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Monday, October 12, 2020



Chief Sittig Bull -

He united the Lakota Nation.

Every day is "indigenous day " this land in all its glory, pristine, and wholesome was protected by Indigenous Tribes for 15,000 years - carbon-dated - artifacts and human remains.

Paradoxically - no one consulted the indigenous people about defaming and erasing their culture - a culture derived from the Great Spirit for over 15,000 years - protected and preserved for over 15,000 years.

Christianity has a record of some 2000 years plus - contaminated by converting other human beings at the point of the sword - Jesus would not permit them - but corrupt entities - in the name of God, King, Queen, and Legalese  - tortured fellow human beings - to make money - and plant the seeds of GREED.

So much blood was spilled by Colonial corrupt and greed - all over the world the Portuguese, the Dutch, the French, the Italians,  the British, the Spanish - others one worse than the other - today the KKK. Let us learn to speak Truth to Power.

It is a shame when - Whites raped indigenous women. Took the children away. Took other children and tried to brainwash them - in boarding schools - even here in California.

Let is be know that California Governors sent out Edicts - to kill the indigenous and one could fetch a measly - $5 for a scalp this was until 1927. Make no bones about this injustice - and yet we have people of color - so blind to the injustice - still pandering to the Whites.

Where are the norms - linked to Inequality when it comes to the indigenous people.

Who do you think - harbored the Blacks then known as Negroes - when they ran away from their Slave Masters - and asked for help and were given help - by the indigenous tribes?

Learn the way of the Whites - and learn more about killing and maiming - more raping and killing indigenous children. 

The Great Spirit sees it all.

Forced the indigenous children NOT to speak their own language.

Killed the indigenous men - took their land by force - just because and could use dynamite, guns, and could kill with impunity.

Evil folks committed atrocities - that most decent human beings - horrific actions that cry to the Great Spirit for justice.

The horrific atrocities - are recorded - oral history passed on from generation to generation - the ancestors speaking Truth to Power.

The recorded history - linked to the evil ways - the killings, raping, committed with intent - the time is come to charge the evil - CRIMES AGAINST HUMANITY.

Let is be known - let this TRUTH be told  -  such is the recorded history - of this Nation - now, known as the United States of America.  The discrimination continues today - and we saw it in person when we went some 1600 miles from San Franciso to North Dakota - to the land of Lakota Nation - the oil pipe land - built on the sovereign land -  some do not care if the polluted the land - contaminated the water.


We went to Washington DC to protest -
much as we went to North and South Dakota -
we gathered 15,000 strong at Camp Oceti Sakowin -
we the people did all we could do - to speak Truth to Power -
we know those who speak with a Forked Tongue - Aho.

Many - who today live in the United States fail to realize that the Whites came here from far away places - to seek a better life - at the expense of the indigenous people.

Here in the United States - many fail to realize -within the indigenous people there was a " Democracy Working " as was recognized by the Founding Fathers - who incorporated - the many sound governmental practices and governance - from the Six Nation - the Long Cabin - the Iroquois Tribe and more.

The young Nation the United States is has signed many treaties with the indigenous tribes - none have been kept - every treaty be it the Treaty of Laramie (1851) - the same Treaty signed with amendments and NOT kept.

Chief Joseph of the Nez Perce
he did all in his power to keep the Whites at Bay -
he went to Canada to buy time - he was invited back
to the United States - and hoodwinked - he died despondently.

Matriarchial governments have long been known to exist on Turtle Island. 

Our grandmothers are revered for their Wisdom -  indigenous women today in the United States - have been adversely impacted by assault, rape, and missing.

Our indigenous Elders are revered - not so much for barking up the wrong tree - but for listening and speaking in low tones - for the wisdom they have is rare and precious - and to be shared with those whose heart is in the right place.

While some vain attempt has been made to honor our indigenous women - understanding the culture of indigenous - more the spiritual aspects of all indigenous people - has been slow coming.

The reason is simple No one can understand the spiritually strong if they EVIL - if their heart is not in the right place - the Great Spirit sees it all - that time has come to respect the indigenous and honor the unique culture - there is NO word linked to GREED - among the indigenous.

The indigenous take little and use only that which is necessary - not only here on Turtle Island - but all over the world.

The Great Spirit sees it all - and Whites who are racists - and continue to be more racists today - are warned.

We -  can show you the way, we can speak Truth to Power.

One can lead the horse to the water - but no one can force the horse to drink - if the horse chooses not to.

 If you who speak with a forked tongue - continue to act as racist as you can possibly be  - you will fall on your face and perish in extreme pain.

If anyone continues to harm indigenous women - we will take action - and we will WIN - let this be known to those that listen - to those who do not - you know what will befall you.  Aho. 

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