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Thursday, June 24, 2021



Mayors Willie L. Brown, Gavin Newsom, Edwin Mah Lee - three sordid Mayors - the purveyors of abject corruption - let us keep it absolute - the worse of them all, Mayor London Breed.

San Francisco City's Hall has failed San Franciscans.

The people, the taxpayers' are not consulted - thug politicians - are having a field day - have long, drab, shallow -virtual meetings - saying one thing and doing another.

All the while, those who need help and in dire straits are slowly dying - they call it " Toxic Stress."

San Francisco has a budget of over $13.7 Billion -yes, Billion.

The Novel COVID-19 pandemic - has flooded the coffers of the City and County of San Francisco. 

Millions wasted at the  San Francisco Emergency Management Office - we do not have an Emergency Management Commander - we have a glorified Security Officer - Mary Ellen Caroll - who keeps hoodwinking us in public.

A simple, direct audit of her department - will reveal the TRUTH.

The basic organizational chart proves my point.

The Chain of Command of any decent Emergency Management Office - San Francisco has been wasting million; any proper audit of the SF Emergency Management Office - will reveal the mess.


Mary Ellen Carroll - a glorified Security Officer.

When the pandemic visited San Francisco - we did NOT have a seasoned Emergency Management Director or Commander.

We do NOT have one today - while the Mayor London Breed and others would like us to believe - almost everything is in place - most things are NOT.

San Francisco had NO clue about how to deal with the Federal Management Emergency Agency (FEMA).

San Francisco could not place the software to create invoices to send to FEMA for prompt payment.

To this day, San Francisco outsources some services - to third parties who fleece us - all because we do not have a seasoned, well-qualified Emergency Management Director or Commander.

We do not have anyone who has the tools and understands the process - again and again, we fail - because we are never prepared. 

Again and again, without a seasoned Emergency Management Director - all sorts of " needs assessment " cannot be done. 

The City Administrator Naomi Kelly had to spend an inordinate time helping Mary Ellen Carroll  - the former General Manager of the SF Public Utilities Commission, the present Controller Ben Rosenfield and his helpers - others to many to name.

Many department heads wasted time at the Moscone East Hub - while nothing much was happening at SF City Hall. 

The Federal Government had billions of dollars - at the ready to help San Franciscans - but we did not have our act together - and a detailed audit will reveal the results.

Right now - those exposed are covering the mistakes. You all can run, but you cannot hide forever.

Ben Rosenfield - SF Controller

We, the people - who must monitor the crooks - first and foremost must be educated on issues.

The upper Management in San Francisco - starting from the Mayor London Breed, the former assessor Carmen Chu now SF City Administrator, the former SF City Administrator Naomi Kelly, the present Controller Ben Rosenfield - were all caught off guard.

What kept the inner circle going was FEMA and the generous Federal grants and loans - that the City and County of San Francisco took advantage of - and wasted millions.

The City and County of San Francisco - had NO clue about FEMA protocol - caught in its own delirious manners and corruption action - led by lies and more lies - again and again, receipts were submitted to FEMA -  with justification and without following strict rules and regulations.

Right now, the SF Controller Office is upgrading its system -  it is a bit too late - better late than never.

The former U.S. Attorney for Nothern California - had the guts to bring many unsavory and despicable individuals - who wasted millions of dollars - as much as $400 million - Harlan Kelly, Juliet Ellis, Dwayne Jones, Massood Ordikhani - others to many to name. A can of worms was opened - revealing what I was saying for over 18 years.  

Follow the money.

The Sewer System Improvement Project (SSIP) started with a budget of $6 Billion - it has reached $12 Billion - and will head towards $20 Billion before 2025.

The Digesters linked to the Sewer System Improvement Project is in limbo  - crawling at a snail's pace - and will soon reach more than $2 billion plus.

Inherent to the project - which has NO accountability and less transparency - the high cost of energy - with Pacific Gas and Electric (PG&E) - mandating no agreement to supply subsidized energy rates.

The Biosolids Digester Facilities Project Team - is a Mafia-run operation - at the cost of over $1.2 Billion - with grandiose plans to hoodwink and eliminate some essential components - eliminating one digester - bypassing other vital elements to save money. 

MWH/WEBCOR Joint Venture Team is NOT the right choice - it has failed the community before - and a simple audit of any proposed plan - does not justify - standards, ethics, morals - and plain decency.

The present Novel COVID-19 pandemic - has just begun. The Delta Variant is here in San Francisco - there are serious health and safety concerns - linked to the primes including MWH/WEBCOR - it is time for the Environmental Protection Agency, the Bay Area Regional Water Department, the Bay Area Air Quality and Management District - to monitor the sordid actions planned by MWH/WEBCOR.

I call upon the Federal Bureau of Investigation - to review the sordid plans now undergoing drastic changes - convoluted - and obnoxious - treating the taxpayers who have been kept out of the deliberations - using crooks like Dwayne Jones who failed with the sole-source EMERSON project - emersed in the Joint Venture MWH/WEBCOR team.

Dwayne Jones is not to be trusted - he knows that - and too many others know it too - Dwayne states he is s Philanthropist, Gatekeeper of the Bayview Hunter Point -  he does outreach that once came under the preview of Juliet Ellis - and Workforce - and he does it as any crook does - he gets paid upfront - he will be singing the blues - shortly.

Any general review of the failed EMERSON project will reveal all that is need - Dwayne Jones Non-Profit going under - the entire Board of Directors - jumping ship.

The San Francisco UNIONS must stand ready - and here is the clarion call - I will reveal to the UNIONS in San Francisco the sordid plan of MWH/WEBCOR and the Mafia.

Let us get to the core of their key goals :

They want to build TRUST - that cannot happen - they LIE.

They want to improve communication - they cannot speak the language.

They want to drive to a Target Budget -  change orders are their forte.

They want to speak of accountability to meet objectives - that will not happen - with ulterior motives - and hidden costs - they look you in the eye and lie.

Now here are their Key Strategies :

They want to drive down the costs - in the middle of surge and pandemic - by increasing repackaging Bid Strategy.

They propose Value Engineering efforts to identify viable and sustainable cost savings - that cannot happen - too many unknowns.

They propose improved Governance and Communication with SF Public Utilities Commission  - not with Dennis Herera in the cockpit - William Carlin jumping ship - Dennis Herrera stacking his inner circle - playing hardball.

The current Joint Venture team has no clue - that the old corrupt structure with the SFPUC and the agencies that monitor corruption - including the SF Ethics Commission - is poised for direct actions - more investigators - more stringent rules and regulations.

The SF UNIONS can and must step up their modus operandi - with gusto - armed with empirical data -  sound timelines and goals.

Now that you know - how foolish these PRIMES are - they think they can come into your home - and rearrange the furniture - without asking you the permission. 

These Primes who stink to high heaven - must now be taken to task - no stone must be left unturned to take them to court.

Bring - justice and Fairplay to the fore - for too long - have too many sordid crooks - taking advantage of the Bayview Hunters Point Community - the innocent taxpayers taken for a ride. 

The Bayview Hunters Point and the surrounding area have suffered the adverse impacts -  methane gas, dangerous particulates, lead pipes still carrying drinking water, lack of opportunities - how much must those who need dire help - suffer.

Our infants, children, youth, and Elders - those with compromised health- are slowly dying.

More our physically and mentally challenged.

Here these crooks are planning to hoodwink us - no one can fool - all the people all the time.

In the interim, the killings and shootings are on the increase in San Francisco.

Soon the Feds will be here - and take care of what needs to be taken care of.  Many on the payroll of Dwayne Jones - better wake up - you will be toast. 



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