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Monday, September 28, 2020



The Bayview Opera House - gates that remind

one of San Quentin and such jails - millions spent  -

$3.2 million cannot be accounted for - and there is more -

Malia Cohen was the District 10 Supervisor - not to be trusted.

The Bayview Hunterspoint Community has always stood for what is right - and we still have many who will stand up for the community at large.

In the past we had Elders like Ruth Williams - who help mentor many youth and young adults - she helped preserve the Bayview Opera House - once a Masonic Lodge - Blacks has a place to go - not anymore. Now, we have a German woman - who is paid $200,000. a year - while the Managers before Barbara Ockel - the woman I mention - hardly made more than $18,000 a year. 

It has been years now - the Bayview Opera house is under the jurisdiction of nefarious entities. Twice there were shootings inside the Bayview Opera House - we took the matter about the lack of transparency and accountability - before the SF Sunshine - we won the case 9-0 in our favor.

Our joy was short-lived - the matter was sent to the SF Board of Supervisors - we could not follow anything after that - until now - we want to know what role Malia Cohen, her aunt, and a few other bad apples played - in hoodwinking the Bayview Hunters Point community.

Recently we read in the papers - about the 3rd Street and the building with gates - and the mention of the Bayview Opera - these scumbags - who go into politics to make money - and sell their souls to the devil. Time will tell.  

The Bayview Hunters Point was always known to be Non-Profit 501 (c) 3 that was until we found out - the building was designated as a 12 L and would focus on Economic Development. The community was NOT noticed - and this one act and others - all endorsed by Malia Cohen - needs to be investigated.

Most folks will tell you - more Black folks - that the Bayview Opera House reminds them of the plays, musical events, dances, in short - cultural activities. 

Barbara Ockel - treats the community with disdain -

she calls the SF Police Department who pander to her 

whims and fancy - she will more with Malia Cohen -

a corrupt person anointed by to the SF Police Commission

by Mayor London Breed - who loves taking junkets and

bribes that she spends - on shopping sprees. 

Now suddenly it has assumed the responsibilities of the GREEDY - mostly Black sellouts - who want to make money - on the backs of the poor - this will NOT happen on my watch. I have some  Sisters and Brothers - who will see to that too. Make NO bones about that fact.   


I have tried to represent the community more the infants, children, youth, young adults, our Beloved Elders, those with compromised health -  more our mentally and physically challenged.

While most advocates chose to represent the community in their own way - I collect the empirical data - and then address the issues at hand. This method has served me well.

I also believe in having focus groups - having an agenda and then allow each one to contribute - to the agenda items - most relevant to the Community at large - Quality of Life issues. 

The COVID-19 virus has thrown a Johnson wrench into our situation today - we cannot meet in person, the person to person meetings at SF City Hall and most places are not existent.

What we have are so-called - " Virtual Meetings " and I detest them - mostly because I like to see the expression of the faces of human beings - and also monitor what is happening at the meeting - exclamations, laughter, sighs - and so on.

The Public at Large is not fully aware of some crooks.

Dwayne Jones  the so-called GateKeeper -

to Bayview Hunter Point area - on the run -

soon he will be corralled - he will have all the 

time in the world to reflect his numerous nefarious activities.

I have mentioned them before - these crooks have been caught with their hand in the cookie jar. 

That is the empirical data we must have - we are not into gossip - she said that and he said that - we speak Truth to Power. The crooks have been caught lying, cheating, hurting the community at large - some pretending to represent - folks like Malia Cohen.

Juliet Ellis - subpoenaed and on the run -

Assistant General Manager of External Affairs -

and Chief Strategist of the SF Public Utilities Commission -

Chief Strategist my foot - she will spend time behind the walls.

Malia Cohen and Willie L. Brown Jr.

wheeling and dealing - there is more to this from the FBI.  

The crooks the likes of Juliet Ellis, Dwayne Jones,  Harlan Kelly, Naomi Kelly, London Breed, Al Williams, DioJay Brookter, Shamann Walton, Malia Cohen - others too many to name - will be corralled and charged -  as I said - empirical data - will be used to charge these scumbags - who prey on innocent people - they have NO morals, less ethics, and even less standards.

Most of us pray to God - I know many of you pray and you all tell me stuff.

Many of you ask for help - and you get it. 

I have been doing my stuff for over 40 years - and it is a shame that these crooks - have access to millions of dollars - Community Benefits money -  and are wheeling the dealing - looking at the community at large with disdain.  Community Benefits that some of us fought for - not the crooks.

There are articles in many newspapers that have been reporting -  about what is happening - today - the corruption of the worst kind and most of those caught - Blacks.

Most decent, hard-working, tax-paying - folks in the Bayview Hunters area - have been dealing with the pandemic - and many contact me - to ask me what is happening - about the publicity given to the ongoing corruption.  It is a lot. 

London Breed - she seriously thinks she can
fool all the people - all the time - much like 
has wherever she makes her abode.

Carmen Chu the SF Assessor making small talk -

while thousands are suffering - worse than the riots 

at Compton - which she remembers some - thousands 

are leaving San Francisco - no one in their right mind -

listening to her presentation - how to take tax breaks.

Get a grip on life - more with this raging pandemic.

Given the situation at hand - we have our SF Mayor London Breed and Carmen Chu our SF Assessor  - interviewing each other in the middle of this pandemic.

While - thousands are adversely impacted - these two laughing and chatting on SF GOV TV.

Carmen Chu challenges London Breed to reveal something no one knows - London Breed reveals she loves watching the sitcom  Frazier and Carmen Chu loves Korean movies - she says.

Just goes to show you how petty-minded these idiots are -  both are paring to hoodwink the people - both have NO glue no one in their right mind respects them. 

Carmen Chu was anointed when her District Supervisor seated was vacated anointed by the crook of all time - Edwin Mah Lee - London Breed was anointed - when Edwin Mah Lee the then Mayor of San Francisco - passed away. What else can one say?

The corruption is raging in San Francisco much like the NAPA fire - daily we get reports - of scumbag - subpoenaed -  so far we have some nefarious entities corralled - more to come - but that is just the tip of the iceberg. 

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