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Monday, November 25, 2019


Jeffery Tumlin - appointed new Director
of SF Municipal Transportation Agency -
he replaces astute and stellar Ed Reiskin  -
two clowns by his side - let the circus begin.

Mayor London Breed has NO clue what she did - when she targeted Ed Reiskin and fired him - as the Director of SF Municipal Transportation Agency.

At Ed Reiskin's going away - I did not hear one single person - chide his stellar, performance.

Ed Reiskin - did his best and what is important to know - was constantly harassed by idiots like London Breed and Scott Weiner.

New buses were ordered in a hurry - pressured by London Breed and Scott Weiner.

Cars - cars for light rail - that are 5 feet short.

There  is an issue with the seats linked to the new buses - they are too high - and other configurations - that no one thought - through. Go figure.

London Breed is known for opening her mouth - uttering nonsense -  than thinking - what she exactly said. 

If she makes a mistake - she will never, ever apologize.

She is head strong - hails comes from the hood.

Again and again  - the way she thinks and acts - reminds everyone - the mannerless Mayor London Breed - is a disgrace to our City and County of San Francisco.

She is known as the Mayor that favors poop. The heifer that favor poop - is no good - and backs Big Developers. 

London Breed - is being watched by the Federal Bureau of Investigation - steeped in dark money.

Notice all the construction on Van Ness, on Geary especially by Kaiser Hospital, on Market Street, on San Bruno Avenue - may I say more. 

What is Mayor London Breed doing about congestion and back to back traffic - the worst in our Nation.

So how will this clown Jeffery Tumlin - magically succeeded to speed our buses - this is San Francisco - not Oakland - and I do not know where he got his experience - but he is not fit to be the Executive Director - of the SF Municipal Transportation Agency.

Jeff takes BART - which as you know is a mess -
here he is talking to GEICO - green man -
cheering himself up - pretending to handle SFMTA.

This clown Jeffery Tumlin talks a lot -  he wants to listen to others -  take their suggestion - before he makes any decisions.
No leader can take this route in today world and make headway.

You have to have wisdom. 

Good leaders know the way, show the way and go the way.

Wisdom is wisdom - and wisdom comes from good actions and experience not listening to buffoons - more when you surround ourself with folks liked Mayor London Breed.

London Breed has NO stellar experience about transportation, nor does she have with housing, less with environmental issues, and even less with safety and sound education - and there is more.

Well, I give Jeff Tumlin -20 years to fix the many problems we have here in San Francisco.

Again and again - - we have had idiots like Scott Weiner and London Breed - shout and scream - initiate and force actions - that have come to bite this City and County in the butt.

What is London Breed going to do about the Medallions and the Taxi Drivers.

This City and County of San Francisco - is responsible and should be held responsible - for hoodwinking the taxi drivers - mostly immigrants - and London Breed thinks she can get away with murder - in broad daylight.

Some one has BLOOD on their hands - the City and County of San Francisco  - accepted thousands as much as $250,000 for the medallions - that are worth nothing today.

The City encouraged Lift, Uber, Side-car - others to compete with the taxi drivers - the gig companies - causing congestion - and all thee " gig " companies must be fined - and told to go take a hike.

Mayor Edwin Mah Lee -
he encouraged Uber and other " gig" entities -
destroyed our Taxi Business -
made the medallions - worthless.

Even the City of London has chosen to put these "gig " operations on hold.

It is time  time - we do it, too - not favor " gig " companies as did Edwin Mah Lee.

What is London Breed going to do about the Light Rail Cars ordered - each car is five feet short ?

This one fact and what I have mentioned above - are one of many defects  - that were not thought out throughly - and now we the tax payers - have to deal with the consequences.

We now have a phobia to hire folks - based on their life style -
and more incompetent.

These idiots that stand shoulder to shoulder with an inept, clueless, and lacking leadership - Mayor London Breed may say - what they want to say - but actions count.

We have had Michael Burns, Emilio Cruz, Nathaniel Ford - all of these Executive Directors - tried to handle MUNI - and could not.

Willie L. Brown Jr., when he was Mayor promised to - fix MUNI in hundred days - and could not -  he apologized but NOT London Breed - she keeps contributing to the - " cesspool ".

London Breed has been wheeling and dealing with the Big Developers - and what is happening in Oakland right now - the many protests - will happen in San Francisco - very soon. 

The tax payers of San Francisco are fed up with London Breed - and with only 23% coming out to vote - she won.

London Breed  does not understand nor comprehend - that her token victory - is one that she will drown in - a cesspool of her own creation and that of the minions that pander to her.

Watch out - Loud Mouth - is about -
halter, shelter - here come trouble. 

London Breed is not worth the $366,000 plus benefits - we pay this good for nothing  - loud mouth - who barks up the wrong tree - every opportunity she gets.

The bicycle coalition has a Political Action Committee (PAC) they use this tool - to contribute to very corrupt politicians - and have cause serious problems - all over San Francisco.

San Francisco has hills - and riding bicycles does not do justice to all - the many Seniors that make their abode in San Francisco.

The  many hills that all find difficult to tackle, riding. 

Again and again bicycle riders - take on MUNI buses and no one in their right mind - wants to speak Truth of Power.

At one time -  someone - took the Bicycle Coalition to court - challenged the Environmental Impact Report - that the Bicycle Coalition - did not address - in the first, place.

More - impacting Quality of Life issues - and did not adhere to Transportation Standards - all plans adversely impacting our major corridors were impacted - and the Court took years to address the situation at hand.

London Breed - open that mouth -
and spews diatribe - inept and clueless -
lacks leadership and is head strong -
mostly importantly she is not educated on issues.

San Franciscans and decent tax payers are fed up with Mayor London Breed.

If she cannot get what she wants - she acts like a thug - mannerless and lack etiquette - she is know for open that wide mouth - and barking up the wrong tree.

Again she is pitting decent citizens - appointing immoral, unethical commissioners - and other on committee - coming up with concepts like EQUITY that favor some - slogans like Resiliency - let us see her act - when we have a major emergency - she and her minions.

As things stand today - homelessness is increasing - our Elders dying slowly on the streets of San Francisco. The Mentally challenged assaulting innocent tourists and others - and nothing what so ever is done  - more down town.

The rents are sky rocketing and we still have over 30,000 homes vacant and over 50,000 market rate condominiums vacant.

Downtown and elsewhere on Clement Street, on Mission Street, on 3rd Street, North Beach - elsewhere - too many vacant stores - and now they want to fine the owners - to pay a fine - for failing to find - anyone to operate the stores. 

Try opening a store - try getting the permits - it takes over two years. 

All sorts of sordid rules and regulations - when one wants to open a store.

As and when one does open - after all the trials and tribulation  - you have deal with employees who cannot find a place to live in San Francisco  -  have to commute from far off places- and there is more.

Mayor London Breed is bad news - anything she touches is jinxed - our housing, the Chase Stadium and the Warriors, our Elders slowly dying on the streets of San Francisco - her only solace pussyfooting with the butches - who will use her and throw her away - like a dirty rag.

I have not read one single legislation that she has initiated - accept legislation initiate by those who cheat, hoodwink, and bluff all in broad daylight.

Finally - MUNI is a mess - because the operators are treated with disdain - and already the MUNI drivers and more the MUNI Union Representatives - are speaking up - they do not like what they see. 

Not once has Mayor London Breed address the concerns of the MUNI operators in a meaningful manner.

On San Bruno Avenue SFMTA has chosen to eliminated 46% of the parking - there has NOT been one meaningful meeting - with the community at large - and the businesses who just found out - the situation at hand.

We will NOT allow this to happen - never mind our District 9 Supervisor was fast asleep at the cockpit and has just woken up.

Again and again bicycle racks are depriving cars of parking - the racks are not used at all. Never assume - we all will ride bicycle - not with the rude bicyclists riding like crazy - and creating pandemonium.

Time the bicyclists pay a license fee to ride our streets - $50 dollars at a minimum and $100 at a maximum. Also that crash that head gear is made mandatory - and speed limits enforced - strictly. Time will tell.

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