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Sunday, September 27, 2020



The Bayview Hunters Point is rich in history - has in the course of its rich history - contributed much to the City and County of San Francisco. 

The Bayview Hunters Point lies in the Southeast Sector of San Francisco.

There are very few left - who understood and understand the process - still fewer who are educated on issues - you have all sorts of wannabes - pretending to know some - trying to make money - at the expense of the most vulnerable.

The Sewer System Improvement Project started as a $6 Billion dollar project and has now become - a $12 billion project. A Task Force was created - and the San Francisco Public Utilities Commission promised the community 5% of that amount. Can you multiply 50 billion times 12 - that is $600 million.

600 million of Community Benefits that all the vultures - have been having a field day - controlled by two Blacks - both will be subpoenaed - both are keeping under the radar - one is Juliet Ellis and the other Dwayne Jones.

Since the year 2002 - I have been sounding the clarion call - and at last in the year 2020 - the year COVID-19 made its appearance - the Northern California - Federal Attorney General - made his move - subpoenaed a number of key culprits - and the rest is history.

The last time around such an investigation took place was 80 years ago - and today even though the Corona Virus pandemic - has cast a dark cloud - the General Attorney for Northern California - and brought about a breath of fresh air.

The cockroaches are running - but there is no place to hide. One by one just like applying RAID - the cockroaches will fall down - and wither away. 

Good deeds bring about good things - and bad actions - come to bite one in the butt. Dwayne Jones, Juliet Ellis, Harlan Kelly, Naomi Kelly - the many other scumbags should be ashamed of themselves - but they still are trying to seek money - under fake and false pretext - one of them Racial Equity.

These scumbags that I have mentioned above and some more including London Breed, Veronica Hunnicutt, Linda Richardson, Toye Moses, Al Williams, Shamann Walton, DionJay Brookter, Eloise Patton, Derf Bulter, Doris Vincent, Malia Cohen - others too many to name - all will have to pay a price.

Make no bones about the situation at hand - the above mentioned all have BLOOD on their hands.

As things stand - the press more the Marina Times and the Westside Observer - have joined some astute and stellar advocates - to expose the corruption. The corruption that has been rampant - and adverse impact the most vulnerable.

All those connected with Young Community Developers - who thought all was fine - will now learn to sing the blues - YCD has been a boon to the public at large - more the constituents of Bayview Hunters Point.

Our Elders and those controlling the Streets - all known to me - are shocked - that Dwayne Jones - doles out some stale bread crumbs - and now that he has been exposed the crook par excellence  - does not know what to make of himself. Time will tell.

We who saw this nonsense a long time ago - asked through the Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) - for information - sometimes we got them - and at other times - Juliet Ellis and others - kicked the can down the street.

There has been a change with the SF Controller's Office - it recent report - seems to suggest Rip Van Winkle - was fast asleep at the cockpit - and now has realized how evil some folks have been - accepting donations, conflict of interests, dereliction of duty.

We said it a long time ago - Francesca Vietor has jumped shipped - Mrs. Caen Chair will resign - in comes Ed Harrington - he will be on the SF Public Utilities Commission soon - previously he was the Controller, then became the General Manager of the SF Public Utilities Commission and now back to his old hunting grounds.

Harlan Kelly and Naomi Kelly - husband and wife will NOT leave a legacy - each on their own - made bad choices - both were greedy - making over $400,000 a year - each - and yet they could NOT represent. Both Black and both a disgrace to the human race.

Advocates must speak Truth to Power - and most advocates are not afraid of speaking the Truth - when one does that - the crooks intimate - they try to play games - they themselves play with FIRE - and we all know what happens - when one plays with fire.

The Mayor London Breed has inherited a lot that is bad - it is bad, worse, and worst. 

We will see it all unfold - the Feds came for her ass - but Mohammad Nuru - even though he was supposed to cooperate with the Feds - went to Naomi and spilled the beans - in like manner Naomi spilled the beans to Mayor London Breed.

The bottom line all of them were doing bad things - cheating, lying, mess with others - the list is long - and the Feds can dwell on the sordid and putrid list.

We need decent San Franciscans to help us - take this situation to a higher level. No gossip no charlatans in this game - at this juncture - we have the goods - we need the people united to do the right thing. 

If you cannot help pray for us - we are not giving up. We have our work cut out for us. We have a small group - ready to put our heads together - and make a difference. 

God help us all.

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