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Saturday, December 22, 2018


Depleted Uranium was first tested at Hunters Point Naval Shipyard - that contaminated over 1200 acres - some on land and the Bay water too. 

Contaminated ships - part of the " Atomic Experiments " near the Bikini Island - were brought back to Hunters Point Naval Shipyard - the hulls and other exposed areas of the ships - sand blasted - much of that contaminated the Bay. 

Large animals - contaminated by the exposure to the " Atomic Blast " were also brought back to Hunters Point Naval Shipyard - and buried all over the place. Few know this - and there is more.

The United States government put the entire area - that we called Hunters Point Naval Shipyard - on a list called the Superfund List.

Candlestick Point - part of it - a garbage site - is a Brownfield  Site.

Today Methane gas spews from the State Park - and if you look carefully - you will see vents under bushes - that spew Methane gas.

Only the worst contaminated sites - are put on the Superfund site. 

Brownfield sites such as Candlestick Point - is another term - for very contaminated land. 

One ton of Methane Gas emits twenty two tons of Carbon Dioxide. The entire area from 4th and King to Geneva Street - more the Mid-Way Village which falls under Daly City - is very contaminated. The air foul.

The many Blacks who have been pushing for the Development of the above mentioned area - that I have mentioned about - have NO clue - how contaminated the land is - more prone to liquefaction and flooding.

The backing the Developers - more Rogue Developers - have the sellouts that I have named below - on their pay roll - they back the Rogue Developers - such as Lennar Urban - rubber stamping - and this and more - is a crying, shame.

Here are some of the sellout Blacks - leading that charge Willie L. Brown Jr. ( a former thug SF Mayor ).

Followed by Sophie Maxwell former District 10 Supervisor, Roy Willis ( a point person for Senator Diane Feinstein), Nancy Pelosi the current Congressperson representing San Francisco. 

All the State of California Assembly members and State Senators - have looked the way - as thousands have slowly died - exposed to the high level atomic elements - cesium, plutonium, and so on, registered -  at Hunters Point Naval Shipyard and the neighboring area.

Including - the Bay - over 1200 acres. 

The areas have been tested and the empirical data is available for those that are educated on issues.

I do not play with dumb fucking fools - who keep hoodwinking us - all because they can make money. With intent putting lives of innocent people - in harms way.

Money is not the end all - life is for the living not the living dead. 

I have attended over 400 funerals - most who once lived in they Bayview Hunters Point Area.

Many of the deaths resulting to exposure close to hot spots - contamination and pollution - emitting from Hunters Point Naval Shipyard and the surrounding areas.

I have mentioned some of the sellouts above - here is the rest of the list:

Toye Moses, Linda Richardson, Veronica Hunnicutt, Doris Vincent, Oscar James, Eloise Patton, Dwayne Jones, Aurelius Walker, London Breed, Malia Cohen, Shamann Walton - and a host of them, more - most of them Black - who should be ashamed of themselves.

Since 1989 I have been saying that Hunters Point Naval Shipyard and the surrounding area - should not be occupied by human beings. 

The simple reason is - all life is impacted - and our City and County of San Francisco must follow the Precautionary Principle - but does not abide by this Ordinance - which is law.

This recent charge against Amy Brownell is nothing knew - so are the many charges leveled against Barbara Garcia - the head of the SF Health Department - who was fired - on very serious charges - helping her wife - giving her contracts.

The many pastors all Black - we call them the Poverty Pimp Pastors (PPP) - Amos Brown, Aurelius Walker, Calvin Jones - others too many to name - should all be ashamed of themselves.

On Parcel A - the Chinese from Mainland China were invited to buy homes - when those selling the land - knew that the land and the surrounding area was contaminated. 

Willie L. Brown Jr with his deep connections - led the charge selling - EB-5 visas.

Those favoring the EB-5 Visa paid as much as $650,000 to enter the United States - and the Chinese were mandated to buy the homes built on contaminated ground.

Many of the Mainland Chinese victims - forfeited the homes they bought - after knowing about the contamination - and bought homes in Hillsborough, Santa Barbara, Napa and other places - having the money - and belong to the elite in China.

The last four Mayors of San Francisco must be ashamed of themselves - perpetuating such dirty deeds - bring shame to the City named after Saint Francisco of Assisi.

The corruption is perpetuated by other heads of City Department - many Mangers within the various City Departments and in some case the heads - taking bribes - from the Big Developers.

 There are many entities - all those that provide services - be it the San Francisco Public Utilities Commission, the Department of Public Works, the Department of Building Inspection, the SF Planning Department - the SF Health Department - all look the other way. 

But not for long.

There are many private companies - who are still raking in millions - while hoodwinking the constituents - who live in and around Hunters Point Naval Shipyard - and they think they can rake in the millions, forever - but, not for long.

Time to expose them - more, because I have the empirical data.

In the Southeast Sector contaminated soil has been dumped all over the place - some in Land Fills with fake manifests.

Some toxic soil dumped in places like the Golden Gate Park, on land that belongs to the SFPUC - nothing should surprise the reader. 

The manifest were changed - and the First Class soil dumped.

What I am explaining above is nothing knew - very contaminated soil - was moved from the are now - known as 4th and King - and brought west - below the barren land and waste land - where, now all the UC California Hospitals are built.

Again - changing the manifest - so this old trick is nothing new - to those who bribe the Regulatory Agencies - more when the Democrats were in power.

Recently people are totally confused - why are all these exposures are being revealed.

For over 60 years - innocent people have died - from the contamination, pollution, methane gas today spewing from the wells - on Parcel E2 - at Hunters Point Naval Shipyard.

Recently the Chair of the SF Police Commission - Masuko was astonished, perplexed and confounded - not comprehending - how an underground fire still was burning at Hunters Point Naval Shipyard -  a large fire sparked underground - since 2002.

When the entire area B, C, D, E, E2, G - Utility Corridors 
1-12 and more are all built on land that was created - by demolishing two large hills - and was once in close proximity to the Bay. 

All these parcels are severely prone to flooding and liquefaction - more created with poor landfill - and material prone to composting - dead trees, vegetation, old tires, paint thinner, chrome waste and so on.

Again -what most people do not know - it that the infill contained large trees, other vegetation, poor landfill from buildings, tires, paint thinner, chrome waste, hospitals waste and more - all this went to this land fill - on Federal Land.

Over the years the composting created tons of Methane Gas - and one spark was sufficient to start a large fire - underground that is still raging. Here you have it dummy!

Right now  many wells are built - on Parcel E2  and marked yellow.

Each of these wells are monitored - they release Methane Gas into the air. The information can be obtained using the Freedom of Information Act. 

I have it all for those who are educated on issues.

The lay person - has NO clue about this - and the same thing happened to our SF Police Department was were placed on Hunters Point in very close proximity to Parcel E2 - by Willie L. Brown Jr - when he was Mayor to save money.

I know of over 20 SF Police Officers who have cancer - and some have died. There is a an on going court case - but all this and more - must be made available to the public at large.

For 40 years - I have been monitoring the many areas and hot spots - linked to recycling, contaminated soil, contaminated containers dumped all over the place - the changing of manifest - is common in San Francisco.

There are many recyclers who are private - small entities - who do as they please. There are State Regulations that are not followed - how much is paid out for recycled materials to the client who bring in the materials for payment - and how much is received by the State from the small recycling companies that fake the manifests - that are not properly reported.

Recently the Baylands Soil Processing - was shut down - linked to improprieties.

BPS which pays you to take contaminated soil - NOT Class One soil - into their facility - situated on the border of Brisbane and San Francisco. 

Then you pay them to buy treated soil - this has been going on for years - millions made - and advocates such as myself - have been monitoring the issues at hand - and some of the processes and partners - are dubious in nature. Not all but some and this must STOP.
The State of California - has been hoodwinked and all this and more - is tolerated in general - because the public at large - are kept in the dark.

More -  because the Regulatory Agencies - be it the Environmental Protection Agency , the Regional Water Board, the Bay Area Air Quality and Management Agency, the Department of Toxic and Substances Control.

The SF Department of Environment who receive most of their money from Recology and do nothing at all.

SF Health Department Stephanie Cushing and Army Brownell work there - and do as they please - and have failed San Franciscans.

As I have been saying - we cannot with intent put human beings in harm way.

This has been happening more and more and over 30,000 homes are planned on land - where no human beings should live. 

Lennar Urban aka 5 Point Holdings LLC - headquartered in Miami, Florida - were brought here by Willie L. Brown Jr - way back in 1989.

At that time Lennar built a Golf Course close to Sacramento - on land - that was contaminated - what we call Brown Fields - now.

There are few in San Francisco that have the empirical data - and the amount of data and facts - on contaminated land and land prone to liquefaction in San Francisco - that I have.

We have private agencies who are making millions - but they do not give a rat ass - who protects and fights for the people - they work and make their money working with the corrupt.

I cannot be bought and there in lies the crux of the problem.

I will not sit down with Lennar Urban - and take their money - nor with the other Large Developers - who have bought London Breed and Malia Cohen and will Shamann Walton - lock, stock, and barrel with - " dark money ".

The Schlage Lock Company site and that proposed development is NOT going anywhere. The Taiwanese owner - is in China - hooked to life and death machine. He wants and demands through his proxies 1700 units plus - the present - high price of steel, other building materials - does not favor affordable housing.

Let us put this way where once it cost $650 to build one square foot of sound housing - this has increased to closer to $1850 - Go Figure!

So those of you who I have been very good to me - just because you have worked with me - you know I have worked very hard  for the tax payers of San Francisco - remember - the work I do is very comprehensive but very convoluted.

No one like anyone to speaks Truth to Power.

Hundreds of SF City Workers and even higher Managers - consult me.

More - because I have a track record - those Managers who are astute and stellar and have their heart in the right place - know what I am talking about - be it at the SF Department of Public Works, the SF Public Utilities Commission.

The SF City Attorney's Office, the SF Controller's Office, the SF Mayor's Office of Economic Development and Work Force.

The SF Health Department - and more - this institutional memory and experience - does not come easy. It is cemented by spirituality - the those who greed and focused on only money and greed - give a rat's ass - that is on them - not on me.

WISDOM - cannot be attained - over night by buffoons and those that have tunnel vision.

The lay persons know the amount of hoodwinking going on - in broad daylight - they would be shocked - if the Truth is revealed - and that time has come.

If the Truth is revealed - complete with names and locations -  empirical data - the ire of the people would force those who are not thinking right - have failed to recognize those that serve the people. 

The people united - will never, ever be defeated.

I prefer to work with entities bring them together and without much fun fair - making good things happen.

If those of you who know me - want to work with me - I will appreciate it - I will NOT beg - and I will not keep quiet - because I am NOT afraid of those that want me to pander to them - and tolerate their corruption - and double standards - that I am fully aware of. 

There is God that sees it all - and life goes on - they say those that speak Truth to Power - suffer - and that is so - so be it.  Aho.

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