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Tuesday, September 4, 2018


This is Malia Cohen - 9 years ago -
when she first appeared - looking just as you see her -
begging to run for District 10 - 
promising us that she would represent - 
she has not - diabolical -
as she looked into our eyes and lied.

Malia Cohen - is an Anathema -  who has single handedly destroyed whatever little decency we have in the Bayview Hunters Point area - and all over District 10 - she supposedly represents - and has failed - miserably.

Sophina Maxwell - the District 10 Supervisor who preceded Malia Cohen - did all in her power - to amass a lot of wealth - wheeling and dealing. 

Sophina Maxwell - did only one thing well - worked diligently  with the " rouge developers " and sold out the community. The likes of Lennar Urban.

In all that time - I never ever saw some of the present candidates - in the trenches - as some of us advocates - fought for the community - until recently - all our work - our empirical data, our sacrifice - to defend those that cannot defend themselves - in our community.

Over a $Billion has been spent to abate the Hunters Point Naval Shipyard - and millions from this amount - have gone to fill the campaign coffers - who made it possible to appropriate the $1 Billion.

When the Democrats were in power - NO Tetra Tech employee - adversely impacting could be charged - what made that happen was the change in the White House - and so now, Nancy Pelosi and folks of that caliber - are pulling their hair and screaming up the wrong tree.

So who were harmed and who are still being harmed?

They are our infants, our children, our youth, our young adults, the Seniors our Elders, those with compromised health - more our mentally and physically challenged.

This is Malia Cohen today -
the photograph says it all.

It is simply wrong to permit - candidates - that have NO morals, less ethics, and even less standards - pretend to represent.  The should take their ploys, machinations, and shenanigans - some where  - else.

It is abhorrent for us advocates - with a track record - to permit such despicable political whores and now joining the ranks - to with intent to harm to the community.

Political pimps - to prey on the tax payers, the constituents, and think that all is well - in District - they are all mistaken. We are watching you all - corrupt - wheeling and dealing - like a hawk.

Dr Martin Luther King Jr
the leader of our Civil Right Movement.

It is a shame that after all that - Dr Martin Luther King Jr. fought for - we have Blacks - so called Representatives - who with intent - are selling out the community.

Displaying corruption and other ugly traits - and should be ashamed of themselves - more, step out of the way.

Brown and Black people are hurting today - more, than ever before. Many working two and three jobs to make a living.

Over 80,000 families have left San Francisco - never to return again. 

These charlatans - the likes of London Breed, Malia Cohen, Shamman Walton, others - do not care about leadership they care about filling their campaign - coffers.

Yet millions of dollars - linked to bequest money, community benefits, illegal appropriated funds - are being used by candidates - running for office - most of them Blacks.

We have seen for some time now - outsiders - come into our community - the likes of Shakirah Smiley - and openly make a statement - that soon $11 million will be available for the use " beautification " - better know to us as " art ".

Do we have our priorities right - when our infants, children, youth, young adults are suffering. 

The education of our children more Brown and Black has reached a level - of utter dysfunction - abject failure - when it comes to sound education.

Our children are suffering -  more under Shamman Walton. 

When Shamman was the President of the SF Unified School District -  during his term the empirical data - shows he did nothing much - worth the salt.

Black children in Special Education classes did better than children in normal classes. What has Shamman Walton to say about leadership - he is shallow, inept, talks the talk - but cannot walk the walk.

Shamman Walton has been working with corrupt people like Dwayne Jones - who is under investigation.

Other entities who are backing Shamman Walton like some race horse - they give him money - they all salivate on the side lines - more when they are delivered favors  - on a platter. Time will tell.

In the 40 years of my advocacy - I never, ever saw Shamann Walton in the trenches - fight for the community.

I have seen him - move among the public - attend meetings - watching -much like Malia Cohen use to - when I was deep in the fight - she would smile - after I spoke my mind - and took my seat - places like the Southeast Community Facility Commission Building - 1800 Oakdale.

Here is a note - with figures -
distribution done - from a slush fund -
it took us sometime to get to the bottom -
 we did the heavy lifting and proved our point -
this slush fund - is linked to the
 Sewer System Improvement Project - linked to the
SF Public Utilities Commission - Community Benefits.

Dwayne Jones - 
he controls SSIP - Community Benefits -
has been doling money to many - 
doing a great disservice to the Bayview 
Hunters Point community - this nonsense must STOP.

General Manager Harlan Kelly - thought he had is all under control - Community Benefits.

Harlan Kelly and others SF Public Utilities Commission - created a Task Force - linked to the Sewer System Improvement Project (SSIP)  - hand picked sell outs from the community - under Sam Murray from the SFPUC - who has since retired. 

The task force - were given a commendation - but they had NO control over the money.

The amount in the millions -  to control the Community Benefits money - a decision was made for Dwayne Jones to dole out the money linked to Workforce and to Juliet Ellis for Community Outreach.

Juliet Ellis should be treated -
the same way as was Barbara Garcia -
recently - she must be removed from office -now.

Right at the on set Juliet Ellis - sent $200,000 to Green For All - her non-profit that she worked for - and the Fair Political Practices Commission (FPPC) - made Juliet Ellis return the money - and also fined her.

Here is the adjudication made by the FPPC :

Juliet Ellis should have been terminated from the SF Public Utilities Commission - she is still there - wheeling and dealing.

Aiding and abetting organizations like Young Community Developers (YCD), Girls 2000, BayCat and a host of other - organizations - NOT respected by the community at large.

While fingers are being pointed at the present White House - these representatives more Democrats - the likes of London Breed, Malia Cohen, Shamman Walton, others one worse than the other - are wheeling and dealing.

Millions of dollars - linked to " slush funds ", bequest money, are being poured into the campaign coffers of these sleazy candidates - they have No moral, Less ethics, and for sure NO standards what so ever.

Again tax payers money is being used - and those in authority want us to do the heavy lifting - and give them the evidence on a platter. 

We have so much documentation - to prove that these " vermin " are corrupt " that it makes us - " puke ".

Dion - Jay Brookter -
anointed to the SF Police Commission -
he hails from Fresno and has no qualification -
worthy to take on this critical task -
a Commissioner on the SF Police Commission.

Who are these outsiders the likes of Tyra Fennell, Shakirah Smiley, Christine Johnson, Shamman Walton, Dion-Jay Brookter - who come into our community -  wheel and deal - pretend that they represent the community - when they are despised by the community that counts?. 

The 1550 Evans fiasco is waiting to implode. 

The 1800 Oakdale ploys - have NOT been vetted - the public left out. There has NOT been a recent report - on the progress made with the Digesters - that started as a $2.3 billion project - and now has reached over $3.5 billion. 

We have seen the early retirement of Tony Flores who worked for the SF Public Utilities Commission at the Phelps Raw Sewage Treatment Plant - his loss is immeasurable.

The stellar Project Manger Karen Kubick, Tommy Moala - Manager of the Phelps Raw Sewage Treatment Plant.

Others too many to name - the current situation at the Phelps Raw Sewage Treatment Plant - is dubious and what is more precarious. 

The new White Manager - from Ross county - is fumbling -  and so are those at 525 Golden Gate - the SF Public Utilities Commission headquarters - the wheeling and dealing - is about to implode.

 So many leaving including the head of the Project Manager Surjeet Singh - does anyone know why - so many are jumping the ship - now? There is more to come.

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