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Tuesday, December 25, 2018


Even as we think we enjoy true freedom - we have nefarious individuals, entities, and even Nations such as Russia and China - tricking us - into providing personal information - words.

We are tempted as we surf the Internet to answer questions that we answer - when our guard is lowered - and those who are evil - hackers - use this sensitive and personal information - to control much who they want to control.

There is information and there is education - we can surf the Internet and learn some.

What helps us better -  is the ability to discern - and this comes when one is educated on issues.

The better Institution of Learning - of which they are very few in today's world - offer some education - it behoves us to work hard, learn more, challenge ourselves - to attain levels of understanding comparable with our IQ and more.

You may not believe it - common sense -is given to very few.

When we interact with people - we are often confused how some interact - take nothing for granted - when it comes to s sound information - we find this out the hard way - but as I said - common sense is given to a few.

There was a time when instant communication was difficult - way back in 1981 - I got interested in the Internet - learning Computer languages such as Fortran, Cobol and so on. 

Learn about software and hardware - at that time - I had access to powerful IBM computer machines - and for those that go back then - we had to use punch cards.

A smart IPhone or iPad can pack a million time more information than those simple IBM machines - more a gloried typewriter.

Education is paramount to understanding human beings - and there are so many of us human beings - from so many Nations, so many environments - and I have always been attracted to the indigenous people - of the land.

Here in the United States the indigenous are our Tribes.

The indigenous people stay true to Mother Earth.

Simple folks without any influence of greed, avarice, and those wicked habits that are unsavory - and embraced in today materialistic world. 

I have travelled all over the world -  always gravitated to the indigenous nations - and love to hear them speak and more understand - how they formulate their words.

The Internet has allowed us to communicate - if we are old enough -  in our 50s, 60s, 70s, 80s, older - we know how we communicated in the past and with what difficult.

In today's world - how great we feel - when we communicate with instantaneous results - more, when we use our computers and our key pads - and now more and more on touch screens.

Social media has invaded our privacy -  we may sit working on our computer - and while surfing find something interesting - we may even dare to answer some questions - just because how the questions are worded. 

Some time ago those interested in knowing more about our personality sent us surveys.

Many of us without a second thought - jumped to learn more - about our personality. 

Never mind how we were rated in answering to some stranger on the other side of the world.

We gave up so much - we any second thoughts - this and more to those nefarious entities who store the information - to manipulate some of us  - who fall victim - surrounding sensitive information.

Much before the last General Election - Russians invaded our Social Media - and stole tons of information.

They got so bold - because our Social Media - many of them headquartered in the Silicon Valley - themselves had no clue - they were compromised.  So so they believe us to think - but there is more to this confusion of sorts.

So some of them - those that control our Social Media be it Google, FaceBook, others - were questioned by those in authority - even Congress took some time to learn more - about Cyberwars and hoodwink innocent people on the Internet here in the United States and all around the world.

In the first place our Congress should have had firewalls in place - much like Europe has today.

In Europe one can ask Google to erase all information collected linked to a personal account - and Google does it - if not they are fined.

Here is the United States we have to wait until this day arrives,

Our United States Government should have taken precaution - built sound firewalls, sound servers, and more - and mandated those Mega Media Corporations to maintain high standards - they failed to protect the tax payers, the constituents the citizens of the United States and others.

For sure our United States Government compromised our security, our personal  information - and more.

The Office of Personnel Management is one singular U.S. Government agency that was compromised by the Mainland Chinese Government - many of us who had high level clearances - had our information compromised. 

And with that our personal banking information and more.

We all were given special protection by the Federal Government - a security firm named CSID.

Much like BofA offers Privacy Assist - or one can pay for Life Lock protection.

Millions of decent human beings women and men were compromised in the 2013 - many who served their Nation - and today have to pay a price. None of us have been compensated.

Much liked the spiraling of the economic in the years 2006, 2007, 2008 - when we lost so much on accounts linked to our IRA, our pension, our savings - and the United States Government chose to bail the large Financial Institutions, and large banks Citi, Chase, BofA, Wells Fargo - others.

As soon as our personal information was compromised  in 2013 - many of us noticed - some illegal transactions - it took over a year and half for the Office of Personnel Management - to inform us.

Took the OPM another two years to upgrade their Smithsonian System - when such things happen - our Freedom is compromised and for all the talk - those that are supposed to protect us - let us down.

Today we have an egotistical maniac in the White House - who is testing our patience - on every level - single handedly - Donald Trump - has taken this great Nation - backwards.

Looming on the immediate horizon - the Spiraling of the Economy - it is around the corner - within nine months - if not earlier.

Our Security has been compromised by firing General James Mattis - better known as " Mad Dog " - by stellar and astute military experts. 

A General who is very knowledgable - a historian - who carries with him - on his travels - a library of 7000 books - and can stand tall and represent - on most serious subjects.

The United States has decided to withdraw from Syrian - putting our National Security at risk - Isis, the Taliban, other renegade entities are poised to attack us on our home ground -  here we have someone who must be responsible - acting like a fool.

I started by talking about Algorithms and Platforms - all this and more are applicable - when we are compromised - more when our FREEDOM is taken away.

There is Freedom and there is License - abuse of Freedom is License.

I wish all of your Happy Holidays and all the best in the year 2019. 

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