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Friday, October 2, 2020


POTUS keeps signing Executive Orders -

with NO teeth - no Blue Print - no viable funding -

no one can fool all the people - all the time.

When - the news first hit the TV station announcing that the tyrant who lives in the White House and his wife - were tested - COVID-19 positive - I had to make some personal calls - to verify that indeed what I was hearing - was true.

Truth be told - I receive a lot of information - and as you, all may know today - October 2, 2020  - we know for sure - that both POTUS and his mate - have been tested - positive for COVID-19 - and in quarantine.

For the last five days - the Egoistical Maniac - has been spewing diatribe attacking immigration and those immigrants - who want to come here to Turtle Island - the land of the indigenous - people.

Turtle Island is now known as the United States of America.

The present POTUS is a disgrace to the human race - always picking on the most vulnerable. Immigrants mostly live their countries - because of war and related issues.

POTUS (President of the United States) mother - illegally migrated to the United States. His wife is an immigrant - her parents are immigrant - and I will STOP there - POTUS as I mentioned earlier - is a disgrace to the human race.

Few know about Melania Trump and the many F-bombs she uttered - when the issue of helping infants and children - were discussed at the Mexican border - Melania knows how to act like a lady - and talk like a drunk - thinking that no one would tape her - but someone did. Hypocrite.

Our Great Nation - does not deserve to have as its head - a despicable " despot" - who has NO empathy and no compassion what so ever. His best friends are dictators - to whom he is beholden - and soon his transaction - with Turkey, Russia, other nations who mostly have dictators as head of the Nation - with who POTUS loves to pussyfoot with.

Chief Sitting Bull

This land once known best as Turtle Island - did not have any plans for despots, maniacs, liars, cheat, despicable uncouth, folks with NO empathy and compassion. POTUS is one of them - no one in their right mind -  respect the despot - that I will not say his name.

Over 209,000 COVID-19 Americans who tested positive - succumbed to the COVID-19 virus - a pandemic - that has not been addressed on a War Footing from early on January 2020 - by POTUS. 

Today is a sad day - because as the days go by - we will learn about more victims - who came in close proximity - to Ms. Hicks, POTUS, and others who at the time of the many meetings -  were asymptomatic - spreading the virus - wearing NO masks - as the despot refuses to wear a mask - at all times.

Americans have the tenacity and fortitude to do good - and will rise to the occasion - with tenacity and fortitude - those who are spiritual will be aided - and those who favor good actions - have empathy and compassion - will be blessed.

Right now we who are aiming for the right outcome - have been present with a window of opportunity - and must work hard - to bring about the best result - come November 3, 2020.

God bless America - more those that have their heart in the right place - we are a people destined to do good - with aspirations that favor progress - we are known for our humanity - our tenacity and fortitude - to favor fair play and justice for all. Aho. 

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