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Friday, November 8, 2019


The United States of America 
we must first learn to respect the Native Americans
more the indigenous Elders -
apologize for the harm done to all indigenous people
the sooner the better.

The Lakota Nation - 
one of many indigenous nations
who lived her for 13,000 years plus 
sovereign nations - treaties signed 
but not one kept - this is the moment -
for Federal Recognition of all indigenous tribes
the hypocrite Democrats could have done better 
but failed - we need someone like
Pete Buttigieg to bring reconciliation -
if need be - I can be instrumental
the Elders on my side - all over this Nation.

The United States must have a leader at this time who is under 50 years - is healthy, smart, an astute leader - who has the fortitude and tenacity.

More - to comprehend international politics and affairs -  fully aware of cyber and digital dimension.

The many nuclear weapons in the hands of the wrong entities -
the many wars - where innocent children are dying Yemen, Syria, Iraq, all over the world - many dying of starvation.

We must somehow remove the present incumbent who resides in the White House.

He has NOT paid his taxes - New York has mandated him to pay his taxes - failing - his assets will be ceased.

The egoistical maniac has decided to flee to Florida - that is one well known area - where  " dark money " is laundered,

What is more the wheeling and dealing spread all over the Nation and over seas - one of the main hubs for abject corruption Florida.

The area that the egoistical maniac is fleeing too - has a history of less taxes - the home of many retirees.

Who -  I hope will shun the bad influence - the egoistical maniac will bring with his corrupt influence - his family and those many minions supporting him.


Pete Buttigieg - 
is well prepared and full of energy
to deal with the " situation at hand "
and many of us who are cognizant of 
the " situation at hand " support  him in toto
his judgement and military experience
playing a key and pertinent role.

Pete Buttigieg has military experience and can hold his ground - this is the paramount experience any leader who assumes responsibility at the White House - should have.

Peter Buttigieg also has the ability to comprehend and solve problems being a Mayor - and has a proven track record to address the housing, job, other issues as Mayor - with scheduled timelines and goals.

I have supported Pete from early on - when he was not factored in the first ten list.

Other Presidential  candidates coming from all over - many with a hidden agenda -  failing to make an impression - slowly but steadily - I saw Pete Buttigieg - stand tall and represent - move forward now among the best five if not the best three.

It is time for a person who can support the queer population - and those that are challenged to have a person who understands the deep concerns, trials and tribulation of the under dog - America will understand this and do the right thing.

We need a fresh, young person, with stellar military experience to lead - and to hell with " much of the same " - and barking up the wrong tree - spewing diatribe - the old jokes are stale - and those who still think people listen to the radio - to be spurred up and unite the Nation - are Smithsonian.

Francisco Da Costa

For too long we have had - some folks who throw their hat in the race for President of the United States and once in office - make a fool of themselves.

We have seen this nonsense stem from the Vietnam Nam war, to the Iraq invasion, to the assault on Libya - to the bombardment of Afghanistan.

Targeting of Syria  - we must have with a holistic Blue Print that works.

We messed up the Middle East - millions of innocent civilians more children and women - put in harms way -  many killed for no reason at all -  that is home of civilization.

Most Americans who do not know about the Babylonian Civilization think that contemporary United States - knows  it all   - this pompous attitude has led to us having a deficit - and you can read it all - below :

The U.S. Federal Budget Deficit -
this has adversely impact the ninety nine percent 
of the population - NOT the one tenth of one percent
that has all the money - trillions of dollars.
Who pays this deficit if not those to pay taxes -
the filthy rich make more and pay no taxes at all -
take cover under Capitol Expenses and other shenanigans.

It is time we educate ourselves and choose a leader that knows the way, shows the way and goes the way - we have NO time to loose :

None of the debates so far - give the prospective candidates - an opportunity - to express themselves.

The many  drab questions posed - to the prospective candidates - have allowed NO candidate running for the 2020 Presidential  elections - an opportunity to speak Truth to Power.

The Main Media should be ashamed of themselves and the long commentaries they give - brain washing the ordinary layperson - day in and day out. On some level they are the FAKE news.

Imagine for the longest time ever one tenth of one percent - controls trillions of dollars - and they are the filthy rich.

The rest ninety nine percent - suffer every single day.

Our Seniors do not have food pass the fifth day of the month.

Our Seniors do not have money to buy the medication they need to survive.

Three out of Five children go to bed hungry.

The homeless situation all over the Nation is chronic - and no one seems to care.

Our infrastructure is pathetic - more the bridges all over the nation are falling apart - Engineers given the entire system a F -.

We go to war and the filthy rich profit.

The  one tenth of one percent -  must be taxed  - 40% of their net wealth - and all the talk from where - will we get our money - will be solved -  more walk and less talk.

We can create good Health Services for all - we need to bring the Insurance Companies - and give them an ultimatum.

These  parasites have no conscience - and having been sucking blood for the longest time. 

We create a Task Force to set the prices of all much needed medication, surgery, and critical care for our infants, children, youth, our Elders, those with compromised health - more our physically and mentally challenged. And move on.

President Franklin D. Roosevelt -
1933 to 1945
he was a victim of poliomyelitis - 
was in a wheel chair - most photographers -
refrained photographing him below his waist -
a man respect by all - more his fire-place chats -
people glued to the radio - when TV was non-existent -
we need someone to unite the Nation.

It is a shame that we cannot provide housing for all and other benefits as did President Franklin D. Roosevelt - the 32nd President - who was in the White House - 1933 to 1945.

His leadership and love for the Nation was second to none - the many social benefits we enjoy today - were initiated by FDR.

Charles De Gaulle from France
he fought with us during World War II
worked with us - to unite the world.

World leaders of his time - Winston Churchill, Stalin,  Charles De Gaulle, others revered him - and counted on his advice - the main reason being he had his heart in the right place.

We entered World War II and saved the person world - or else we would be speaking - German. Achtung !

Here is one link that tells everyone more - if you care to read :

Not once in the debates linked to the current Presidential Elections - have we heard the candidates express deep enthusiasm by having a very clear picture and method - how to bring in the money to save our Nation.

The convoluted way - will never win trust in any Presidential candidate - who does not have their heart in the right place.

In another five months the candidates running for the 2020  President race will be reduce to 5 key candidates.

Right now I choose Pete Buttigieg -  I have NOT met him nor any one of his team - who have sent me emails.

I  have done my deep research - from  my deep training by the military and other stellar educational institutions - and leadership models. I hope to meet Pete one on one - for 15 minutes and take it from there.

Most importantly my reading for the last 50 years.

General Eisenhower
34th President of the United States 
1953 - 1961

We are a Republic and our checks and balances have been compromised - even  though the Executive Branch and Congress - must co-exists to co-govern - we have a chronic - crisis.

This on going noises must be amended with clear directions and punitive actions - when anyone breaks the law and defies decency - much as the present egoistical maniac has - flaunted every single decent and vetted law and makes lying in modus operandi. 

The divisiveness reigning in our Nation today - is the worst ever - surpassing the time we had a Civil War and millions died.

No one can curtail the Republicans - more those that are blinded - and will jump and say anything - when the egoistical maniac - spews his diatribe - and keeps barking up the wrong tree.

Those aged in the present Presidential Race - including anyone who recently want to join - if they are over 50 years - we must be leery - they will NOT have the ability to bring the Nation together.

We must recruit General James Mattis and other he suggests - to rally the Nation.

Maintain law and order - we are a Republic - but the Founding Fathers - presupposed that the one chosen President - would be sane - there was NO room for insanity - and no room for an egotistical maniac - and for sure NO room for a LIAR.

This monster will STOP at nothing - working with Russia and other foreign nations.

To  sell our Nation's values.

He  and his family must move to Russia and may be North Korea - where the two lover boys/immature men - can rendezvous and continue the ploys, machinations, and shenanigans.

This egotistical maniac has compromised our Security - and we will not know - until the CANCER is removed.

Some - in our military some  are teetering - and thank God a few have put Nation before lawlessness - and pandemonium.

This impeachment should have been initiated a long time ago - and Nancy Pelosi - must step down.

Nancy Pelosi and her minions - she can go live on the East Coast where she belongs.

Her tantrums and poor judgement has failed our Nation - and Schumer too - he can go retire -  go fishing - these political idiots have failed our Nation.

The Independents who form 40% of the population are the back bone of this Nation - not the Democrats - and for sure not some one like Hillary Clinton and her lackeys.

Chief Joseph -
nothing much has changed -
the majority still suffer - 
we fail to see the root cause - GREED.

We are a Nation of Faith and believe in God.

These fanatics mostly Republicans - call upon some god - and they also love the KKK. Go figure. 

They detest the indigenous people whose land they stole. 
They more they hate the indigenous the deeper the hole they dig - in which they will lie - alive and slow wither into oblivion.

They wiped out the Buffalo, mined coat and other minerals too much and contaminate large areas - fracking that does no one good - they continue to pollute the rivers and lakes.

The air and all the environment - they pollute first and then they want to abate and mitigate.

Doing  most things ass backwards - so they live - and as they live they will perish.

They harvest old growth forest - redwoods thousands of years old - they do as they please - they are GREEDY.

 All this and more - is EVIL - no one needs to be a Rocket Scientist to know this and more who has been instrumental in dividing our Nation - and failing those that need help most.

This is my subject take - no one is mandated to follow my opinion.

This  article is my personal  clarion call - 50 years of research - understanding leadership in all its modes -  doing right - with one heart in the right place.

Turtle Island -
the name well known -
before the strangers came and named 
it the United States of America -
how UNITED are we today?

The indigenous people of this Nation are critical to healing - more our Elders who are indigenous - who have the right spirit - the Great Spirit sees it all - Aho.

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