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Monday, June 8, 2020


Many of us advocates - keep going for funerals - listening to the lawyers and attorneys - say this and that and more - convoluted.
The killings and shooting - have been tallied in the thousands - and no one - seems to really care - when it comes to people of color.

Crimes committed by rogue police officers - attorneys and lawyers in good faith -  promising to bring about justice - in few instances - in most cases the can kicked down the street. 

Few few care to explain the " crux of the problem " - an evil tool - " Qualified Immunity ".

Policing as we know - goes back to the days of slavery - and has been practiced for over 400 years - if not more.

Today Police Officers are related to the  sordid, barbaric, nefarious " slave catchers " - the  Police that we know today - have a long history - using deadly force - shooting, killing, more  to harm those that cannot defend themselves.

For decades we have witnessed again and again - rogue police officers - shoot first and ask questions later.

We have requested incident reports - using the Freedom of Information Act - and read each and every word.

Again and again we have witnessed -language embedded in the notorious law " Qualified Immunity "  -persons who crafted the language - followers of the devil.

Backers of the White Supremacists - much like humans beings who have NO soul, no respect for human beings - folks that suffer from inferiority complex - even though they may be White.

I have been reporting such incidents - innocent people dying - a rogue police officer - hiding under  " Qualified Immunity " - and all this and more will come to an end.

There is a God - and most of us who do this work - have to be spiritually, strong.

For decades this evil tool " Qualified Immunity " has allowed mostly " rogue police officers " - to circumvent the law - and be let Scott free.

Now at last Congress has awoken up from its deep slumber.

Under an Act named " Justice For Policing Act 2020 ".

The United States Congress after decades - wants to bring some accountability and fair play - linked to the actions of some rogue Police Officers -who have tarnished the name of humans and humanity - for generation on end.

For the last 35 years this shit " Qualified Immunity" has troubled me - and also the recent tendency of the Police Unions - favor this sordid and despicable - law.

We the people must treat all as children of God - you do not need to be a " rocket scientist " - to understand this at all.

The Constitution lays down the basic - now, it the right time to amend a lot what was stated - for another time - our time is now - and the Constitution must be revamped in toto.

For those who think not so - your time has come to step aside.

Kudos to  the youth and young adults, others who favor sound and holistic change - our time is now - we must stand tall and represent - actions - count.

To add fuel to fire - these rogue officers - after murdering and killing some human beings - would move from one police jurisdiction to another - continue to commit crimes - without impunity - and tarnish the name of decency and fair play.

More fair play and accountability. 

Well the time has come to defund - the majority of Law Enforcement Entities - that fail to practice community policing - operate and conduct " fair policing " - serve human being - with sound protection and service - not discounting humility.

If you are proud, you think your shit don't stink - get out of they way - do not dare to say you are in Law Enforcement - we do not need you. For those that are into the jugular adversely impacts - go elsewhere - stop interacting with society that practices decency and fair play. 

It may shock for those that pretend to talk about " community policing " - delve into " implicit bias " - " cultural competency " and a host of gimmicks, ploys, and shenanigans.

Ploys that most Police Officers and involved in and not trained to exercise. Given no orientation, no training, no understanding, no skills - making some vague attempt -  attending other issues that can best be addressed by Social Workers, Psychologists, Psychiatrists, youth mediators.

Nurses, experts who can deliver - wrap around services, housing advocates, environmentalists who understand climate change, contamination and pollution - clean air, water, and respect for Mother Earth , in short people who have their heart in the right place - and know a lot about Quality of Life issues.

DionJay Brookster -
hails from Fresno -
what the hell is he doing on the
SF Police Commission - if not selling out the community -
we need to disband the incompetent SF Police Commission.

Damali Taylor -
never saw her in the trenches in San Francisco -
the thousands of crimes committed the hundreds of killings
and shoots - some prosecutor -
who talks in circles - trying to pull wool over our eyes -
disband the SF Police Commission now -
it has dragged its legs - for years - amending policies -
and failing decent, hardworking, tax paying San Franciscans.

Do not make your home at the SF Police Commission - there should have been term limits - but now it is too late - we want the SF Police Commission - flushed down the commode.

We have seen NO reaction recently when our youth were treated  with disdain - after peacefully protesting - outside 850 Bryant Street - then when the curfew was set at 8 pm - some rogue police officers - arrested the youth - and treated them with disdain.

I addressed the issues in public - at the last SF Board of Supervisors hearing on Curfew and Emergency Policies - it is a pity when it comes to  " Community Policing " - little or no attention is given to those that want to police our community.

I have qualified experience in Community Policing - and what I see clearly - is defunding the entire Police Department - leaving them with the basics - dismantling the entire SF Police Commission - who have disgraced the community at large.

There is perhaps no one who has attended more SF Police Commission to the days when the SF Police Commission was held at 850 Bryant -  then moved to SF City Hall - Room 400. I have seen it all - the little good, the bad and the ugly.

I have personally knows the last 12 Police Chiefs - the many Commanders - even today the key Commanders know me - and I know them.

I went out of my way to meet Chief Scott Williams - when he first came to San Francisco. 

I have stayed in touch with him - meeting him here, there, everywhere - and trying my best to encourage sound " Community Policing " - to NO avail.

The Black Pastors with Amos Brown is not what we need - corrupt to the core - and a panderer.

As President of the NAACP he has done nothing much - accept made money for himself and his cronies. He should have nothing much to do with the Public at Large - and the NAACP leaders - at the headquarters must take note of this fact.

We are awaiting adjudication -
STOP kicking the can down the street -
the killer was caught and then released -
Antoine W****R
who is fooling whom - we want justice -
who came out with the idea -
to give a $25,000 reward - when the average 
reward is around $200,000 - as high $250,000
and folks have got $400,000  recently - who is fooling whom?

The town hall meetings - after each killing or murder - have not taken place - in a holistic manner.

We are still awaiting adjudication - one of them Joseph Taeotui - affectionally well known as "  JUNGLE".

We need the State of California -
Xavier Bacerra  - who must step in -
State Attorney General to audit the SF Police Commission -
blatant discrimination - kicking the can down the street -
with the SF Police Commission -
there is no transparency, no accountability -
in your face - disdain - the public at large is fed up.

We will watch you all -
like a hawk - those of  you - who are sellouts -
and must be ashamed of yourselves -
for some little money - you lie, cheat, steal, 
and sell the community - your time is coming.

Here in San Francisco millions are wasted by the SF Police Department.

Millions of dollars linked to  over time - NO question asked - the SF Board of Supervisors - rubber stamping this sordid work - that is dubious in nature.

The shoddy policies aided and abated by incompetent folks the likes of DionJay Brookster and Damali Taylor - both Black and both House Negros - who have failed San Francisco.

None of them are respected by the community - none of them have served those that needed to be served - they are lackeys anointed by the Mayor London Breed.

The Supreme Court, the Courts at all levels, at the Local level - at the State and Federal level - the entities that be - have heard the pleas to revoke this disgusting, law - "Qualified Immunity "  and failed - miserably.

Today there has been an awakening - and I have written about this sordid law - too many time - before.

After every killing and shooting - " Qualified Immunity " comes up after - reviewing the charges.

The charges are always favor the Police Office - because he and his buddies -  cover his ass or her ass.

Convoluted - that is the way - the " rogue police officers " get away with murder - in broad daylight. All this and more will STOP - and amendments and other law from Congress and the Senate - will seal the fate of the Rogue Officers - who have tarnished decency, fair play, accountability, transparency, and what is important to note - RESPCT.

It  always comes up - we review the situation at hand - we reach out to the families - who have lost a loved one - at the hand of some rogue police officers. 

No one can understands who was so evil to craft language and  endorse - " Qualified Immunity " - if not the devil - himself.

Much as happened to Mr George Floyd - to his family - more to his partner and daughter.

When it come to the crime -  shooting and killings - shoot first and ask questions later  -  we have to listened to the attorneys and lawyers - who get their remuneration - for saying some and doing nothing at all - most of the time - for the victim and the thousands of families - all these many decades.

At last when the entire Nation woke up and spoke up - those in power - cowards as they are - are now afraid - stressed that their future is in jeopardy. So be it.

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