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Sunday, November 24, 2019


The Swear System Improvement Project -
once $6 Billion now nearing $12 Billion-
only in San Francisco - with some crooks in charge.

Too many uncouth and ill mannered politicians - having side bar conversations - while decent, caring San Franciscans - speak at Public Comment. 

Once we had three minutes - now we have two minutes - really one minute - with all the distractions - the present SF Board of Supervisors - not all - but most a disgrace to the human race.

There is NO representation from the SF Board of Supervisors - much like some dictatorial way of doing things - they talk too much - with no accountability and less transparency. 

God sees it all.

The Mayor London Breed has no clue about the Precautionary Principle, less about standards, has NO clue about our failing infrastructure.

If and when the Big One visits us - all those bragging they will do this and that - will be no where to be found.

No one wants to address -
replacement of the old pipes -
and more why brand new valves burst -
brand new pipes leak - and all this and more - not revealed.

Increase in spending - with NO viable and sustainable results in sights - tax payers money wasted - millions of dollars in change orders - profiting Primes - who hoodwink us all - laughing all the way to the bank.

Here is one sordid example - costing us tax payers billions of dollars - with no over sight - and no meaningful dialog with the tax payers - decent San Franciscans :

For starters we have 1100 miles of sewer pipes in San Francisco - today in the year 2019 with all the money set aside to replace these 90 year old pipes.

80%  of these old pipes must  be replaced - when the Big One visits us - we will be pointing fingers at each other.

Like  most buffoons do - heads of department not there because they are qualified - but more because they pussyfoot around - the one in charge - when an Earthquake strikes.

These folks pathetic - have our lives in jeopardy and must be replaced - most  speak from both sides of their mouth - and bark up the wrong tree.

We have 1000 miles of clean water pipes - they too are over 90years old - and only 15% of these clean water pipes have been replaced.

The paradox even the 15% of the clean water pipes replaced - 3% of these pipes are leaking - leeching into the water shed.

We pay no attention - when it comes to  " dewatering " - pumping millions of gallons - impacting the watershed.

Pumping the millions of gallons of water - into our dual sewer system -  impacting our watershed - and buildings like the Millennium Building - downtown San Francisco - now sinking 22 inches and 17 inches northwest. 

Juliet Ellis -
Chief Strategist  of all things corrupt.

The San Francisco Public Utilities Commission - has been audited and the resulted are pathetic to say the least. Corruption at every level and leading person the Assistant General Manger of External Affairs and Chief Strategist - Juliet Ellis.

Chief Strategist of  Hoodwinking, cheating, lying, and pathetic to the core.

Juliet Ellis was a friend of Barack Obama so she says - I wonder how many times she has talked to Donald Trump or anyone from the Trump Administration. 

When the Democrats were in charge a lot of abject  " political whoring " was accepted - today no one from the SF Public Utilities can visit the White House and less the important meeting that are held in Washington D.C.

525 Golden Gate Avenue -
a den of crooks and corruption -
wheeling and dealing - and no one seems to care -
not for long - the audit is an " eye opener " 
the roaches will scramble once light is shed - that time has come.

Some of us who have been around  - more advocates - never, ever thought that we encountered such  " scum bags " as Dwayne Jones and Juliet Ellis - but we have seen them - do damage - and now have to pay for it.

It is the same with the Human Rights Commission - that lacks accountability and transparency - and now they have a job opening - the Human Right Commission - led by Sheryl Evan Davis is pathetic to say the least.

Mayor London Breed has lackadaisical cronies who have no experience - all London Breed cares for - are folks that must say " yes " her - dumb as she is - London is the laughing stock of most that know - and she will fall flat on her face.

We just need one big event to happen in San Francisco - for her true colors to be revealed.

London Breed and her minions - have been pandering to the Big Developers - and it is just a matter of time - before she is called out by the authorities in charge.

Big Developers and " dark money " - notice her recent in roads in Chinatown - she does not know what she is playing with - you play with fire - you perish with fire. 

Again and again City Hall is getting from bad to worse - uncouth and ill mannered politicians.

Pandering  to " dark money " - no empathy and less compassion - the Big Developers using these lackeys - to adversely impact decent human beings - these thugs controlling our City and County of San Francisco.

This is Muwekma Ohlone land - each and every square inch stolen from those that own the land to this day. 

There is NO one single document - where the land was handed over - to the thieves  - we are watching the " thieves " - like a hawk.

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