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Wednesday, June 30, 2021



SF City Hall - inundated with abject corruption.

The entire " budget and appropriation " process was tedious and drab -. "

The many long, drawn-out virtual meetings " - further made the process - painful. 

One had to listen to nonsense - for hours - and then allowed to make a measly two minutes of public comment.

SF Board of Supervisors is mandated to serve the people they represent. One would not come to that conclusion - listening to the rambling - kicking the can down the street - at the many drab - long drawn out - " virtual meeting."

The current pandemic has forced over 90,000 San Francisco who contributed so much to San Francisco - to leave San Francisco.

In San Francisco, our neighborhoods - make what San Francisco is all about. The present SF Board of Supervisors is caught with nefarious activities and concepts that defy logic and plain decency.

Our neighborhoods in SF have gone to the hogs.

Our essential workers are suffering - and most of them have been used like a " dirty rag ".

Many - will be told to seek jobs on their own - more than 37,000 employees work for the City and County of San Francisco.

The essential workers - took upon themselves to serve this City and County of San Francisco and did an excellent job.

At the SF General Hospital, there have been thousands of incidents - assaults on those that cater to those that come to the SF General Hospital - for service.

Patients - mentally challenged, but more frustrated, angry, saturated with " toxic stress" - use the essential workers' nurses, caseworkers, doctors, medical technicians, others - like a punching bag.   

Many screened enter - come with knives, other weapons - thousand so these dangerous weapons - could be used - to cause great harm. Naturally - those doing the screening are playing an important function - those in authority want to compromise - the role of the Sheriffs who are charged with this duty. 

Shamann Walton

Shamann Walton is the current SF President of the SF BOS - again and again - Shamann does things without a thorough Blue Print - his plan to place some Elders - on some parking space - surrounding by piles of sand - the sand flying all over the place - the air contaminated -  after a year - Shamann convinced the Bay Area Air Quality Management District - to provide some air purifiers - but this does not mean the Elders live - in an environment that is holistic -  Shamann has a degree as a nutritionist - he talks too much - and must be educated on issues.

All over San Francisco - over 12,000 homeless folks - crash anywhere they can. Others live in tents - surrounded by filthy conditions.

After living in filthy conditions, human beings - slowly - get used to filth and in a pandemic - such as today - more with the current - Delta variant - all the good work we have done - vaccinating thousands can turn to - naught.

Right now, we have a surge of the Delta Variant in Los Angles - over 500 have died.

Mayor London Breed - has been hoodwinking us - talking about everything under the sun - accept addressing Quality of Life issues.

Poll after poll - spells out the details - the chronic homeless situation, the attacks on tourists and, hundreds of decent San Franciscans.

The many home break-ins, car break-ins, domestic violence in the thousands, shootings, and killings must be addressed on a War Footing.

Mayor London Breed has been an utter failure. She gave herself a pay rise in the middle of the pandemic - $400,000 - San Francisco has gone to the - hogs under her charge.

In San Francisco, we have thousands - who cannot pay their rent.

The SF City cannot help most - at the most one-third of those who need help. Already many are homeless - and others - fed up have left San Francisco. 

The State of California says it has money to help those who need help with their rent. Even as statements are made - the practical issues - are tremendous - for those suffering " toxic stress."

To get help - one needs to produce - too many documents - and there is NO help given to the renters. It is time - the City and County of San Francisco - work with the Community Based Organizations - provide CENTERS - provide them resources - to help those renters - who have lived here for decades - and now have nowhere to go.

Even as much is made of Food Security - our Elders are left to fend for themselves. We saw this when vaccinations were available - but no one wanted to provide transportation and help to the Elders. 

We took it upon ourselves to do this - and tried our best to help thousands of others to get vaccinated - we did this because this is our City - and we love our City.

The SF politicians talk too much  - they talk too much - more walk and less talk.

Our children in San Francisco - must be nurtured - they must be loved and taken care of - we must NOT be put in harm's way - more, with the current Delta Variant - playing havoc all over the world.

The Mayor does not understand - that our children are NOT vaccinated - and that these gimmicks - having camps - are not the right things to operate - in the middle of the pandemic.

The Mayor's Office of  Children, Youth, and Families - tow the line - and so far has got away.

One singular incident - linked to the Delta Variant - all hell will break loose - with the Mayor London Breed and Maria Su - singing the blues.

Only those who have taken two doses of the vaccine - and have completed two weeks after taking the vaccine - are the ones who can say they are vaccinated.

Unfortunately - we have thousands who have just take one dose - and they are counted as having been vaccinated. 

We also need all those who are fully vaccinated - be digitally registered.

For all the talk - after people get vaccinated - we must follow up and see that this " firewall " - that helps " herd immunity " - is studied, and this is not happening in San Francisco.

The Mayor and others are bragging - when they have done nothing much -  the essential workers - most of whom do not respect the Mayor, the SF Politicians are fed up with the nonchalant attitude of those in authority corrupt standards - fewer ethics. 

The budget is here - some $13.7 with many loopholes.

We, the people, must be at the table - we are not.

The people must be represented - the infants, children, youth, young adults, Elders, those with compromised care.

The people united - will never, ever be defeated.

San Francisco is the place - where the UNITED NATIONS - was formed - too many " crimes against humanity " committed against so many in San Francisco - who will say their names?

We, the people, must be permitted to deliberate - NOT the measly two minutes of public comment.

The Virtual Meetings - are not true meetings - as I said, they cause " Toxic Stress " - more, when SF BOS - talk, talk, and talk.

The people who pay our taxes are fed up with these crooks - who have nothing to offer - but toxic hot air. Aho. 


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