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Saturday, June 5, 2021


Falcons LineBacker - Brandon Copeland - who has a degree in Economics from Penn University - is busy educating fellow football players about their worth, abject discrimination - and many adverse impacts linked to " Race Norming. "

Here is something more that one can ponder on:

We live on this Earth - Homo Sapiens - and have for over 20,000 years - remains Carbon Dated - for those naysayers - who do not want to believe in science - are fanatical - on aspects - and facts - that are part of our empirical data. 

As human beings, we are on a unique journey - and having the life given us - all things being equal - each human being - is programmed the same way 99.9 percent - according to the Genome Chart - that has revolutionized our way of thinking, acting, and placing bio-engineering - others related sciences -  taking us to a better place.

When "medicine"  from the days of its inception - doctors taking the Hippocratic Oath - swearing to treat all with the best that can be offered. Many of us trust Doctors and Medicine - but that is rapidly changing - money seems to have corrupted many - no ethics, less standard, and absolutely NO - morals worth the salt.

Those of us who study Philosophy, Theology, Sociology, the many sciences, including Medicine in all its aspects - we find it ridiculous - that dubious factors are created as a norm - to find some human beings - better than others - work with corrupt insurance companies - to come out with algorithms that defy - norms and standards - pander to corruption and false facts.

In the many "Gladiator Sports," some of us watch - we attach a bias - many love to pity one against the other - it is that inherent bias - that props up - we say may the  "better man win."

We pay No second thought - about the implicit bias - that we display - let the cat out of the bag - and thrive on one Gladiator going for the kill - and salivating on such - nonsense of sorts.

I was born in Nairobi, Kenya, East Africa -  always am proud that I was born at a time and place - where I was allowed to exercise my talents - as best I could. The land of the human race - where - early remains - point to the origin of humankind - Lucy and Oldiway Gorge. 

I was also blessed to travel worldwide - and see for myself - how human beings contribute their best to the Universe. Meeting thousands and facing cultural bias and reality - first hand.

I now live in San Francisco - where we are blessed to have so many nationalities from all over the world.

When the pandemic hit us - here in the United States - initially, we had to overcome many hurdles - our Leadership - at the White House was compromised - and thousands who could have been saved - died.

We did well in San Francisco - overcoming hurdles - links that could not work - making them work - and bringing thousands to sites to get vaccinated. While our Mayor London Breed was barking up the wrong tree, we did this - making statements that had no value. 

She broke the law - had dinner with like-minded folks - and when she broke the law in a congregate setting - she failed to apologize.

London Breed - heard from thousands of essential workers - who worked hard, put their lives on the line - and won our respect. London Breed could not help them with some monetary help - yet, in the middle of pandemic - she gave herself a pay raise - she makes $400,000 plus - shame on Mayor London Breed.

Today, London Breed is that gadfly on the wall - no one worth the salt - respects London Breed and her key appointees to City Hall - who have all failed us - decent, hard-working San Franciscans - miserably.  

Years early, I took a great interest in the Genome Chart - and also with all pandemics - but more diseases like Poliomyletis - better known as " POLIO. " 

I was paralyzed - the entire half side of my body - at age two - and today suffer from atrophy of my left leg.

I have learned to overcome Polio - but also compete in many other fields. 

I have heard the words " Race Norming " and challenged those that believe in that nonsense - proving them with empirical data - that one can and must speak - Truth to Power.

Shed light where there is abject - darkness.

Throughout my life - bringing people together - challenges me to offer opportunities -  to all - women and men - more children and youth.

When - I worked for the Army - I could use my talents - in other areas - and learn more about human dynamics - implicit bias, cultural competency - and a host of other concepts - shared by my inner circle.  We put our minds together and made good stuff happen. Many of those who participated - people of color.

While much has been made about " Race Norming " - Whites purporting to know better - being exposed to what I term - perversive - " inferiority complex" - learn the Truth - the hard way - but learn it, all the same, that is what counts.

"Race Norming" - is tied to Medicine and how a patient who is non-white - factors in some algorithm - that favors some adjudication - that favors - using blatant discrimination - to favor a party or decision - that has no bearing - worth the salt.

In many cases - Insurance companies work with corrupt attorneys - to bring about unjust adjudication - favoring Whites and disrespecting people of color - more Blacks.

Most hospitals and entities that want to save money use people of color as fodder - and this nonsense must STOP.

Here in San Francisco - I have heard at many meetings, some virtual and others in person ( all persons being vaccinated) - a unique situation - many Blacks caught in a web of corruption. 

Even when it comes to corruption - they use the words Race Norming - which is mind baffling.

Some in the circle - mention - " Race Norming " which astounded me - I had to listen - several times - why they used this term - and those most involved with Insurance Companies - were prone to use the words " Race Norming "  - as if the words - were full proof.

Condescending - more discriminating against those who did not have power and fighting the system- kept people down - just because they had no clout.

In 1981 the Federal Government - without much - fun fare implemented " Race Norming." 

I dealt with employees who were discriminated - and had to defend many and won my cases.

Equal Opportunities not made available to people of color - and related issues.

Employees were hard-pressed - to understand who was behind these new concepts.  Well - it was the White House, the U.S. Department of Justice, the leading Federal Agencies - who toed the line - against - people of color.  

In 1991 ten years later - the Civil Rights Act - outlawed the concept and implementation of " Race Norming " - and it still comes out - here, there, and everywhere - showing its ugly head.

It is much like the concept of " Qualified Immunity " - where Law Enforcement most favors White Law Enforcement to shoot first and ask questions later.

Truly speaking, these concepts - go back to the "Slave Plantation" - and Slavery - those who purport to be White - suffering from blatant - " Inferiority Complex" - lynching, treating fellow human beings saying they were only one-third human beings.

In recent years - all sorts of concepts - regarding the Human Race - have been thrown out for discussion.

For starters - we know that 98% of the wealth of our Nation -  is controlled by 0.01 percent of our population - which is around 340 million.

So, why is there a model that gives all citizens and entities in the United States - equal opportunities? What is fundamentally stalling this - if not discrimination of the worst order?

Why do we have a test that favors a certain segment of the population?

When it comes to hate - and treason of the highest order - why did we find - the majority of Whites - tarnish and demean - those values and rights so fundamental - to our common well-being?

Where are the Medical Field and experts on the hooligans, thugs, demeaning Capitol Hill - our Constitution that spells out in detail - about treason - taking both Congress and the Senate - to call for a meaningful and rightful  - hearing and adjudication. 

This nonsense about " Race Norming " - is much like those supporting the "thugs" who demeaned the process at Capitol Hill on January 6, 2021. All of them chose treason and must be dealt with.

We know who controls the National Football League - who are owners, who call the shots - any way you look at it - we know has the Black Football Players are treated like - Gladiators.

When it comes to being fair - paying the White Football Players receiving millions for pain and suffering - all this comes to a halt and stalled - when it comes to BLACKS - we must settle this score - once and for all.

Black basketball players, Black tennis players, Black Soccer players, Black Football players, Black Boxers - all must wake up - and take on the Insurance companies, the Federal agencies that endorse "Race Norming" and related concepts - some ridiculous - but forced down our throats.

The entire " Race Norming " since 1921 is flawed - it is ridiculous and mind blogging - how certain norms are created when it comes to Black women and men - and applied - without a second - thought. 

Here in the United States, many tribes are not Federally Recognized - President Joe Biden - for all his talk must address this situation at hand. 

The indigenous people were here for thousands of years - over 15,000 years. Democracy was practiced by the Six Nations - the Iroquois Federacy.

Our Founding Father invited the tribes of the Six Nations - to the Whtie House. Incorporated many norms and concepts into our Constitution - studied the norms of the Long - Log Cabin - and the Matriachial system - and more.

This implicit bias comes from the Whites suffer from " Inferiority Complex " - many did not take a bath for years - dousing the stench with scents - brought from the Middle East.

The numerals, algebra, geometry, mathematic in short - medicine, and other sciences all originated in the Middle East - the Whites know this but are short of acknowledging the facts - the Babylonian Civilization.

The Moors invaded and conquered Spain and Portugal and the surrounding area - and civilized those uncivilized -  the Univesity of Cordova and more. 

To know our present, we must acknowledge our past - we just cannot start fabricating and making policies - that are detrimental to progress - steeped in divisiveness -  more viable and sustainable. Aho.   


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