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Wednesday, June 23, 2021



San Francisco Municipal Transportation Agency - Quality of Life issues compromised. The service from bad to worse.

The Novel COVID-19 virus has hit San Francisco hard - stunned our economy - and while billions - federal money is available - the politicians - are busy wheeling and dealing. 

The SF Municipal Transportation Agency - will fall flat on its face - even as it has failed to accept - the many adverse impacts - Mr. Trumblin the Director and his lackeys - have disowned the Taxi Drivers - stealing the money that they paid into the  SF MTA coffers -  their medallions worthless - their value states in the thousands - as much as $200,000 - many have Taxi Drivers have died from shock - treated by disdain by the corrupt and evil - SF Municipal Transportation Agency.

Mr. Trumblin, the Director of the SF MTA, lacks sound leadership - the MUNI drivers detest him - the MTA Commissioners - kicking the can down the street. The Feds have provided billions - the SFMTA - has been slow to act - and will fall flat on their face.

We all miss Ed Reskin - he did his best - but some unsavory individuals ganged upon Ed Reskin.

That - includes Mayor London Breed - and now we are dealing with a can of worms. Typical of London Breed with no experience, less etiquette, uncouth - and always barking up the wrong tree. 

SF Chief Williams Scott

As it is, we suffering from severe crimes - violence has increased - shooting and killings. Yet, the SF Police Chief - keeps smiling and making promises -  it is time we bring in the MILITARY.

When 70% of San Franciscans - feel deeply that they have been compromised - by crimes car breaking, home break-ins, assaults, shootings and killings, domestic violence - TOXIC STRESS is in - and the SF Police Department - has been pussyfooting around.

The SF Police Commission Virtual meetings - are boring - and the more you watch them - the Chair Malia Cohen - has NO clue what is happening at ground zero.

The other SF Police Commissioners are using the SF Police Commission much like a Sitcom - talking and wasting precious time. 

At Public Comment - the public is fed up with their performance - and the SF Police Commissioners should be ashamed of themselves.

On two key fronts - transportation and safety - those in charge have compromised Quality of Life issues - in San Francisco.

San Francisco General Hospital 

As the years go by, the SF Department of Health - has chosen deferred maintenance - chronic red tape to fill important positions at the SF General Hospital.
Chosen to play with fire - when it comes to appointing an experienced person to handle the Behavioral Department - importing someone from New York - and created a mess with the mentally challenged population -  on the streets of San Francisco. 

The Delta Variant is here in San Francisco - we are capable of having a " surge " - more where the congregate situation - in the many " tent cities "  - filthy conditions will aid the situation - and all hell will break loose. 

Our Mayor London Breed - foolish as she is - lacks sound leadership and empirical data - favors camps for children who are NOT vaccinated.

We have over 30% of San Franciscans who have taken just one shot - so what are we doing to bring them to take their second shot - and collect data - of all those who have two shots - and added two weeks after their second shot - who fall into the safe category - being fully vaccinated.

London Breed has no clue what is happening at ground zero - most of her time - hogging at restaurants - she has NO blueprint - the appointment she makes at the various Commissions -  the likes of Malia Cohen - other misfits - all compromising Quality of Life Issues in San Francisco. 

This tent city is one of the cleaner ones - the others are filthy - needles, the stench of urine, defecation all over the place - San Francisco has a disparity that has been compared to Rwanda, a third world nation - hundreds dying - and not accounted for - more bodies at the morgue - with no cone to claim the bodies. 

All over San Francisco - tent cities - more and more people shooting drugs - and the city has a pandemic that of drug abuse - many dying - and the Mayor fast asleep at the cockpit.

Many bodies lying in the SF morgue - with no one to claim them. If you use the Freedom of Information Act - to investigate - what is happening at the morgue - all sorts - rules and regulation - denying information. Mayor London Breed has NO clue what is happening - all she does is hog the entire day.

Those surrounding her - are fed up with her tantrums - so many have left her inner circle. 

London Breed - is behaving like Caligula - Sean Esbernd must warn her about her demonic behavior and impending madness - one of a kind.

Our  SF roads are torn up and not repaired.

Our Muni buses are dirty and carriers of all sorts of diseases. 

Shooting and killings on the increase - 70% of San Francisco - demand someone take care of this utter nonsense. More police foot patrols  - and Case Managers - who can do a needs assessment.

Infants, children, youth, young adults, Elders, those with compromised health - more the physically and mentally challenged suffering - all the while Mayor London Breed is wasting time - cutting ribbons - and failing to address Quality of Life issues.

The Mayor has NOT taken a stand - the thousands of renters - who cannot pay their rent and are suffering from Toxic Shock.

The thousands of essential workers - overworked and underpaid - the Mayor London Breed - took a raise in the middle of the pandemic - she makes $400,000.

London Breed has nothing to show - for that compensation - except barking up the wrong tree - every opportunity she gets.


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