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Saturday, June 6, 2020


When former 49er Colin Kaepernick took a knee very few supported him - in a " real way " - Colin Kaepernick is a very intelligent person, a decent person, who understands humanity and respect for any human being - as few do.

I last saw him and greeted him at Alcatraz - I attended the Sunrise Ceremony - he was there with a small encourage - greeting all.

Embracing those his spirit deemed fit - our Elders - and he was given an opportunity to speak. He spoke from his heart.

Colin Kaepernick at the 
Sunrise Ceremony - Alcatraz -
he was there with a small entourage.

So here we have the White Commissioner of the NFL who has just awoken up and made a statement - that the NFL truly feels that people of color have been let down - and he thinks he can fool all of us. Sorry.

Roger Goodell does not have a sound relationship with the Black NFL players - they make up 75% of the NFL players and they are NOT respected - today.

To make things worse - only 3 Blacks own a part of the entire NFL teams - the rest are all White - and most of them are RACISTS.

Let us look at it another way - the Black players who play and make a lot of money - are used like Gladiators.

Now here is what I have to say - in all of his talk Commissioner Roger Goodell has NO walk - did not have the guts to apologize to Colin Kaepernick.

When Colin Kaepernick first took a knee - I wrote an article on my Blog. I have stood by Colin Kaepernick - for the longest time ever - and I see the seed he planted - it will bear fruit - good will come from his noble - deed.

This is our moment - to bring the entire concept of RACISM to those entities and authorities - who still are lingering what is right and what is wrong.

It is W R O N G to discriminate against people of color - period.

It is wrong to discriminate against the mentally challenged.

It is wrong to discriminate against the physically challenged.

As human beings  we know what is right and what is wrong - we all have a conscience.

There is a lot written in our United States Constitution that needs clarification.

Our United States Constitution -  needs revisiting.

The many amendments will mean putting something in writing and getting all the States to agree to the amendments - a herculean task.

It does not help that the present Congress with Nancy Pelosi and Jack Schumer - playing with fire - do not represent the people.

Even as Mr George Floyd passed away - there was a long " dead silence " then Nancy Pelosi - wakes up from there slumber - a hypocrite - and contacts the Black Caucus - that has been fast asleep for decades - failed to follow up - on the victories brought about - after the Civil Rights - and Dr Martin Luther King Jr.

The United States Constitution - linked to our Republic - does not favor Dictatorship - the incumbent in today's White House - for all practical purposes - is a Dictator.

He  favors the White Supremacists - and he thinks - he can fool all the people - all the time. Pathetic.

Colonel Charles Young (1868-1922)
a graduate from West Point .

Contesting his medical retirement at the onset of World War I, Captain Charles Young proved his fitness by riding his horse 500 miles from his home in Ohio to Washington D.C. 

As a result, Captain Charles Young was reinstated, promoted to full Colonel - and continued as military attache to Liberia.

As a mater of fact Colonel Charles Young could easily have been promoted to the rank of General Charles Young - but for the color of his skin.

He commanded the 9th and 10th Calvary companies - wrote the Standard Operating Procedures - linked to our now well know National Park Services - that the all Black Buffalo Soldiers  -managed - then, know as Federal Lands.

When General James Mattis -
sided with the citizens of the United States -
and warned the President - to stop dividing the citizens
of the United States -  STOP using our 
U.S. soldiers to fight fellow citizens - 
the present President put his tail in between his legs -
today he does not know what to do -
his days in the White House build by Blacks - are numbered.

The racists Supremacists that the present person deals with - the person who lives in the White House.

He is a person who has tarnished his name and that of all those that are associated with him - that he why so many - gave him a chance - but the idiots fails to comprehend that " as a egotistical maniac " - his days are numbered - he is a chronic liar - a disgrace to the human race.

Our Nation is hurting and the pain is deep - thousands of Black mothers have kissed their children good bye - hoping agains hope - that all goes well - and they return home. safely - that has never been a guarantee.

Thousands of Black Mothers and Fathers - have received the very sad news - the demise of their children - at the hands of rogue police and others who deemed that they could take the life of a person of color at will.

This very deep pain is only known to a Mother, a Father, a husband, a wife, family, loved ones.

Some of us in the trenches know this - this pain can not be taken away - there is NO cure of this pain - one of a kind.

The more a Mother and Father loves her or his child - the deeper the pain and for sure the anger.

Mr George Floyd  -
millions have watched his slow death -
many Blacks feel close to him - because of what 
they all have endured - I know this I am in the trenches -
it is NOT easy to deal with Rogue Police Officer -
and even worse House Negros - who are selfish -
today, here in San Francisco - we have Black unfit 
SF Police Commissioner - not worth the salt.

June 3, 2020 - some youth took upon themselves to organize a protest - many attended the protest - and praised the youth - who stood up and represented.

Everything went well during the protest - then at 8 pm - the curfew kicked in - which was already discussed by the organizers - and the SF Police Department - was fully aware of this fact.

The youth going home - were stopped - told to lie on the floor - their hands, behind - tied up - and treated with disdain.

I already addressed the SF Board of Supervisors - and told them I am ashamed of them - all.

The SF Board of Supervisors - they talk a lot - and have NO clue - what blatant discrimination must not be tolerate.

On that day  - the Police Officers on duty - local and others called to assist - as if the youth were trouble makers - were paid $196 an hour.  When asked who will pay the Police Officers - the say - Homeland Security - well we will find out who pays - the thousands adding up to millions - to police innocent - citizens from San Francisco. 

Our Mayor London Breed  - who is Black knows this - but she has not said a word. This House Negro mentality must end.

Much like the two sordid Blacks on the SF Police Commission - Ms Damali Taylor and Mr DionJay Brookster from Fresno - who has NO connection what so ever with San Francisco - rubber stamping everything - anointed by Mayor London Breed - the worst Mayor we have seen in San Francisco - amoral.

One would think our Progressive Democrats would shine in San Francisco.

On the contrary - we have a Black Supervisor - who concepts and ideas are convoluted - his District 10 - is the worst, ever - more when it comes to - Quality of Life issues - his name is Shamann Walton - a pain in the ass.

With House Negros selling out the community - again and again - we will never be able to deal with the over 401 years of blatant discrimination.  

These few House Negros - keep wheeling and dealing -  they must step aside - and fade into oblivion. 

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