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Wednesday, September 5, 2018


Today's politics are so moronic - so dumb - so laced with buffoonery - in San Francisco - that is boggles the mind.

We tend to speak about  " common sense " which is a " rare sense " - we delve into our innermost self respect - our conscience  and wonder - what is happening to San Francisco?  

San Francisco is going to the cesspool - a cesspool created by those that do it with intent - they do not want to serve the people - they seek to do all in their power - to be self-serving and fill their sordid - campaign coffers. 

This political disease is prevalent deeply among our Black Representatives - at San Francisco's City Hall.

Which begs the question - decent human beings, San Franciscans - are asking -  these representatives - who were voted in - where are your morals, our ethics, your standards - where is your - humanity?

 " If you are luke warm I will spit you out of my mouth".

Do they practice ethics - have they paid attention to the orientations linked to Ethics? We wonder - but after that -
we must do something.

Do these folks have " standards - do they have any sense of civility?

We all can gauge - what is the answer. Simply put - too many that need urgent help are suffering - many die - and lie in a brand new morgue - and when no one claims their remains - they are disposed off.


Mayor London Breed

It has been some weeks now - and we are in the " doldrums " - nothing conducive to those that need help most - people are getting upset.

As hard as some are trying to persuade the Mayor to listen to their pleas - she ignores them - her priorities are to those that we call belong to the MACHINE - more the Mafia.

Even those that backed  Mayor London Breed - because as I said if your heart in NOT in the right place - if you cannot discern, if you are not decent - if you do not have empathy - it does not matter who you are - you will fail - in all your relationships - and by default - you will NOT be trusted.

Dark Money Funding is prevalent more in San Francisco - where Billionaires - are behind the behind.

Few know how deep the infiltration is - in the case of Mayor London Breed - and her sordid campaign - it is deep enough - to a ask the question - has she sold her soul to the devil? 

The Chief of Police Williams Scott is Black, the President of the SF Board of Supervisors is Black.

The Mayor is Black, and we have the General Manager of the San Francisco Public Utilities who is Black. Millions of dollars - Community Benefit - doled out by crooks like Dwayne Jones and Juliet Ellis. Who is fooling whom?

Of course not to mention the City Administrator who is Black - and all these House Negros - have nothing substantial to show - they all and busy - pandering - to the MACHINE.

This is Ohlone Land - more, Muwekma Ohlone land - and these House Negros have NO clue - about their responsibility to the tax payers, the constituents of San Francisco.

For sure they do not understand about the Indigenous People - their values - and those that are behaving like House Negros - are neither here or there - they are mostly wallowing in the cesspool - of their own creation.

Those that need help - mostly our infants, children, youth, young adults, our Elders, those with compromised health - more our mentally and physically  challenged - continue to suffer.

This land belongs to the Muwekma Ohlone - and at all times these " strangers " must knowledge this one singular fact - those that do not " acknowledge our Elders " - displaying their arrogance and more ignorance - they have NO manners and less etiquette.

The Muwekma Ohlone lived here for over 15,000 years.

All carbon dated remains and artifacts - if you do not acknowledge the indigenous people - what they stand for - respect Mother Earth - do not not deserve to live here - let this be very clear to those that act in a devious manner.

We had the case of Ms Canada - a Black woman - some time ago - over 100 years old - who could be helped  - but was NOT helped by London Breed and Malia Cohen.

These two Black women - did nothing worthwhile to help this aged, decent, Black woman. 

Ms. Canada - was evict without cause - became despondent and died. 

Those that are responsible for her death - today have NO qualms - shame on them - if it is too hot in the kitchen - move away. 

More, if you continue to behave badly - before, you are shamed - two years from - now.

All this in San Francisco - today I see these political whores - wine, dine, pussyfoot,  are far removed from helping those that need help most.

Once in office - they all are busy securing their position - and those that have a few years left in office - are busy wheeling and dealing. Making hay while the sun shines.

These folks so called representatives - who all have taken an oath - live daily wheeling and dealing - in a nonchalant manner.

Far removed from decency, ethics, morals and standards that - matter.

These so called politicians lack the ability to discern, less are NOT educated on issues.

They with intent - harm those that they must represent, the citizens, the tax payers, the constituents who often work two and three jobs.

We pay the salaries - of these jerks - the politicians - who hoodwink us - daily.

These politicians - think they can get away - breaking the law and looking with disdain upon those that matter. 

The innocent are protected by God - not so those that worship MAMMON.

When it is time for campaigning - these wicked politicians. seeking office - bragging they can do this and that -  these candidates do not present a   " sound platform ". 

They look you in the eye - and lie.

At the many meetings where these candidates are given an opportunity to speak - those tax payers and others present - must write their questions on a piece of paper.

There is NO - one to one - open dialog - between the citizens who are knowledgeable - and the politicians who are mostly - ignorant and arrogant.

No one in their right mind today seeks to be a politician - the corruption is so deep - it stinks to high heaven.

These candidates will say they will address housing, the homeless situation, Career Jobs when pressed, Child Care, Transportation, other Quality of Life issues - but once in office - they simply do what they did, before.

 Stalling on important issues, fast asleep in the cockpit - more, when they were Supervisors and others who held other mundane positions.

If you look deeply into their priorities- which most people do not - before now - these politicians who think - they are in position of serving the public at large  - but in reality - they all are busy pussyfooting around. Hoodwinking us most of the time - and shameless.

These political whores and pimps are just that - when you deal  - case by case - issues sent to SF City Hall - the long process it takes to adjudicate - on simple issues. It is simply - mind boggling.

When it comes to giving housing to a victim for example - caught in the dilemma - that has plagued our once great City - shootings and killings in broad daylight.

The main problem - these so called representatives suffer - more if they are Black - which happens - in this case - they suffer  from  " inferiority complex " - which hampers their thinking and acting - procrastination.

Again and again you witness these immoral, inept, weak in the knees - pander to Whites and those that have contributed large amounts of money - all have ulterior motives - and many are part of the Mafia.

That is why - when they are caught in a bind - they will whisper in your ear - there is nothing they can do to help anyone - they must first service - and provide succor to those that they are beholden to.

These so called representatives must be able to discern -  they should NOT be in the business of Representing - if they are not cut out for such service.

These politicians must serve the community - those that need help most - not pander to the rich - and make money - big money - they cannot prioritize - the issues at hand.

Often times - ill manner and lack sound etiquette - they bring the hood into the mix - the worst aspects of the hood - and act and become self-serving.

They are a disgrace to the human race.

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