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Wednesday, May 2, 2018


Brian Henderson has served well as 
the Acting General Manager - 
of the WasteWater Enterprise (WWE).

Over 40 years - the paradox facing the Phelps Raw Sewage Treatment Plant - is leadership - sound leadership. 

There are numerous sources one can use - to find out easily - the blatant corruption - going on - now we are about to see - an about face - insulting institutional experience.

Shifting the leadership to individuals to further corruption of the worst order - Collusion - right here in our back yard. No one can fool - all the people - all the time.

Brian Henderson studied at City College - understands every aspect of the Phelps Raw Sewage Treatment Plant - is righteous - I said he is " righteous " and knows the community well - in fact he lives in the community.

So why NOT allow him to lead - as he has acted as the Acting Assistant General Manager at the Phelps Raw Sewage Treatment Plant  - and has won the appreciation of everyone that mates.

More, when Tommy Moala - stepped aside - for reasons best known to Harlan Kelly, William Carlin and Juliet Ellis.

 I smell a rat - and that rat stinks to high heaven.

William Carlin - the Assistant General Manager -
of SF Public Utilities Commission -
he knows the many skeletons -
hidden in the closet - time will tell.

We know little about Gregory J. Norby who is known to William Carlin - and who has been chosen to oversee all of the Wastewater Enterprise (WWE) - with a budget that will grow to $10 billion. Do you think he really will step up to the palate.

Our sewer system is very complex - right now audited by the Environmental Protection Agency, already audited by the SF Controller's Office - and to set things right - we need institutional wisdom and experience.

Of course idiots would NOT understand this - more morons who have been milking the system. 

We have people -we hardworking, honest -  SF taxpayers pay - each of them making over $250,000 plus benefit - all of them have failed to do their job - and all of them work at 525 Golden Gate Avenue  - the sordid corrupt headquarters of the SF Public Utilities Commission.

As the Administrator of the Ross Valley Sanitary District - Gregory Norby earns $228,986 annually - as the Assistant General Manager of the Wastewater Enterprise he will earn $242,000 annually.

 More - with benefits that will exceed $250,000 with many perks.

Gregory J. Norby 

The district that Gregory J. Norby serves has about 47, 000 residents  comprising of - Fairfax, Ross, San Anselmo, Larkspur, Greenbrae some neighboring communities - its operating budget $64.7 million.

San Francisco has a night population of about 850,000 and a day population that exceeds one and half million - more when we have several convention, ball games - those of us who live here - know about this and more.

Cathy How is the Assistant General Manager -
of Infrastructure - she took that job -
when Emilio Cruz vacated that slot -
and has know Harlan Kelly for a long, long, long time.

Katy How knows a lot that is going on - and is fully aware of the millions diverted here, there, and every where - with intent to use for nefarious purposes.

decent person like Brian Henderson - can only do right - as his heart is in the right place.

I also know - some others - who know about all the corruption - going on - all these many years - and what is more - putting the Phelps Raw Sewage Treatment Plant - in dire harms way.

The many audits are just warnings - that have gone unheeded.

The SF Grand Jury, the audit conducted by the SF Controller Office - independent consultants for example RW Block and others in the past - all point to lack of standards, willful negligence more when it comes to internal processes.

In the Federal System - Standard Operating Procedures - are pertinent and play an important role.

With the SF Public Utilities Commission -  the employees and the Commission per se - anything goes - the staff bluffs its way around - and only someone like Brian Henderson - and those the have character - can smell a rat from a distance.

Tony Flores was another - but, he was fed up with the corruption. There was no way Tony Flores wanted to go to work and daily swim in that shitty - cesspool.

Karen Kubick - she retires -
June 9, 2018 and we thank her -
for her services.

Karen Kubick as the Project Manger for the Sewer System Improvement Project will be missed.

At the many SF Public Utilities Commission Meeting - 90% dog and pony shows the most pertinent and relevant issues are not discussed.

There is a 8 foot Force Main compromised - by Pier 80 - divers had to drop down - one of the manholes - to bandaid the huge 8 foot pipe. This was way back in the 2002 - nothing much has changed.

Without doing the necessary soil borings - three conduits were dug under this large Force Main - compromising it - and destroying the Muwekma Ohlone Sanctuary Park.

The SF Controller's office has the report - it was done in 2002 - but has NOT reported back to me.

 Ed Harrington may have been the SF Controller then - but I am requesting Ben Rosenfield to get back to me - with some report.

We have Weirs - that collect secondary effluents - and act containers - as the tide comes in and out - they are mostly is utter disrepair - not once has there been an open discussion about the WEIRS.

Few know about a huge Force Main that was built - and adversely impacts those that surf and wind-surf.

 The adverse impacts on recreational sports - was not taken into account - the contamination and pollution - adversely impacting the Bay and innocent tax payers - by Executive Park in the Bay  - daily.

We have thousands of miles of clean water pipes - around 1200 miles - all over San Francisco.

 I100 miles plus of sewer pipes - many over 90 years old - there is NO real time tracking of the leeching into the soil - of these pipes. The SFPUC is Smithsonian.

The Phelps Sewage Treatment Plant has had a Maintenance Manager who orders parts - order brand new parts - NOT the right parts but the wrong parts. 

Impeding those collecting air samples and doing other pertinent and necessary repairs and tests - and that nonsense was put to a STOP - when the matter was brought to the attention of the SF Controller's Office - not long ago.

Juliet Ellis - the Assistant General Manager of 
External Affair - charged by the
 Fair Political Practices Commission - also by 
the SF Ethics Commission - who should be fired -
still around and doing harm in plain sight and board daylight.

The tentacles of the San Francisco Foundation, Juliet Ellis, Francesca Vector, some other entities and we have a list of them - are many and there sordid deeds - all well recorded - in detail.

The projects funded, the entities receiving grants - are saturated with corruption of the highest order - and the money is all tax payers money.

When I report issues - I have empirical data to back the situation at hand -  as in the case of the SF Public Utilities Commission and before it was created in 1996 by the " thug mayor " - Mayor Willie L. Brown Jr - the SF Water Department.

My witnesses are real people - who worked and have given me detailed reports linked to corruption and other misdeeds.

 The nefarious of the crooks and corrupt have been detailed in thousands of pages - so my empirical data is voluminous - and as such - are NOT allegations - facts that are in place and can be verified - more empirical data.

The Phelps Raw Sewage Treatment Plant  - is in need of institutional experience - the transfer from the old plant to the new one - that is best understood by those who have institutional experience and wisdom.

But more employees that - are decent, honest, their heart in the right place - all of which - most of the SF Public Utilities Commission managers lack - wheeling and dealing is in their DNA - and Greed and corruption has numbed their conscience - especially those embedded at 525 Golden Gate Avenue. 

The SF Public Utilities Commission owes us the constituents and tax payers of the Bayview Hunters over $2 Billion - mitigation monies that NO one wants to talk about.

Compounded over the years - our infants, children, youth, young adults, seniors, those with compromised health - have slowly died painful deaths - and here we have corruption SF Public Utilities representatives -wheeling and dealing and playing with fire. 

Muwekma Ohlone Warrior  -
the Muwekma Ohlone are the first people
of the San Francisco area and neighboring areas.

This ancient bird named Pterosaurs -
was discovered at Calaveras Dam -
thousands of years old -
the Ohlone was been carbon dated to live 
in this area - for over 13,000 years

The First People all over the world - more the indigenous people who respect Mother Earth - know when the strangers came - they polluted, contaminated, and worshipped greed.

Our old growth redwood trees, sequoia trees, oak trees - other trees were felled - to make money. 

Today, one single redwood tree can fetch over $150,000  - many of us are ignorant of this fact.

The contaminations was worse with our lakes, our rivers, our streams - and no one seems to care. Our water shed, the many marshes, and more - these strangers want to be eco-friendly - they missed the boat, the bus, the train and the plane.

Gold in California was found on the surface - and the greedy went to all lengths - to take all the gold and more - then mercury, others minerals -  and so on - pathetic.

Water and Sewer services are important. 

Water is gold - and our water comes all the way - 160 miles away - the Hetch Hetchy Reservoir - that John Muir did not want to happen.

The greedy paid no attention - flooded the most beautiful valley in the world - and created a dam.

Today we flush - clean drinking water - down our toilets - and do not blink an eye.

Grey water should have been in place but this was not to be - and even today in the year 2018 - no one feels ashamed - not those that are heading the SF Public Utilities Commission.

Yes, we the people cannot tolerate -
the crap from SF Public Utilities Commission.

1 comment:

  1. I find your blogspot fascinating. Question. Is Henderson a beached whale yet? Is Norby married to Kelly's niece? Sadly Tony Flores has been retired for a long time.
