck me.

 Dwayne Jones who is corrupt - writing a letter and claiming that he is in charge of a project - and claiming for large sums of money including Over Time. 

The Federal Bureau of Investigation - must now follow on this one singular letter and  fact - and nail his ass - once and for all.

The above letter was provided to me as part of Freedom of Information (FOIA) and Privacy Act - a request that I sent to the SF Public Utilities Commission.

I have qualified experience working as Sixth Army and Presidio of San Francisco's Congressional Liaison - and have handled corruption cases - time and time again.

Once you have the empirical data - wasting tax payers money - follow the money they say - we have and have the empirical data - so why should not these crooks - be removed and sent to where they belong - for a long, long, long time.

Dwayne Jones is the author of the above letter.

The name of the company Rudolf Dwayne Jones - some sordid consultant firm - he does not work for the SF Public Utilities Commission as an employee. He acts as one - and this pompousness must be stopped - he is from Los Angeles - and does not live in San Francisco. 

He lies to the Project Manager that he is working round the clock - and needs to be paid. 

That he works with SFPUC employees - all of which is a lie. 

That he review the plans - all of which he does not. He is not an engineer, he is a crook par excellence.

This one letter is proof what we are dealing with.

All  I did was ask for information linked to some projects and got umpteen information.

Had I given the information to the Federal Bureau of Information - two years ago - many would be in jail now - instead of being out there - still wheeling and dealing.

Our SF Sunshine Task has NO clout - waste of time. 

Our SF Ethics Commissions - stalled - and with this pandemic - anemic.

Our SF Controller's Office - your can do all the heavy lifting - nonchalant.

No wonder our SF Public Utilities Commission - is the devil's workshop.

Juliet Ellis and Dwayne Jones must be charged and should have nothing to handling - millions of with tax payers money.

Millions wasted - I have the empirical data .

Community Community Benefits given to  - $300,000 grants - these vermin - take the money - close the business after some time - there is NO accountability and less transparency.

Juliet Ellis was charged by the Fair Political Practices Commission and should not be working for the City and County of San Francisco.

Dwayne Jones who once worked for Platinum Consultants - was let go.

Dwayne Jones has been defying " justice and fair play ".

Lives in the East Bay - drives a Bentley - and is defying us all - well time for the Federal Bureau of Investigation to nail his ass.

Ben Rosenfield know most everything -
what is happening - so does 
Harvey Rose - and Dennis Herrera -
our SF Board of Supervisors - not all -
but most of them - are responsible for this mess.

Any time the SF Public Utilities Commission - comes before the SF Board of Supervisors - carte blanche - the projects are rubber stamped - millions of dollar wasted.

First with the Water System Improvement Project and now with the Sewer System Improvement Project - I said millions of dollars.

The Sewer System Improvement Project (SSIP) started as a $6 billion project - and is moving slowly - a snail's pace  - and will end costing the tax payers - $15 billion.

In a few months -  General Manager will be leaving.

Harlan Kelly will NOT leave a legacy.

Soon -  he will have to go to the Federal Bureau of Investigation - or else suffer the consequences.

You do not have to go too far - to learn more about Harlan Kelly and Julies Ellis - even the Marina Times - has revealed more than any other San Francisco news paper.

The Examiner and Chronicle have NO astute and stellar investigative reporters.

Millions of dollar wasted by the San Francisco Public Utilities Commission. This nonsense cannot go on forever.

Corrupt individuals working for the SF Public Utilities Commission -  the likes of the Assistant General Manager for Infrastructure - who has been bold enough - to prepare the way to place her own son - using "nepotism ". 

She is also know to be more than friendly with Harlan Kelly - for a long, long time - longer than Juliet Ellis.

Karen Kubick -
she could not stand the corruption -
as Project Manager of the Sewer System Improvement Project -
SSIP project cost $6 Billion - now costing more $15 Billion
she left and is a happy camper - today -
shame on the SF Public Utilities Commission.

Conceptual Plan - SSIP once projected -
to cost $6 Billion it is more like $15 Billion -
tax payers money - millions wasted by 
very corrupt individuals - who must be investigated.

We can go so deep into the corruption - because we have the empirical data  - we have the data going back to 1996 - when Willie L. Brown Jr. created the SF Public Utilities Commission - it was the place where all his lackeys - were placed.

Good employees like Mark Harris applied for a job promotion - was denied time and time again - he left and now is happy run the Treatment Plant at Pacifica.

Tony Flores was fed up with the corruption and left - Harlan Kelly should be ashamed of himself.

Lemon Abrahams was brought is as the Communication Director - and left - he found the corruption and other ploys and machinations - eroding standards - he left and in leaving is happy now.

Again and again in certain department more dealing with the SF Public Utilities Commission  employees - experts come in - and leave because the environment- is contaminated - and the main person who bring about this erosion of harmony and smooth operation - Juliet Ellis.

The ship is sinking - much like the Titanic - the ship is split in two and sinking.

Imagine in this pandemic - few employees are supposed to be at 525 Golden Gate - most employees are supposed to be at home.

Even with the mandatory order - wheeling and dealing is going on at 525 Golden Gate - pay to play deals - wheeling and dealing- while all the time the SF Public Utilities Commission - pat themselves on their behinds.

We the people demand - that more pristine water be released into the Tuolumne River. We the people demand - that you respect the indigenous people of North America - and more those surrounding Yosemite and the neighboring areas.

We the people demand the Federal Bureau of Investigation - find out what really is happening at the SF Public Utilities Commission - people paid a lot of money - some get $400,000 and have nothing to show - less leadership.

We the people are fed up - and more with this pandemic we see no results. More with the present movement on the streets - we do not see any change with entities like SF Public Utilities Commission - some House Negros paying lip service.

I am watching you all like a hawk.

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