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Sunday, May 20, 2018


This team seems to know more 
than the advocates and other informed people -
at ground zero - making plans - to dole out money
 - more tax payers money - 
wasting millions of tax payers money.

San Francisco is a racist city - and even as those who have tried their best to make a decent living - in San Francisco more " people of color " - Black and Brown - and those that need help.

This City and County of San Francisco - has now decided to - funnel " blood money " - forming sordid "equity groups" - fake " legacy foundation models " - and Community Benefit Districts - so that a few crooked folks can do as they please.

In recent years - tax payers money - linked to Community Benefits - is being funneled to prop - some good for nothing candidates - be it that most of them make their bed with the Democratic Party - the crooks that have not represented us Congresswoman Nancy Pelosi, Senator Diane Feinstein, and Senator Kamala Harris.

In the last 25 years some of us have fought a good fight - in the Bayview Hunters Point - keeping our infants, children, our youth and young adults, our seniors in mind - keeping them safe.

More those that are physically and mentally challenged.

Some of us know the role of the SF Redevelopment Agency - who invited them - and what came of the SF Redevelopment Agency - using " blight " - as a ploy - and creating divisiveness in the community.

Juliet Ellis who is doling out -
Community Benefits money to Girls 2000,
Young Community Developers - working with
the Mayor's Office of Economic Development
and Workforce - placing like mind crooks -
to destroy our community - time will tell.

It is the same with the SF Public Utilities Commission - using Community Benefits - linked to the Sewer System Improvement Project - constantly - begging the SF tax payers - to pass Bond Measures - in the millions - none of these fiscal ploys and machinations - have helped the projects - be it the Water System Improvement Project (WSIP) - or the current one milked the Sewer System Improvement Project (SSIP).

Dwayne Jones the President of RDJ Enterprises LLC,
sits on the Contract Management Division -
a committee that deals with Small Business -
is embedded at 525 Golden Gate Avenue -
funnels millions to Young Community Developers -
I hope NOT one single dollar to those running 
for the present Elections - if this is true -
all hell will break loose.

How can these evil people - who are NOT respected  by the community - think they can fool all the people all the time?

Time we put their photographs on the light poles - so that all may know - the shady ploys, machinations, and shenanigans - happening in our community.

Blacks once knew better - learning from Frederick Douglas, De Bois, Dr. Martin Luther King and others - too many to name. They all knew - never, ever to sell out the community.

Shameless whores and pimps today meet - planning how to fleece the community - and there has been no body - no dedicate community members - to bring these sordid, pimps, and whores - before some enforcement body -  to be  adjudicated.

Not long ago many crooked folks - most of them Black - were pushing for building housing on Hunters Point Naval Shipyard.

A hearing was held at City Hall - May 14, 2018 in Room 250 - those same sellout Blacks - were not present to testify - about findings that we knew for decades - the contamination and pollution - more, the registration of high levels when it comes to cesium, plutonium, other toxic elements - that these sell out seem not to know about - simply put they are " greed" - not educated on issues.

People are getting sick and now want to baled out - they bought brand new homes - and now realize they are living in Chernobyl - the mostly Black sellout - after receiving some stale break crumbs - will dance the jig - and bark up the wrong tree. When will this nonsense come to a STOP?

Who is paying these ignorant, inept, greed, lacking ethic, less morals and absolutely have no standards ? Their time is coming - and they will fall on the face - and linger there - in their shame.

Barbara Ockel - has treated the community -
with disdain - cannot account for over $2.3 million -
has been called upon the SF District Attorney -
linked to blatant discrimination and corruption -
not to mention racism.

The Bayview Opera House has been charged with blatant discrimination - the Bayview Opera House has a Board many House Negros - who do not understand 12L business recognition - and other mandated rules and regulations - that go with that designation. 

The Bayview Opera House is mandated to notice the public - before it has a public meeting - it has not been doing that. The Bayview Opera House conduct functions compatible with Economic Development - and hence, has to pay taxes. It has not. The Bayview Opera House is mandated to help the community - it charges over $4000 to rent the Bayview Opera House and is some instances over $6000 per event.

Pathetically - the Bayview Hunters Point community has stayed away from being educated on issues - more, in these days - where evil actions are rampant - and those selling out the community - have no conscience.

In comes the Mayor's Office of Economic Development - other SF City Departments - lacking any true leadership - taking control of the spoils - and no one seems to be bothered.

Right now we have no Mayor - we have an Interim Mayor - that means neither here or there.

God helps us if London Breed - with millions given to her by Connelly from AirB&B -  becomes Mayor - if she does - corruption will rule supreme - this City and County will suffer - the woman has NO class - and acts like a " thug ".

Recently sending her henchmen to insult Jane Kim and Mark Leno - who were having a meeting in District 5 - why is London Breed hanging around in District 10 then? 

We see the same hatred at the Asian Month Commendation - making remarks that were rude - when Jane Kim was commending 3 Asians - hitting below the belt - and as I say - having no etiquette less manners - and thinking nothing about it. Only the scumbags will support her - the woman has no class.

Time will tell.

Again and again - we see the same crooks - having no experience - using others to do their bidding - folks liked Girls 2000 and Young Community Developers - in the Bayview.

It is illegal to use the " ploy " - Commercial Useful Function - illegally - Girls 2000 does not have the expertise nor the ability to operate a Green House - the bid on the job and get it - and use San Francisco Conservation Corps - to do the job.

Juliet Ellis has been dividing the community - not understand that using Girls 2000, and the SF Conservation Corps - having them work in a contaminated environment, the former Nurseries at 1800 Oakdale - will send her in jail.

True that contractor has been giving a contract - worth a million dollars plus - just to cap the area - with some clay - this simply will not work. 

Wait when the Environmental Protection Agency, the Department of Toxic Substance and Control, and the Federal Bureau of Investigation are involved. 

This time around Juliet Ellis with all her foolishness - hoping to help the former partners in crime - Green For All - who now are embedded with the Mayor's Office of Economic Development and Workforce.

We are ahead of the game - the SF Controller may not be, the SF District Attorney may not be, the SF City Attorney may not be, the Mayor may not know the details - but for sure Juliet Ellis must STOP the ploys - better still fade away.

This nonsense of Community Benefit Districts - pretending to help the community at large - is just that - parasites that have NO place in our community.

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