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Tuesday, November 26, 2019


More and more - NO one is going to listen to the  buffoons - they look you in the eye and lie.

More and more - no one is going to listen to anyone - that cannot respect himself or herself - if you cannot respect yourself - you cannot respect others.

If you want someone to pay attention - and you are shallow - do not expect results - and you can dream but you will reap no rewards. 

Building homes on contaminated ground -
with intent - is W R O N G .

More and more at ground zero - it is becoming - a rat's race - people forced to force two and three jobs - to make a living.

The rents are skyrocketing -  people are forced to live on the streets - entire families.

While - politicians make excuses - lie - and think that we will tolerate this nonsense.

Enough is enough.

If you do not have your heart in the right place - and sound spirituality to back you up  - these " devils "  can wipe one out.

Our children are confused - they cannot fathom the actions of the adults - confusing them - pandemonium every where - and with it - lack of  genuine " love " - for our children, youth, and young adults.

Gather the children -  speak to them with kindness - tell them you genuinely love them - and see how they react to you and your loved ones.

As human being we must take care of one another, bring people together - help them to go to a better place.

Today the norm is to exploit others - make money and foster GREED - and to think nothing of it. 

We know the ones that foster this pattern - the time has come to put a STOP to it - and you can only do it - with God's help.

We are placed on the Earth each one of us - to do good and make a difference.

It is not so much the verbosity - the diatribe, spewing hot air - that makes a difference - only our good actions - do.

Again and again we have corrupt politicians - who talk the talk but cannot possibly walk the walk.

Most of them are spiritually bankrupt.

These politicians and City Department Heads in San Francisco -   think by hoodwinking the public are large - in broad daylight - they will succeed.

These short successes are short lived - if you cheat, lie, hoodwink you will be judged on this Earth - that is all I will say.

I have seen it happen again and again - before me - before my very eyes.

Many keep withering - away - crawling like a snake and then giving up their spirit - more in pain and intense suffering.

Here is San Francisco - more in the Southeast Sector of San Francisco - where most infants, children, youth, young adults, our Elders - survive daily.

Those with compromised health live - the environs are contaminated and polluted - the crooks have sordid plans.

Plans are afoot to build 30,000 units on land that is prone to liquefaction and flooding.

Of course when the BIG ONE strikes - those areas prone to liquefaction and flooding will be most impacted.

As and when that day comes - this racist City and County of San Francisco - those in charge - will be pointing fingers at others - while those responsible will make excuses.

In the first place - we should not be building any homes on land that is prone to contamination, pollution, liquefaction, flooding.

Homes built on contaminated ground.

More land that registers high levels of cesium, plutonium, radium, ionizing radiation, methane - one of the worst polluted Parcel E 2 -  on Hunters Point Naval Shipyard.

We have over 1500 toxic hot spots - in the Southeast Sector of San Francisco.

More the areas and  the corridor near Evans Street and Cargo Street - is a toxic soup. 

Millions of vehicles spewing dangerous particulate more PM 2.5, lead, mercury and other very dangerous - contaminants.

For the longest time Big Developers have harmed many  "with intent " - God sees it all.

To confront and take on these " evil people " one has to be educated on issues. 

I say this all the time - do your homework.

Sisters and Brothers - do not trust any politician - especially those that shout and scream - cannot reason at all.

They desperately want you to hear them - but will not listen to those - that have wisdom.

If you harm our infants and children - our Elders who cannot defend themselves.

You who do harm " with intent " - you will suffer - here on Earth.

You are warned.

You will drown in the cesspool of your own - creation. Aho.

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