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Wednesday, June 10, 2020


Mayor London Breed -
singing the blues - poor leadership -
stop hoodwinking us San Franciscans -
in broad daylight.

In San Francisco our politicians - more, Mayor London Breed and Supervisor Shamann Walton are all  over the place. Both are focused - raking in some money - trying their best to make inroads - where some bread crumbs are available.

Crime in on the increase in San Francisco - more and more gun violence and gun shots fired late at night and the wee hours of the morning. The current pandemic has taken a heavy toll on many - more those with compromised health - and now one has to deal - with sound from a War Zone.

All this and more - gun violence, other atrocities - are on the increase more in District 6, District 9,  District 10 and District 11.

We do not have one single entity that understands the harm done by SF Police Department and the rogue SF Police Officers.

No one single entity that truly cares about the citizens, the tax payers of San Francisco.

More our infants, our children, our youth, our young adults, our Elders, those with compromised health - more our physically and mentally challenged.

Filthy Rich Billionaires live in San Francisco -
will not lift a finger to help those in need -
thousands out of jobs and starving -
many cannot pay their rents - totally stressed out.

The politicians including Mayor London Breed pretend to help us all.

It is all lip service - when it comes to leadership Supervisor  Shamann Walton and Mayor London Breed are all over the place. They make many promises and keep - none.

Since the year 2020 some of us have been involved in creating a Blue Print to address Community Policing.

Some  headway was made in the year 1996 with Mayor Willie L. Brown Jr. -his two term - each 4 years - came to an end - with little change - some talk of reform but no mechanism to implement anything much.

Then  in year 2004 we had Mayor Gavin Newsom - who favored a District Attorney George Gascon and most everything we built - went down the drain. Community Police was non-existent - today Gavin Newsom is the Governor of California - more of the same.

Gavin Newsom keeps making promises but when it comes to housing, transportation education, safety, hospitalization - we are failing badly in San Francisco.

Rents are still very high, one has to pay health insurance up front, pay the utilities, pay other insurance - and the Elders also known as Seniors - are suffering the most.

It did not help when Mayor Edwin Lee came on board 2012, then with his demise - a few years later -  Mayor Mark Farrell was the interim Mayor - and now Mayor, London Breed the worse of them all.

The economic disparity in San Francisco has been compared to Rwanda - a third world nation in Central Africa. 

Never mind we have a hundred plus billionaires not millionaires - and the filthy rich make all the money - and contribute little if nothing to the common good of San Franciscans.

Today - in San Francisco - more the City and County of San Francisco -  are in the fourth month of the NOVEL COVID-19 virus - a pandemic that has played hell with the world.

Here in the Untied States - including San Francisco - after 4 month people are totally stressed out - the Mr. George Floyd protests are needed and have a link with the pandemic - when people are treated with disdain - killed - in affect us all - it affects our humanity.

Many chose to protest - taking care and wearing a mask. Many did not expect to be tear gassed, shot with rubber bullets, beaten with batons - threatened and more.

Many exposed themselves to the virus - removing their masks - the tear gassing and other atrocities - brought people - innocent people in close proximity - putting all in harm way.

People were arrested - taken to jail - the congregate situation - that we talk about - was thrown to the wind - who is responsible for the the slow death - of the protestors?

Now we see a link - between the major protests - and the spikes and increase in NOVEL COVID-19 virus cases - God help us all.

We are mandated to stay at home - the Mayor London Breed barking up the wrong tree - each time she talks - the people are suffering - from all sorts of maladies and ailments.

The San Francisco Health Department has failed us - even today we have no swabs, no proper testing machines with related chemicals to do the testing - there is a lot of talk by Dr Grant Colfax  but very poor needs assessment.

Here is link that speaks to some testing done in San Francisco - and related issues :

Dr Grant Colfax -
he has done a very poor job -
he must step down - now.

The same with Mary Ellen Carroll - now talking about Climate Change - when she has failed miserably as the Director of Emergency Services for the City and County of San Francisco.

Stress and suicide is on the increase in San Francisco.

Thousands are not working and have NO money.

Many cannot pay their rent - and have dipped into their savings -  and spent it all.

Many now cannot afford food - many are starving -  wait in line to get some food - from charity organizations and the food bank.

San Francisco has NOT seen anything like this before - and City Hall for all practical purposes - has no one to talk to - to address their concerns - we tax payers pay the Mayor London Breed over $366,000 - the City Administrator Naomi Kelly - $400,000 - one worse than the other.

The stimulus checks $1200 for a single person and $2400 for a married couple - the money arrived late - and as soon as it arrived - the money helped cover some bills.

Most - hardworking people - many holding two and three jobs - today have nothing fall on - and suffering with NO money.

Today most San Franciscans have NO jobs - and will do anything to survive. 

No one is doing a needs assessment on the condition of those suffering. 

More the LatinX community - hard woking - and now left high and dry.

The Chinese American community - those that do not speak English - surviving - many of them targeted - for NO reason at all - by those ignorant and arrogant - we must step up - and embrace those Elders and those vulnerable - as decent San Franciscans.

The SF Board of Supervisors  listen to the pleas - the suffering are Elders - we call them Seniors - many receive their Social Security - or other benefits - and in most case 60% on  this amount -  goes towards their rent.

The Elders find it hard to go out - as they are the most vulnerable.

Many of the Elders  cannot work on the computers - this idea that the " virtual technology " will help them is foreign - few put themselves -  in the shoes of the Elders. 

Recently we had this conversation with Supervisor Asha Safai  - trying to explain the situation - his explanation falling on deaf ears.

The Elders are prone to be victims of crime - the SF Police Department knows about this fact - the Mayor London Breed talks the talk - but cannot walk the walk.

In the Bayview and more Visitation Valley - we have had shootings and killings -  on going turf issues - or gang issues.

No one wants to get involved - as these so called " sets ".

These gang members  - are ready to die - it is a do or die type of attitude - that no one wants to address.

In one case over 500 rounds were used - military weapons - machine guns used to make a statement.  The SF Police Department - silent on the issue - kicking the can down the street.

Francisco Da Costa and Oscar Grant's Mother.
The mothers and father and loved ones suffer -
who will support them - not the politicians for sure.

We have been on the frontlines for over 40 years - so it is not as if we have not been there - done that - we are fed up with the political leadership - who come into the picture - time and time again to seek to make money - on the back of those that have died - shed blood - given up their spirit - at the hands of blatant police brutality.

We have fought against " Qualified Immunity " a tool used by rogue police officers - shoot first and ask questions later - all this must STOP - now.

Congress has awoken from their deep slumber - they may talk we want legislation that works - we want legislation that respects and protects all - guns must NOT be use on mostly innocently folks - that cannot defend themselves.

Community Leadership does not come easy - in San Francisco - to add fuel to fire - we have a dysfunction SF Police Commission - that has taken years - to address policy changes - an understanding about" inherent bias " - "cultural competency ".

The paradox - yesterday June 9, 2020 - we had two Commissioners anointed by Mayor London Breed who are not fit - their resumes were reviewed and rejected. 

Hundreds spoke against these two candidates at the Rules Committee - another big blow to Mayor London Breed - more and more NOT - respected.

Our streets in San Francisco are all torn up - and recently during the marches - held to show case the death of Mr George Floyd - some anarchists embedded themselves - in the marches.

After the protests - looted stores in the financial district - and elsewhere - adversely impacting many. Some were bad apples from San Francisco - has have been held in jail - we must not tolerate looters - no excusing for stealing, cheating, looting, license - which is the abuse of the freedom we enjoy.

SF Chief of Police -
Scott Williams.

We have protested before -
and we will protest if need be -
we will exercise our First Amendment Rights -
the journalists their Fourth Amendment Rights

Jewelry Store looted in San Francisco.

The looting at Macy's -
by mostly anarchists and some other bad apples -
the paradox - Macy's was boarded up -
these looters brought special tools to remove 
the boards and get in and loot - while no one was
there to protect these stores - and no one knows 
if any insurance will cover this damage and adverse impacts.

Stores like Walgreens, Macy's, many Jewelry stores small and big were looted - and when stores are looted - and we do have footage from installed cameras.

All  this and more take time to investigate - in meantime the business are sufferings and will NOT be compensated.

It is time to post the mug shots on the local newspapers - so that we know who really from San Francisco - is involved in the looting and who is buying the goods. Time will tell. You will be surprised.

Many of our small businesses have yet to receive any help linked to the Stimulus Money.

The Mayor's Office of Economic Development and its head Joaquin Torres - was quick to jump on the bandwagon - promising this and that - but so far - nothing much is happening.

The first round of the so called Stimulus Plan was a huge failure - and the second round - is on - some have received some money - and now are learning they will have to pay it back.

Congress  is going back and forth - and no one has clear directions - the blind leading the blind. 

First we had the pandemic - many people stayed at home.

 The warm weather, the gusty winds, and the people making an effort to stay at home and wear masks - helped to curtail the pandemic - some.

In some ares we have hot spots - " congregate living " ten to fifteen living in a one or two bed room. 

When most people were working - there was an arrangement made - people rotating - and getting a time to lay down to sleep. 

Now that most are not working - pandemonium reigns supreme - and more and more those tested - are testing positive. God help us all.

San Francisco was very slow - testing the 850,000 population - over 300,000  - " asymptomatic ".

As of now we have less than 2% tested and Mayor London Breed - talk the talk - but will never, ever addresses the empirical data. 

What about the 98% who are not tested -  so without the testing - we have no empirical data - and therefore - the  most important factor " contact tracing " and all those plans that sound good - are null and void.

San Francisco has no sound leadership.

We do not have an experienced " Toxicologist ".

We have fewer epidemiologists - many hired a few months ago.

We count on those who before have sold out the community - taking money from Lennar a Rogue Developer - we know what we speak off - the Mayor London Breed - barking up the wrong tree.

Community Policing is non-existent in San Francisco - it is not as if - we cannot do it - it is because of very poor leadership.

If you are a "thug" or involved in criminal activities - you get all the help to a " Cannabis License " - even though the Cannabis License and the Cannabis Medical Dispensaries - a fancy name - are finding it difficult to stay - afloat.

Bottom line this pandemic has increased crime - for all the talk there has being no walk. Aho.

On another level at our peaceful protests - we  had our youth - well disciplined - arrested because of the curfew.

Proper instructions -  were not in place and  there was no sound orientation - more about the presence of the children, youth, and young adults - information critical to th San Francisco Police Department and authorities - to safeguard the First Amendments Rights of all - more, our children, youth, and youth adults.

Outside Police brought in to - help the SF Police Department - those on duty make in access of $196 per hour.

All the time - thousands of hard working San Francisco - now, without jobs - starving, unable to pay their rent - fearing for their safety - many threatened on the way to buy something - or even trying to relax a little -  in the parks that are unkempt - and nefarious activities going on - more at night.

Who will come to the rescue of those hurting - we the people -w ant to know.

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