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Monday, September 7, 2020


 Life is for the living - not the living dead.

My friends those that know me well - we are here to help those who need help most. 

We must care for Mother Earth - and daily in life - we take one day at a time - and knowing most of you all - you will all do well. 

Most of you have the tenacity and fortitude to discern.

The leadership to lead most people to a better place. I pray for you all - and may the Great Spirit be with you all.

We all have a conscience and so when we hear from those that have no compassion, no empathy, and for sure no humanity - like the man we have in the White House - there is really - nothing much to say.

I admire the tenacity of many of you - to deal with the trollers.

The many trollers - who espouse to the fascist who lives in the White House who admires dictators - be it Putin from Russia - or the many others - who have No - humanity.

Here in United States over 193, 000 have died - Crime Against Humanity - and such cases are taken by the World Court - and easily adjudicated.

There is a Judge name John Durham that some day  will release a report - on the past investigations -  all connected to DT.

The Judge John Durham may release this report - before the Elections.

He may I said - and if he does -we still have better empirical data - that can nail DT. You must remember - TRUTH - prevails - always.

These trollers are something else - they will go to the far ends of anything - to find something - flimsy - to make a point.

They  love to disrupt - many of them I do not know - they join FaceBook - as trollers -  keep quiet for a time - then do what they do best - they  disrupt. 

You have to agree with them - they try to control you - and all of you know - I can beat them at their game. 

Been there done that.

Unfortunately we cannot meet them face to face - so it is easy using the key board -  for the trollers - hiding like cowards - to say something to irritate us.

I am grateful using your Emoji Symbols -  sometime your comments - expressing your sentiments, values, and love for humanity - as we try our best to deal with the trollers.

When some one has no mercy for infants, children, and the most vulnerable - this is shocking and downright inhumane - and most of you know what I am talking about.

My entire life I have defend those that cannot defend themselves.

My work with Sixth Army and Presidio of San Francisco was very rewarding to me - and the Generals saw to it - that I was rewarded and received some top awards. 

The awards are dear to me - because the awards are linked with lives saved, service offered not only to our soldiers women and men - but families. 

When some one who is a coward, treats infants and children with disdain, brags about women in ways that most decent men would not, treats his own family members with disdain, you must listen to DT - if not - he loves bulling - if not - you are toast.

During DTs term - more officials have left the White House Administration office than any other President in the past - and I am sure in the future - we will never, ever see someone like him. 

Too many unfilled position abroad and even here in the United States.

The left hand does not know what the right hand is doing.

DT in his foolishness abolished the Pandemic Team - the same team that dealt with the Ebola Virus in Central Africa - when President Barack Hussein Obama was President.

This Pandemic Team was in place and ready to go into action. For some strange reason - he deactivated this Pandemic Team.Why?

DT was briefed about the Novel Covid-19 pandemic - why back in November, 2019 and then again in December, 2019 - DT  paid  NO attention.

Then in February, 2020 -  addressed the Pandemic  matter superficially. Thinking the pandemic would fizzle and just go away.

Making  statements that when the " warm weather " showed up the virus would go away.

Pushing for Chloroquine - a tested drug -  which failed to provide the needed positive results - on Novel Covid-19 patients hit by the virus. 

DT pushed for the drug - when experts told him to refrain - pushing the drug - he continues to do so - to this day - in his abject - foolishness. 

He is a disgrace to the human race.

DT now wants - to showcase a vaccine - in a few weeks from now - by passing mandated processes - just to make a name for himself.

It  is all about him - he even had a letter enclosed - when the Stimulus Checks was sent out - failed to mention it was " printed money " - and the tax payers' at that - paid taxes and deserved some help. 

There are Nation that send out check over $6000 per month - some as much $9000 per month - DT sent a measly $1200 for 10 months. 

The greedy bastard - talks the talk but fails to walk the walk.

Much like on all his projects - he failed to pay the architects and others - they took him to court - and he prolonged the cases - such to torture his victims.

 DTs whole life is about torturing people - and this year - he will feel the molten rod - for the first time. Pathetic jerk!

DT is our servant - the servant of the people - truth be told is an egoistical maniac, who has not declared his taxes, 

DT is a known cheat and liar - for sure he has NO empathy and dares to call our fallen heroes - losers and suckers.

DT is a prick - that is the best way of describing him besides being an egoistical maniac.

On Labor Day Joe Biden went to the cemetery and prayed for his son - he did some other noble deeds. 

DT went golfing - before that in the wee hours of the morning - he sent tweets - deranged and insulting - including putting down Joe Biden - for going to the cemetery. This one act says it all.

To my good friends I say - keep uplifting the many that need help.

God will bless you - be good to Mother Earth.

Climate Change is here to stay - as long as we have the greedy - who continue to adversely impact the Ozone Level. We must fight and Speak Truth of Power.

Our infants and children are most affected by the Covid-19 pandemic. The many so called  " Virtual Meetings " are just that.

Human beings are vibrant and come to life - when they socialize.

When someone speaks, laughs, cries, dances, sings - you get to know more - the brain triggers all sorts of feelings - and we as human recollect the moments - good, bad, or ugly.

We make the choices - so when I read how you treat animals those of you who love your animals - that is a good way - of spreading sound vibrations. I love horses - and some of my good friends have horses - and I love seeing them.

Those of you who work hard for the people - down under - and all over world - I follow you -  uplift you - and know you are spot on - on what our Mother Earth - needs right now.

Here is the United States - I have taken a strong stand for the indigenous people - the Great Spirit sees it all.

It is with the indigenous people all over the world - those of who that I have met with - prayed with - been in ceremony - that I feel my spirit at the best.

I have  seen things for myself - which has given me a clear view of many things - more spiritual - that means a lot to me - that direct  my actions and impact human beings - that need help most.

Those of you who are artists and budding artists - I have done what I could for you all and love you.

Those of you who feed others -  knowing well - we must address the present dire situation - linked to lack of " food security " - shine light where there is abject - darkness. You are the best.

You doctors, nurses, medical technicians, social workers, janitors, so called essential workers - that the SF City and County has chosen not come to your rescue.

The City and County of San Francisco - will not raise your pay.

For  years - you all have willing not taking - the needed pay increases - preferring to help the situation at hand. I fight for you all.

Our  Mayor London Breed makes $400,000 and does NOT met any standards - she is best when she barks up the wrong tree.  

Our Military women and men - the laymen do not understand the stance DT takes and put them in harms way.

 The incident by the St John's Church by Lafayette Square - reveals how mean he can be - adversely impacting the protestors - who were non-violent - very near the White House.

The Military are trained well to serve and defend. 

None of us are trained to harm civilians. The U.S. military has very high standards - that is why Generals the likes of James Mattis - detest the behavior of the man who makes his abode in the White House.

Do not look at some SWAT teams - or para-military forces - put in difficult situations and forced to act on orders by the maniac DT. As I made reference before the incident at Lafayette Square by St John's Church - very near the White House.

If ordered  by DT - who is a maniac - to carry orders - they must carry the orders.

Not  for long - you trollers will see it - and go in hiding as do most cowards - things will change drastically - in a couple of months.

Frederick Douglass


Politics is a dirty game - and right now - many - will be served subpoenas - scumbags for their chronic corruption - all  linked to the City and County of San Francisco - ten  SF City employees have been served subpoenas  - many more sweating - waiting for their turn.

The crooks have wasted millions - Harlan Kelly, Dwayne Jones, Juliet Ellis, Naomi Kelly - there is a long list - we could have used the money to help our infants, our children.

Our youth, our Beloved Elders, those with compromised health. 

More our Mentally and Physically challenged - those most need Community Benefits Money - are left high and dry.

Our SF City Attorney, our SF Controller, others who could have helped have looked the other way.

They  will face the WRATH of the people and fall flat on their face.



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